Pink Is the New Pledge
9 August 2012
Pink Is the New Pledge
The Pink Ribbon Calendar Project is the latest venture to list on crowd funding platform PledgeMe.
The collaborative arts initiative involves New Zealand’s top body painters and features some well-known Kiwis - Comedian Jools Topp, Fashion Designer Liz Mitchell, Chef Anne Thorp, Psychologist Gwendoline Smith and Singer Hinewehi Mohi. All these women have been affected by breast cancer and they are bravely baring their bodies to raise awareness about the disease.
A total of twenty one breast cancer survivors have been body painted and photographed and the resulting art work will be turned into a beautiful 2013 calendar.
Calendar creators, Auckland business woman and breast cancer survivor, Liz Oliver and professional body painter Anna Molineux, are looking for help to cover print and production costs. Their long term goal is to sell the calendars and raise at least $100,000 for the NZ Breast Cancer Foundation while increasing awareness about the disease across the country.
“We chose Pledge Me as a platform for launching the Pink Ribbon Calendar Project because most of us know someone affected by breast cancer” says Liz. “If 200 people pledge just $5 each, we will be well on our way to reaching our fundraising goal and making a much larger contribution to breast cancer awareness”.
Rewards for helping The Pink Ribbon Calendar Project achieve their goal include first copies of the calendar, signed limited edition prints and tickets to their launch event in Auckland.
While the calendar will be a beautiful work of art, each month holds a much deeper message chosen by the models of strength, determination, courage and family support. It’s also a constant reminder to be vigilant – One in 9 Kiwi women are diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, that’s 7 women a day.
Check out and pledge your support!