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Breaking News and Commentary from CLG - 27 Mar 2012

Breaking News and Commentary from Citizens For Legitimate Government

27 Mar 2012


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Citizens for Legitimate Government calls for National Hoodie Day - Friday, 30 March 2012 --Let's make Friday national hoodie day so that millions can demand justice for Trayvon Martin! --Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. Join us!! Facebook Event. Use Twitter hashtag: #NationalHoodieDay --Follow CLG on Twitter.

Japan nuclear reactor has fatally high radiation, no water --Tuesday's examination with an industrial endoscope detected radiation levels up to 10 times the fatal dose inside the chamber. 27 Mar 2012 One of Japan's crippled nuclear reactors still has fatally high radiation levels and hardly any water to cool the No. 2 reactor, according to an internal examination Tuesday that renews doubts about the plant's stability. Plant officials previously said more than half of melted fuel has breached the core and dropped to the floor of the primary containment vessel, some of it splashing against the wall or the floor. Particles from melted fuel have probably sent radiation levels up to dangerously high 70 sieverts per hour inside the container, said Junichi Matsumoto, spokesman for Tokyo Electric Power Co.

Fukushima Pref. deleted 5 days of radiation dispersion data just after meltdowns 22 Mar 2012 The Fukushima Prefectural Government revealed on March 21 that it deleted five days of early radiation dispersion data almost entirely unread in the wake of the meltdowns at the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant. The data from the System for Prediction of Environmental Emergency Dose Information (SPEEDI) - intended to predict the spread of radioactive contamination, information vital for issuing evacuation advisories - was emailed to the prefectural government by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The Nuclear Safety Technology Center sent the data hourly starting at 11:54 p.m. on March 12, 2011 - one day into the nuclear crisis. The Fukushima Prefectural Government, however, deleted all the data it received from March 12 to about 9 a.m. March 16.

Feds: San Onofre nuclear plant can't reopen until problems fixed 27 Mar 2012 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, citing serious concerns about equipment failures at the San Onofre nuclear plant, on Tuesday prohibited plant operator Southern California Edison from restarting the plant until the problems are thoroughly understood [?!?] and fixed. The plant has already been shut down for two months, the longest in San Onofre's history, after a tube leak in one of the plant's steam generators released a small amount of radioactive steam. Neither regulators nor Edison have said when they believe the plant will reopen. Since then, unusual wear has been found on hundreds of tubes.

One-Third of U.S. Bird Species Endangered, Survey Finds 20 Mar 2012 Habitat destruction, pollution and other problems have left nearly a third of the nation’s 800 bird species endangered, threatened or in serious decline, according to a study issued on Thursday. Described as the most comprehensive survey of American bird life, the report, "The U.S. State of the Birds," analyzed changes in the bird population over the last 40 years. Citing surveys by government agencies, conservation organizations and citizen volunteers, the report said that the population of grassland birds had declined by 40 percent and birds in arid lands by 30 percent. It estimated that 39 percent of bird species that depend on American coastal waters were in decline.

Pentagon to seek additional Iron Dome funding for Israel, U.S. official says 27 Mar 2012 The Pentagon will approach Congress to enlarge the amount aid the United States awards Israel toward the production of the Iron Dome anti-missile systems, a U.S. official said on Tuesday. Last week, Rep. Howard L. Berman introduced the Iron Dome Support Act (IDSA) authorizing U.S. President Barack Obama to provide assistance if requested by the Israeli government to procure additional Iron Dome systems. While the Iron Dome Support Act was still in initial stages of the legislation process, it has already won support from both parties. [Oh, I though the US had a huge *deficit?* Paul Ryan wants to end Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid with, make no mistake about it, Obusha's tacit approval -- and yet, US taxpayers have to fund Israel's *insatiable* war machine?]

As with Iraq and every other country USociopaths invade and occupy for Exxon Mobil and Blackwater: Billions in cash smuggled out of Afghanistan every year 26 Mar 2012 "It's hard to estimate exactly how much is going out of Afghanistan, but I can tell you in 2011, 4.5 billion was (flown) out of Afghanistan," said Khan Afzal Hadawal, deputy governor of the bank of Afghanistan. That is just what is moving out of the Kabul airport. It is estimated $8 billion in cash was lugged out of the country last year by car, private jets and border crossings. That is almost double the entire country's budget for 2011.

