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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings 25 July 2006


Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Keeping agriculture competitive: Carter

The ever-present threat to any export industry is that new, lower-cost producers will compete their way into our markets, driving down prices for all producers.


2: Education appointment applauded

The appointment of Karen Sewell to the position of chief executive of the Ministry of Education is good news for New Zealand education, PPTA president Debbie Te Whaiti said today.


3: NZ magazine speaks

In what is believed to be a “first”, independently published, New Zealand-based Destinations magazine has the pages literally talking.


4: Good news Afoot

Formthotics foam foot insoles are significantly more cost effective than hard plastic orthotics, a landmark Australian study has found.
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5: On Now: Immediartly

Thistle Hall is a vibrant community centre in the heart of New Zealand's cultural capital. We provide a community hall, meeting room and Wellington's only community gallery showcasing a range of artists and crafts people, from the established to ...


6: British Split With Bush As Israeli Tanks Roll In

London - Britain dramatically broke ranks with George Bush last night over the Lebanon crisis, publicly criticising Israel's military tactics and urging America to 'understand' the price being paid by ordinary Lebanese civilians.


7: Energy Reform Needed

The Canterbury Manufacturers’ Association welcomes comments made by Meridian Energy’s Alan Seay last week that more investment into New Zealand’s electricity system is required but his admission that the country had to draw upon all available generation ...


8: Media Release

Hokitika, renowned for giving New Zealanders the excuse they need to come on over the hills to enjoy some West Coast hospitality, is doing it again. From 2004 the Wet West Film Festival has shown in the grand old Regent Theatre for four days in ...


9: Lebanon Travel Advice

There is extreme risk to your safety due to the escalating tension between Lebanon and Israel and we advise against all travel to Lebanon. Israel has launched a military offensive against Lebanon following a 12 July Hizbollah cross-border incursion during ...


10: Crime And Punishment

In a joint statement, the Salvation Army and Prison Fellowship New Zealand called for a structured public debate on the issues of crime and punishment. Spokespersons Major Campbell Roberts and Kim Workman, joined in the call for a more informed and ...


11: Laban congratulates award-winning poet Karlo Mila

Associate Minister of Pacific Island Affairs, Luamanuvao Winnie Laban, today congratulated Karlo Mila for winning the 'Best First Book Award for Poetry' at the Montana New Zealand Book Awards.


12: Round Two: Peters Versus Soper 'n' TVNZ

If the Prime Minister had announced at her post cabinet press-conference the imminent dissolution of her government it seems likely senior reporters from NewstalkZB and TVNZ would still have decided to harangue her over a spat they were involved in with ...


13: William Rivers Pitt: Meanwhile, in Iraq ...

Every network television news program, every cable news station, every newspaper and every news web site has been covering, and will continue to cover, the horrific mayhem unfolding between Israel and Lebanon. Anyone seeking information on that situation ...


14: William Rivers Pitt: The Ballad of Dumb George

What's next? Will George go to the United Nations, sit on Kofi Annan's head, and fart like some bratty brother tormenting a sibling? Will the cameras catch him playing penny hockey during Middle East peace negotiations? You can't say it'll never happen. ...


15: Bill Grigsby: Electile Dysfunction

Jane Mayer, journalist who writes for the New Yorker, has penned several disturbing articles over the last few years about the BushCo Administration. Her latest exposes Dick Cheney’s Chief Advisor, David Addington , as the architect behind the administration’s ...


16: The Future Orbit of U.S.-Russian Relations

After the G-8: The Future Orbit of U.S.-Russian Relations David Kramer, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs Remarks at the Heritage Foundation Washington, DC July 21, 2006


17: "I Believe David Kelly Did Not Commit Suicide"

I believe David Kelly did not commit suicide - and I will prove it - By Norman Baker MP - The Mail on Sunday 23 July 2006


18: Questions And Answers - Tuesday, 25 July 2006

1. Dr DON BRASH (Leader of the Opposition) to the Prime Minister: Was Dr Ingram able to interview all the Thai nationals who allegedly worked on properties owned by Taito Phillip Field in return for immigration assistance; if not, can she assure the House ...


19: Colombia's Integration Into Plan Puebla Panama

From July onwards, Colombia will form part of the one-sided geopolitical mega-project that seeks to consolidate the neoliberal model in the western Latin America with the aim of privatizing highway infrastructure, public services and natural resources.


20: Questions for Oral Answer - Tuesday, 25 July 2006

1. Dr DON BRASH to the Prime Minister: Was Dr Ingram able to interview all the Thai nationals who allegedly worked on properties owned by Taito Phillip Field in return for immigration assistance; if not, can she assure the House that she has taken every ...


21: Nader IV: US Responsible For Israeli War Crimes

Former Presidential Candidate Ralph Nader wrote a letter to President Bush this week that harshly criticized the White House for its response to Israel's bombardment of Lebanon.


22: Mandelson on Suspension of Doha

"I want to express the profound disappointment and sadness of the member states of the European Union, and of Mariann and myself, that the world trade talks are having to be suspended today.


23: Michael Hammerschlag: Why They Hate Us

"They have a right to defend themselves from terrorism," intoned our Chump in Chief, and that was the end of any hope for American intervention or mediation of Israel's savage attack on the Hezbollah and innocent Lebanese. ‘Like an pricked enraged ...


24: The great New Zealand airport rip-off

Air New Zealand today labelled Auckland airport's increase in the valuation of its total assets by $1.4 billion nothing short of a rip off.


25: Toni Solo: Varieties Of Imperial Decline

If people needed reminding that North American and European foreign policy, including policy on aid and trade, is based on sadism and hypocrisy, events in Palestine and Lebanon will surely have done so.


26: Boston Scientific Won Guident - What A Prize

In the second quarter of 2006, Boston Scientific may have lost 27% of its value, but in the first quarter, it did win a nearly 2 month bidding war with Johnson and Johnson over the heart device maker, Guidant, with a bid of $27.5 billion for the ...


27: Overlander decision may be reversed by peak oil

The Government must ensure that Toll does not dismantle the infrastructure that would allow the Overlander service to be reinstated when the effects of the end of cheap oil really start to bite, the Green Party says.


28: Where's the speech Mr English?

Education Minister Steve Maharey today asked Bill English to release the full speech he gave to the National Party conference, in which he signalled the rolling back of mainstreaming for students with special needs.


29: Kamala Sarup: When Khmer Rouge Butcher Ta Mok Died

Ta Mok, "Butcher" one of the main leaders of Cambodia's brutal Maoists Khmer Rouge regime, has died. He refused to surrender and he was captured in 1999. He was expected to be one of the first person tried for genocide and crimes against humanity.


30: US Farmers on W Africa Trip: 'US Policy Shameful'

A delegation of farmers has returned to the US after spending last week meeting with West African farmers and getting a first hand look at the effect of International agricultural policies on the lives of farmers in developing countries. The tour, ...



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