Arrests As Part Of Operation Cobalt
Nelson Police have arrested three men following an aggravated robbery as part of Operation Cobalt enforcement activity.
On Sunday 23 October three men allegedly assaulted, threatened, and robbed a man after offering him a ride.
Fortunately, the victim was not seriously injured.
Police executed search warrants at addresses associated with those believed to have been involved in the incident on Wednesday 3 November and all three men were arrested.
Tasman Police are committed to ensuring we contribute to Operation Cobalt by targeting and disrupting unlawful gang activities.
We want to send a clear message to gangs that unlawful behaviour will not be tolerated and people will be held accountable for their behaviour.
The victim in this incident was going about his business and should not have been subject to such senseless intimidation and violence and such behaviour will not be tolerated in our community.
The group of men taken into custody, aged 22, 26 and 29, are all patched or associate members of the Mongrel Mob.
They have all been charged with Aggravated Robbery and appeared in the Nelson District Court today.