Support in US for Afghan War Drops Sharply, Poll Finds 27 Mar 2012 After a series of violent episodes and setbacks, support for the war in Afghanistan has dropped sharply among both Republicans and Democrats, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. The survey found that more than two-thirds of those polled - 69 percent - thought that the United States should not be at war in Afghanistan. Just four months ago, 53 percent said that Americans should no longer be fighting in the conflict, more than a decade old. The increased disillusionment was even more pronounced when respondents were asked their impressions of how the war was going.

11 suicide vests found at Afghan military HQ 27 Mar 2012 A major terrorist plot targeting Afghan soldiers was uncovered Monday at the Ministry of Defense headquarters in Kabul, an official at the Ministry has confirmed to CBS News. The official, who asked not to be identified because the Afghan government yet to acknowledge the plot, revealed that 11 suicide vests were found in three rooms in the area surrounding a parking lot at the Ministry. ...It is known that 11 buses were scheduled to leave the parking lot carrying Afghan army personnel. The working theory among investigators so far is that a bomber was meant to get on each of those buses and stage a spectacular simultaneous attack.

Afghan troops turn guns on NATO allies, killing 3 26 Mar 2012 Afghan security forces shot and killed three international troops Monday, one of them an American, in two attacks. They were the latest in a rising number of attacks in which Afghan forces have turned their weapons on their foreign partners. The killings reflect a spike in tensions between Afghan and international forces that follow an American soldier's alleged massacre of Afghan civilians, the burning of Muslim holy books at a U.S. base, and uncertainty about Afghanistan's fate as foreign troops prepare to pull out.

Army Tried to Delete Bales From Web After Arrest 22 Mar 2012 Besides waiting nearly a week before identifying the Army staff sergeant accused of killing 16 Afghan villagers, the U.S. military scrubbed its websites of references to his combat service. Gone were photographs of the suspect, Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, as well as a recounting in his base's newspaper of a 2007 battle in Iraq involving his unit, a report that quoted him extensively. But they weren't really gone. [*Duh.*] Despite the best efforts to remove it, the material about Bales was still available on the Internet, such as in cached versions of Web pages.

'No US-led trooper will face charges over Pakistan killings' 25 Mar 2012 The US military says no American soldier will face disciplinary charges for the US-led airstrikes that killed 24 soldiers in northwestern Pakistan last November. A second investigation into the incident carried out by the US military determined that no American military personnel should be punished in face of the deadly airstrikes, The New York Times reported on Saturday, citing three senior military officials. The American forces fired in self-defense and any other mistakes had been the result of battlefield confusion, the officials said.

More than 70 pct of war casualties civilian in 2011 - report 27 Mar 2012 Civilians accounted for 71 percent of people killed and injured by explosive weapons in 2011, with most of such casualties taking place in Iraq, according to a report released on Tuesday. At least 21,499 civilians were reported killed or injured over a 12-month period in 68 countries and territories, according to data gathered from news sources on 2,522 incidents of explosive violence, the report by non-profit group Action on Armed Violence (AOAV) said... Of all casualties recorded in populated areas, 84 percent were civilians, according to the group, which is a member of non-governmental organisation International Network on Explosive Weapons (INEW).

Iraq locks down Baghdad before Arab summit --Baghdad residents irked by tighter security 25 Mar 2012 Iraq's government has locked down Baghdad ahead of this week's Arab League Summit, throwing up a maze of security checkpoints and roadblocks as it seeks to protect the capital from insurgent attacks. The three-day summit is the first of its kind to be held in Iraq in more than two decades. Entire streets in Baghdad have been closed, SWAT teams have been combing the city, the government has declared a five-day public holiday, and around 100,000 extra security forces have been drafted in to man hundreds of checkpoints.

