Community conservation gets $8.4 million boost from DOC
14 October 2015
Community conservation gets $8.4 million boost from DOC
More than $8 million has been granted to support 120 community-based groups working alongside the Department of Conservation on conservation projects this year.
The support comes from DOC’s Community Conservation Partnerships Fund (CCPF) – DOC’s largest ever funding commitment to community conservation.
The Community Conservation fund is in its second round of annual grants to support community organisations involved in natural heritage and recreation projects. This year’s allocation brings total grants over the past two years to more than $16 million.
DOCs Director General, Lou Sanson says practical, on-the-ground conservation projects across the country have been funded, ranging from groups looking after rare birds such as kiwi and kokako, to clubs helping to renovate and maintain backcountry huts and community initiatives to restore local wetlands and wildlife.
“Directly supporting these community organisations means we will see more conservation work, more New Zealanders active in the outdoors and more people aware of our country’s unique conservation challenges,” says Lou Sanson.
“For example, animal pest control is a frontline community conservation effort and DOC’s Community Conservation fund has granted more than $2 million this year towards local groups who are working to improve the natural habitat by reducing the impact of rats, stoats and possums.”
“Communities can make a real difference by their efforts and nature has a chance to recover and reinforce its place in our values.”
A further $226 000 is
targeted directly to support community-based kiwi projects
including a grant to Te Rarawa in Northland to target dog
kiwi-aversion training in the far North.
“Many kiwi are
lost to dog attacks in Northland and Te Rarawa have pledged
to make a difference in this kiwi stronghold. DOC and local
councils are really pleased to be able to work with
communities to facilitate change.” says Lou Sanson.
Weed control is a major on-going conservation problem
and the fund has this year granted $1.25 million for plant
pest projects.
“We have a co-ordinated ‘War on
Weeds’ and organisations like the QE2 National Trust and
the Weed-Busters programme will create communities caring
about their natural heritage and getting involved in
One of the biggest single grants goes to build on the successful work of the Recreation Consortium. This amalgamation of tramping, climbing, hunting and biking clubs receives $500 000 to extend their programme of working with DOC to maintain backcountry huts and tracks.
“Backcountry users are passionate about our outdoor heritage and this funding is a simple, practical way of enabling them to get involved in its care.”
“I’m delighted at the level of interest from communities across New Zealand in getting involved in local conservation projects and warmly congratulate those that have successfully secured funding for their projects. I look forward to the conservation gains that will stem from the opportunities that the fund has created” Lou Sanson says.
A full list of this year’s successful
applicants is available at: