Need A Nest? Ready For A Boost? NestBoost 2023 Is Here!
two/fiftyseven’s NestBoost for impact startups and organisations is back, bigger and better than ever!
Applications for two/fiftyseven’s 2023 NestBoost program open on 16 November 2022
The scholarship offers support for impact-focused organisations who are looking for a place to work and the support to help them thrive.
The program runs for two years, beginning in early 2023
The level of support on offer has doubled from the 2022 program
The NestBoost program brings together some of the best of two/fiftyseven’s established community to support those who are joining the community, starting out on their impact journey, or wanting to take their organisation to the next level.
Nurture, CoLiberate, The Well, bloom HQ, spacelamp and two/fiftyseven are all contributing services and workspace support to the scholarship.
The two/fiftyseven impact community includes Oxfam, Kowtow, Humble Bee Bio, InsideOUT, Boring, BeConnected, Circularity, Sharesies, badass careers, Keep New Zealand Beautiful and many other focused on creating a sustainable and socially just world.
Past NestBoost recipients include CoLiberate, BloomHQ, NonStop Solutions, and Mana Reports.
CoLiberate offer mental health peer support training, and have now certified close to 2,600 people, resulting in over 450,000 critical support conversations every year.
“It made it possible for our team to work in person together each week! More than anything, it feels amazing that 2/57 are choosing to value our development - our impact has grown so much.” Grainne Patterson - CoLiberate
Who should apply:
Applicants focused on creating impact focused on a sustainable and socially just world.
Organisations are at a development stage that will clearly benefit from the space, wellbeing, financial planning and community support the program and two/fiftyseven provides.
Exciting organisations looking to make big impacts in the world and dreaming of a supportive community working on similar projects.
A panel made up of two/fiftyseven members, Nurture, CoLiberate, spacelamp and kaitiaki of the space will assess applications.
To find out more and apply - go here