Hundreds of Israelis march in Tel Aviv to protest war with Iran 24 Mar 2012 Hundreds of Israelis marched in Tel Aviv on Saturday to protest against a possible Israeli strike on Iran's nuclear facilities. The protest came amid a recent Facebook campaign linking Israeli and Iranian citizens in their opposition to war between the two nations. Campaign leaders, however, made it clear on their Facebook page that they had nothing to do with the Tel Aviv protest march.

Israel mulls ways to penalize PA in wake of UN human rights probe 25 Mar 2012 Israel is considering sanctions against the Palestinian Authority after the United Nations' Human Rights Council decided to establish an international investigative committee on the West Bank settlements. Today, a forum of eight senior Israeli cabinet ministers is scheduled to meet in Jerusalem to discuss sanctions against the PA and representatives of the UN Human Rights Council in Israel. It is unclear whether any decisions will be made during today's meeting. Three members of the octet reportedly support freezing the transfer of tax revenues to the PA.

Hacker group LulzSec reborn, exposes 171,000 military accounts 27 Mar 2012 The hacker group known as LulzSec appears to be back after many months of laying low, claiming to have exposed the accounts of nearly 171,000 members of the military. The group, which in 2011 went after government agencies and companies including the FBI and CIA, claims to have exposed the email accounts of thousands of members on the website MilitarySingles.com. "There are emails such as @us.army.mil; @carney.navy.mil; @greatlakes.cnet.navy.mil; @microsoft.com; etc..," the group said in a note posted on the website Pastebin. The Pentagon could not be reached for comment about the severity of the database dump.

Merah may not have been attached to al-Qaeda --Police said there was no sign he had been in contact with organized groups or 'jihadists.' 24 Mar 2012 Investigators in France have said a suggestion by gunman Mohamed Merah that he was linked to al-Qaeda [al-CIAduh] may have been false. They have found no sign that the gunman was under the umbrella of al-Qaeda or any other militant terror group. In disputing Mohamed Merah's claim of terrorist ties police have had to fend off questions as to why they were not tracking Merah, who they had been aware of for many years due to his perceived dedication to radical Islam. [LOL, *awkward!* It becomes even *more* embarrassing for USociopaths when reports emerge that these supposed 'jihadists' are on the CIA payroll.]

France charges gunman's brother with terrorism --Detained last week, he will remain in custody pending further investigation. 25 Mar 2012 A Frenchman suspected of helping his brother plot attacks against Jewish schoolchildren and paratroopers was handed preliminary murder and terrorism charges Sunday. But Abdelkader Merah denied any role in the attacks. Investigators looking into France's worst terror attacks in years believe Merah helped his brother Mohamed prepare the killings, and are investigating whether they were linked to an international network of extremists or worked on their own. Abdelkader's lawyer said he feels like "a scapegoat."

JetBlue captain: 'They're going to take us down' --Security firm witness: Captain began yelling about an unspecified threat linked to Iran, Iraq and Afghanistan. --Passengers: Captain stormed out of cockpit, started acting erratically and seemed disoriented 27 Mar 2012 Passengers onboard a JetBlue flight bound for Las Vegas on Tuesday tackled and restrained the plane's captain after he was locked out of the cockpit by crew members, screamed 'they're going to take us down' and ranted about al-Qaida [al-CIAduh] and a possible bomb onboard, passengers said. The captain of JetBlue Airways Flight 191 from New York's John F. Kennedy International Airport had a "medical situation" and the co-pilot diverted the plane to land in Amarillo, Texas, around 10 a.m., the airline said.

UK army soldiers to drive fuel tankers 27 Mar 2012 The British government is to deploy the army on streets in the country in response to the decision made by Britain’s fuel tanker drivers to stage industrial action. Fuel tanker drivers in Britain voted for strike action on Monday to express their anger over their working conditions and health and safety regulations. The strike action would be the first nationwide strike in the sector in 12 years and could close up to 7,900 petrol stations across Britain.

