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Nepal's Monarchy - Nation, People & Democracy

Nepal's Monarchy Stands for Nation, People and Democracy

By Indra Kumar

The failed political leaders blabber with their sole vested intentions to continue their unproductive tradition of occupying musical chairs of governance. This is being done regardless of measuring the currents of public sentiment. They do not realize that they are unsuccessful in appropriately addressing the grievances of the people, the most invincible force. They fail to fathom that the people's concern is for their legitimate right to live in peace and security, aspiring for the country's development, which is now skidding down to a low ebb. All this is due to non-accountability of parties and leaders.

Nobody can deny the adverse results, from poor performance of the sequential occupation of musical chairs of power by the partisan governments, throughout past periods. There has been ruthless blackmailing of the ideals of true democracy. The population could never enjoy its benefits proportionately, with those self-centered political elements throwing their weight around, along the corridors of state governance.

People have become fully aware of the reality, that development and institutionalization of democratic polity, had been blatantly sabotaged. This was done by those incapable political leaders themselves, who constantly hatched one conspiracy after another, hoodwinking the population, to continue their bad politics of exploitation.

The King made his bold plans in the right direction, as head of the state and preserver of the constitution. The constitutional monarchy and multiparty democracy must move together in a balanced, rational and productive way through national consensus. This is required in the larger interest of the nation and people. It seems to be the singular concern of the monarchy.

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Constitutionally also, the King has again spoken of being committed to institutionalizing democracy along its right track. He is not inclined to remain blind to the plight of the people, who are the main focal point of democracy. It must be seen from the periscope of a new order of national unity and consensus.

The King categorically stated that the monarchy has and will always be siding with the prime interest of the nation, the people and in protecting their constitutional rights, as envisaged in the constitution. He would continue his rightful role, as defined constitutionally.

For betterment, all must cooperate with common understanding to discharge their legitimate responsibility democratically, within the ambit of the constitution. Currently, this is the dire necessity, in keeping with the wishes of the people, as the supreme entity and determinants of the country's destiny. The nation is diverging away from its proper course, because of individual power hungry egos and vested ambitions of the politicians.

The most essential element is to find peaceful solutions to the impending political crisis, through collective and cooperative effort. This is the only means to remove the black cloud of uncertainty overwhelming the national horizon. Topmost priority must be given to unsolved burning issues, gripping the interest of the Nation and popular aspiration.

A new order of secured existence in peace is vital. The monarchy is committed to constitutional democracy, as defined within the provisions of the constitution. The dynamics of its operation has to be in keeping with the larger interest of the country, people and sustenance of people-oriented democratic polity.

The parties and the dishonest leaderships, driven by their own manipulative tendencies, are violating constitutional norms, to suit their own purpose, not serving the cause of the nation or the people.

Such a trend has become starkly naked on their part. They must put the interest of the nation and people far above their narrow partisan motives and greedy individual aims. As long as their default persists, their public non-credibility continues to remain conspicuous, without hope of achieving anything.

They are proving to be stooges of slavish politics under external enslavement and destabilizing conspiracies germinating in the national soil. Time demands that the parties and badly tainted leaders, refrain from putting up obnoxious political dramas to jeopardize public feelings, which are to find a clear way to peace, law and order. In place of the current damaging political practice, a constructive approach is needed to resolve the political crisis, created by the politican's own errant behaviour. The King as head of the state, laid out a lucid road map of the monarchy's constitutional commitment to the better cause of the nation, solidarity of national unity and institutional development of durable democracy.

The so-called people's representative political leaderships have failed in their duties towards the citizenry. The King has the right to be with the people and in their midst in order to facilitate proper addressing of their grievances, provide appropriate relief to the plight of their suffering. He is quite concerned to explore the possible avenues of solving the country's critical problems that are impeding stability, development and progress. The same could materialize only through better understanding, cooperation, goodwill and collective efforts of all sectors.

This is exactly what our countrymen are longing for from the guardian institution of monarchy, as the ultimate bedrock to anchor their hopes and expectations to see the new gleam of silver lining in the dark cloud.

Political miscreants must bear in mind that democracy is to be practiced to serve the country and the people and not to undermine them by putting vested interest priorities above all. This is the realism that needs to be practised to gain integrated national existence.


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