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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings December 5 2008


Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: It’s in the blood: The effort to unseat Obama

Binoy Kampmark

They just don’t give up, do they? Obama’s win, thumping, at least by American standards, is insufficient to placate those who question its legitimacy. Yes, so it went to a man who has a name of Hussein (ask Fox News, a network mesmerized by ...

2: Mothers Act Promotes Pregnancy as Cottage Industry
Evelyn Pringle

Women of childbearing years represent the most lucrative market for the makers of psychiatric drugs. The knowledge that infants were being born with birth defects and suffering a withdrawal syndrome when these drugs were used during pregnancy was ...

3: David Kirk resigns as Fairfax CEO
Advertisement - scroll to continue reading

Dec. 5 – David Kirk resigned as chief executive of Faifax Media and will leave today, the company said in a statement.

4: Treasury Briefing to Minister of Finance Released
New Zealand Government

Finance Minister Bill English has today released the Briefing to the Incoming Minister of Finance from the Treasury.

5: Background Note: New Zealand
US Department of State - Background Note

Geography Area: 270,500 sq. km.; about the size of Colorado Cities (December 2006): Capital --Wellington (450,600). Other cities --Auckland (1,237,239), Christchurch (338,748), Hamilton (130,000). Terrain: Highly varied, from snowcapped mountains ...

6: Unstable Thailand Prepares For Fresh Confrontation
Richard S. Ehrlich

BANGKOK, Thailand -- Thailand's crippled government is struggling to find a new prime minister and prevent a return of protesters who easily sabotaged Bangkok's airports, stranding more than 300,000 travelers.

7: WCC plan stops public opposition to development
Lindsay Shelton

Less than a week after releasing 79 pages of documents about proposed variations to the District Plan, the Wellington City Council has approved the changes.

8: Crown accounts show need for economic action
New Zealand Government

The Financial Statements of the Government for the four months ended 31 October 2008 underline the need for action to make our economy more productive and competitive, Finance Minister Bill English said today.

9: Labour leaves positive legacy
New Zealand Labour Party

National must make clear its economic strategy having rejected treasury’s advice, Labour finance spokesperson David Cunliffe said today.

10: Salmon beats fish oil pills for omega-3, selenium
Massey University

Swallowing fish oil capsules for brain boosting, health-promoting omega-3 may be just as effective as tucking into a fillet of salmon. But if you want a dose of selenium as well – an element many New Zealanders are lacking – then go for the salmon ...

11: New Zealand: Local Government Focus Required
Hugh Pavletich

New Prime Minister Hon John Key ( NZ Herald article ) of the National Party led Government is strongly of the view that New Zealand’s problems centre around a lack of growth. His Deputy Bill English endorses this call for growth – viewing this as a necessary ...

12: Background Note: Turkey
US Department of State - Background Note

Geography Area: 780,580 sq. km. Cities: Capital --Ankara (pop. 3.9 million). Other cities --Istanbul (11.3 million), Izmir (2.6 million), Bursa (1.5 million), Adana (1.5 million), Gaziantep (1.2 million). Terrain: Narrow coastal plain surrounds Anatolia, ...

13: Govt Financial Statements, 4 months to 31 Oct 2008
New Zealand Treasury

The Financial Statements of the Government of New Zealand for the four months ended 31 October 2008 were released by the Treasury today. The monthly financial statements are compared against the monthly forecast tracks based on the 2008 Pre-Election Economic ...

14: New MPs in for emotional rollercoaster
Massey University

A daunting emotional journey awaits new MPs when the 49th New Zealand parliament sits for the first time next week, according to a Massey researcher.

15: Investigation breaks up Auckland software traders
Microsoft New Zealand

As part of its continued effort to protect its customers and partners from software piracy, Microsoft has announced two separate international investigations against individuals based in Auckland selling high-quality counterfeit software likely sourced ...

16: The Christian take-over of Wellywood
Gordon Campbell

Everyone knows that Hollywood is a den of godless, Obama –loving pinko liberals. That being so, New Zealand’s transformation, post Rings, into a minor hub of Christian movie making seems like…well, a minor miracle. In my experience, local film crews ...

17: LA Galaxy - ARC Expands Two-For-One Offer
Auckland Regional Council

The Auckland Regional Council today expanded the two-for-one ticket offer for tomorrow night’s LA Galaxy football match against the Oceania All Stars XI to include everybody who has bought tickets to the game.

18: Attitude Award winners announced
Attitude Awards

Talented dancer and choreographer Suzanne Cowan beat a gold medal winning paralympian to win the ACC Supreme Award at the Attitude Awards this evening.

19: Address: First Annual Int. Conference on Africa
US State Department

Phillip Carter III, Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs The Africa Initiative Project Arizona State University, Tempe AZ November 21, 2008

20: Iroquois Under New Command
New Zealand Defence Force

Change is in the air at Royal New Zealand Air Force Base Ohakea as Number 3 Squadron comes under new command.

21: Statement on under-strength timber allegations
New Zealand Government

Building and Construction Minister Maurice Williamson has called for an investigation into allegations surrounding the use of under-strength timber in some buildings.

22: Flaws in consumer safety revealed in briefing
Green Party

The Briefing to the incoming Minister of Consumer Affairs reveals that New Zealand needs a far more robust regime to ensure the safety of imported products and to protect New Zealanders from products that pose a serious risk to consumer safety, the Green ...

23: Sweatshop Wages at Rembrandt Suits
National Distribution Union

Workers at Wellington’s Rembrandt Suits are beginning a series of pickets outside retail outlets selling the expensive suits they make. The first will be held at Kirkcaldie and Stains on Lambton Quay at 11am tomorrow.

24: Afghanistan, Another Untold Story
Global Research

Barack Obama is on record as advocating a military escalation in Afghanistan. Before sinking any deeper into that quagmire, we might do well to learn something about recent Afghan history and the role played by the United States.

25: Tally of mutilated Hector's dolphins grows
Royal Forest And Bird Protection Society

Hector's dolphins are being killed and mutilated, according to evidence from the Department of Conservation.

26: 2 car crash: SH2, River Road, Upper Hutt
New Zealand Police

Police and other Services are a a 2 car crash on River Road just south of Moonshine Road. part of the road is blocked and there are delays in the area Please drive with care.

27: Westpac NZ lowers floating rate

Westpac NZ has just announced it will lower its floating mortgage interest rate to 8.15%pa effective for new customers 23 December.

28: Wellington lifts the lid for Child Cancer
Ngaruna Kapinga

Crowds gathered across the country yesterday in support of FunRazor - the mass lid-shaving exhibition to raise money for the Child Cancer Foundation.

29: Somalia Ought To Be Obama's Litmus Test
Sadia Ali Aden

Indeed the historic victory of President-elect Obama has created profound prospect of hope and change that swept through America. However, for millions across the world who have witnessed devastation, insecurity and chaos resulting from an imprudent ...

30: Discrimination and Pregnancy – Employers Beware
National Council of Women

Employers who think they can dismiss female employees who are pregnant on technicalities may find that it will cost them thousands of dollars, maybe even jeopardising their businesses and reputations states the National Council of Women of New Zealand (NCWNZ).

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