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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings - 10 April 2006


Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Stil more gold

Kiwi vodka Stil has won GOLD at the prestigious San Francisco Spirits Awards, the first international accolade for the new vodka on the block.


2: Special Briefing On US Human Rights Record 2005-06

On-The-Record Briefing : Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs Paula Dobriansky and Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor Barry F. Lowenkron on the Release of the Annual Report, "Supporting Human ...


3: BlogWatch: Is Your Entire Country On Crack?

INTRODUCTION & BACKGROUND: This little gem is topping the reddit charts right now.. but its so excellent Scoop.co.nz thought it would cross post. We are pretty sure that people will enjoy this - a new classic.
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4: Shocking Diebold Conflict Of Interest Revelations

Ohio is reeling with a mixture of outrage and hilarity as Secretary of State J. Kenneth Blackwell has revealed that he has owned stock in the Diebold voting machine company, to which Blackwell tried to award unbid contracts worth millions while allowing its ...


5: Suzan Mazur: Big Love, Romney, Bush & Mormons

Aside from HBO's Big Love series generating big laughs at the expense of tens of thousand of women and children who languish in polygamy cults up and down the Rocky Mountains as American Justice looks the other way[ Philadelphia Inquirer | 04/02/2006 ...


6: The U.S.-India Friendship: Where We're Going

Richard A. Boucher, Assistant Secretary for South and Central Asian Affairs Remarks at the Confederation of Indian Industries New Delhi, India April 7, 2006


7: “Renewal” - The role of Young Labour

My name is Tony Milne. For those of you who don’t know me, I stumbled into politics from a background of a working class family in Invercargill who demonstrated little interest in politics. In fact, like most kiwis, avoided it like the plague!


8: William Rivers Pitt: The Leaker-in-Chief

"I don't know of anybody in my administration who leaked classified information," said George W. Bush on September 30, 2003. "If somebody did leak classified information, I'd like to know it, and we'll take the appropriate action."


9: Remi Kanazi: Assaulting Cynthia McKinney

Joe Scarborough, political hack and host of Scarborough Country on MSNBC, went on yet another odious rant on April 3. This time his scurrilous remarks were aimed at six-term Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney. The Congresswoman is accused of punching ...


10: Novel process reduces toxic chemical use

A chemical engineer at The University of Auckland has used environmentally-friendly vegetable oils to replace toxic chemical solvents like kerosene in the extraction of a range of biomolecules, such as antibiotics and organic acids.


11: Kids On ADHD Drugs - Dangerous Path To Addiction

Experts say the stimulant drugs prescribed for the treatment of ADHD are not only dangerous, they are highly addictive. And although no drug has been approved for the treatment of autism, drugs are routinely prescribed off-label to treat autistic ...


12: UQ Wire: Loose Change Creators In Pheonix Area

Scottsdale, Mesa, & Tempe, Arizona---Riding the tide of a meteoric and ever-increasing Internet popularity, the three young creators of the 9/11 indie documentary Loose Change 2 will appear at Valley screenings from Tuesday, April 11, through Friday, ...


13: UQ Wire: Thompson's Dog Won't Hunt

When I first read the March 31 Capitol Hill Blue headline, "9/11 conspiracy theories don't pass the smell test," I thought editor Doug Thompson was pulling an April Fool's joke on us a day early.


14: William Fisher: Grading Our MBA President

There is a consensus among CEOs and business school professors that there are just short of a dozen indispensable characteristics that are essential for an effective chief executive. Since the current chief executive of America Inc. is the first to ...


15: Leopold: Evidence Suggests White House Conspiracy

Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald stated in a court filing late Wednesday in the CIA leak case that his investigators have obtained evidence during the course of the two-year-old probe that proves "multiple" White House officials conspired ...


16: A Week of It: Cover Shocker + TVNZ CEO Pay Problem

In a recent interview with Colin Peacock on Radio New Zealand's Mediawatch program Listener magazine editor Pamela Stirling pointed out that in the past people had thought of the Listener as the "house journal of the Alliance Party".


17: William Fisher: Amnesty Takes On Rendition

As U.S. Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and her team continue to face increasingly harsh criticism from Muslim communities, Amnesty International has issued a new report on one of the practices they criticize most: rendition.


18: Charting dynamic new course to manage our water

The government has agreed a significant new strategy to protect and improve New Zealand's freshwater resources.


19: Islamist Extremism in Europe

Daniel Fried, Assistant Secretary for European Affairs Testimony before the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Washington, DC April 5, 2006


20: Breastfeeding figures good for babies, mothers

The number of babies being *exclusively breastfed, for the first 6 weeks of their lives has increased by 6% since the year 2000, there’s been an 8% increase in the number being exclusively breastfed from 10 weeks to 16 weeks of age and a 4% increase ...


21: No Right Turn: New Zealand and Guantanamo

Where does the New Zealand government really stand on Guantanamo? It's a question I've been trying to get to the bottom of since noting their shame ful silence in the public arena and weasely non-answers to recent Parliamentary questions.


22: The Letter – Monday, April 10, 2006

The Haps - The Chinese Premier comes to visit. Cullen is on the way out. The falling dollar is impacting on the economy. Parliament is in recess for 3 weeks.


23: Katya Rivas: The Sorrows of the Virgin Mary

Many prophets spoke about me: they prophesied that it was necessary for me to suffer to become worthy of being the Mother of God. On earth they anticipated knowledge of me but it had to be in a very guarded way.


24: New Zealand First MP in TVNZ Complaint Row

New Zealand First MP Pita Paraone also known as Peter Brown has been embroiled in a complaint against TVNZ over cultural insensitivity. TVNZ were advised on the 4th April that they were not permitted to film certain items once owned by Ngapuhi chief ...


25: Subject: New Internet domain name “.eu”

As of Friday 7 April, anyone with a residence in the European Union may apply to register a name under the .eu Top Level Domain, on a first-come, first-served basis. Nationality of an EU Member State is not a prerequisite.


26: Housing Minister comments on allegations

Housing Minister Chris Carter is calling in the chairman of the Board of Housing New Zealand Corporation (HNZC) for a full explanation of the allegations raised in the Herald on Sunday about the Corporation’s accounting practices.


27: U.S. Budget for Intl. Organizations & Peacekeeping

Thank you, Chairman Wolf, Ranking Member Mollohan, and Members of the Subcommittee, for inviting me here to discuss the President's Fiscal Year 2007 budget for international organizations and peacekeeping. I am grateful to have with me today my colleague ...


28: Islamist Extremists: The Public Diplomacy Response

Tom C. Korologos, U.S. Ambassador to Belgium Testimony before the Subcommittee on European Affairs of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee Washington, DC April 5, 2006


29: Co-Operation Needed For Problematic NZ Health Care

Southern Cross is advocating more co-operation between public and private health care sectors to combat rising pressures on the funding and delivery of health care services in New Zealand.


30: Public Address 07/04/06 - Thanks Everyone

We won a People's Choice NetGuide Web Award last night: Best Blog. I'm really pleased. Thanks everyone, and big ups to the other finalists, Kiwiblog and IdolBlog...



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