Trayvon Martin Investigator Wanted Manslaughter Charge 27 Mar 2012 The lead homicide investigator in the shooting of unarmed teenager Trayvon Martin recommended that neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman be charged with manslaughter the night of the shooting, multiple sources told ABC News. But Sanford, Fla., Investigator Chris Serino was instructed to not press charges against Zimmerman because the state attorney's office headed by Norman Wolfinger determined there wasn't enough evidence to lead to a conviction, the sources told ABC News.

George Zimmerman son of judge with sealed closed arrest record in Fla. 27 Mar 2012 'Now we know why George Zimmerman didn't get arrested... No Words... According to court records, George Zimmerman is the son of retired Supreme Court Magistrate Judge Robert J Zimmerman, his mother Gladys Zimmerman is a court clerk... He has three closed arrests: 7/18/05 for resisting arrest with violence and battery on a law enforcement officer div 10... 8/9/05 for domestic violence div 44... And again on 8/10/05, domestic violence div 46 ***' (Live Radio Show)

Savage killing of Iraqi mother of five in California investigated as hate crime 25 Mar 2012 California police say an Iraqi-born mother of five who was beaten to death may have been the victim of a hate crime. The killer of Shaima Alawadi, 32, left a note reportedly reading: "Go back to your own country. You're a terrorist." Alawadi, an immigrant, died on Saturday after the attack last Wednesday. Her 17-year-old daughter, Fatima, told a local television station that her mother had been beaten on the head repeatedly with a tyre lever, and that the note said "go back to your country, you terrorist". The police confirmed a note had been found but did not release the details.

Blue Cross-Blue Shield of Mass. filed amicus brief in support of Obama's health-care law --In SCOTUS case, Obamacare has industry allies 26 Mar 2012 Lawyers from the health insurance and hospital industries have petitioned the Supreme Court to save President Obama's health-care law from a constitutional challenge by 26 states and a small-business group, while other big-business lobbies have stayed neutral. Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts filed an amicus brief with the court in support of Obama's Department of Health & Human Services. The insurer writes that it played a central role in crafting Mitt Romney's Massachusetts health-care law that served as the prototype of Obamacare... On the question of constitutionality, Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Massachusetts argues that the individual mandate is "a valid exercise of the Commerce Power because Congress had a rational basis for concluding that, in the aggregate, the practice of self-insuring for the cost of health care substantially affects interstate commerce."

Supreme Court majority skeptical on 'health care' law 27 Mar 2012 In the fight over President Obama's 'health care' law, this was the main event. On Tuesday, the nine justices of the Supreme Court heard arguments on the part of the law that requires all Americans to have health insurance or pay a fine. It's called the [GOP-authored] individual mandate. The Obama administration said that the mandate will make sure everyone has health care while keeping insurance affordable. Opponents say it's a dangerous new power for the government by forcing citizens to buy a [flawed, overpriced and unnecessary] product. The health care law is considered President Obama's signature achievement, but Tuesday it appeared a majority of the justices were ready to describe the individual mandate another way: unconstitutional.

If the US didn't have its busy-body nose in every country's business on the planet for Exxon Mobil and Blackwater, US citizens could have single-payer health care: Court Opens 'Health-Care' Clash With Law That May End Case 26 Mar 2012 The U.S. Supreme Court opened its historic arguments on President Barack Obama's health-care overhaul insurance cartel giveaway with several justices suggesting they are prepared to rule this year rather than wait for the law to take full effect. Justices including Stephen Breyer and Ruth Bader Ginsburg today suggested they didn't view an 1867 law as barring them from ruling immediately on the central question, the law's requirement that Americans either get insurance or pay a penalty... The court is hearing three days of arguments on the 2010 law, Obama’s biggest legislative achievement [for Wall Street].

Santorum picks up delegates with win in Louisiana 25 Mar 2012 Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum picked up 10 convention delegates by winning Louisiana's Republican presidential primary Saturday. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney won five delegates and five will be designated as uncommitted. Santorum's haul was limited by Louisiana's rules for awarding delegates.

CLG Editor-in-Chief: Lori Price. CLG Chair: Michael Rectenwald, Ph.D. Copyright © 2012, Citizens for Legitimate Government ® All rights reserved.


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