WINZ CEO Censured - Ballot Looms For East Timor - New Zealand Give $1.5m To Support Korean Anti-Nuclear Move - SCOOP ADVISORY: Top 20 Ratings System Launched - What Next In Lyprinol Saga? - Terrible News For Mushroom Lovers and much much more…
Today's Scoops
WINZ CEO Censured
- The State Services Commissioner Michael Wintringham has censured WINZ chief executive Christine Rankin over her department chartering an aircraft to take staff to a training conference at a cost of $165,000. Mr Wintringham said the case illustrated a lack of financial discipline at WINZ and had impacted on the credibility of the organisation. He said it also reflected badly on all other government departments, however it was not a sackable offence. Mr Wintringham said the charter will cost Ms Rankin money in terms of the $37,000 performance bonus she might otherwise have been entitled to but he still had confidence in her ability to lead the department. Scoop will bring you reaction to the decision as it comes to hand.
Ballot Looms For East Timor
- The United Nations says it has almost completed registering voters in East Timor for the August 30 ballot on East Timor. Meanwhile NZ MPs are readying to leave to observe, as Indonesia predicts chaos if the province votes for independence. Scoop's Ian Llewelyn takes a detailed look. See... East Timor, NZ MPs & Indonesia Prepare For Ballot [1] in the Headlines wire.
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New Zealand Give $1.5m To Support Korean Anti-Nuclear
- Support New Zealand has pledged an additional $1.5 million to stop the spread of nuclear weapons on the Korean peninsula, Foreign Affairs Minister Don McKinnon announced today. See... NZ Continue Support For Korean Anti-nuclear Move [1] in the Parliament wire.
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- The Scoop Team has expanded and improved the popular rating service. See SCOOP ADVISORY: Top 20 Ratings System Launched [1] in the headlines wire. If you want to know what everyone else is reading, then this is the place to look.
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Next In Lyprinol Saga?
- The Ministry of Health explains what next [1] in the short and much publicised life of the food supplement/cancer cure. Yesterday the New Zealand distributor of the green-lipped mussel extract halted distribution after recognising that claims made in promotional material far outstrip any evidence from research. See... Media Hype No Cure For Cancer [2] in the General wire.
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Terrible News For Mushroom Lovers
- Don't be surprised if you've been finding your favorite mushrooms a little hard to find lately. Some of New Zealand's estimated 20,000 species of fungi are in danger of becoming extinct, even before they are recognised, yet they are an important resource we cannot do without. See... A Plea For Our Fungi [1] in the Science wire.
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Labour Better For Local Content - Hobbs
- The admission from New Zealand on Air that it may be forced to drop the number of hours of funded local programmes was a bad omen for the preservation of New Zealand's culture and national identity, Labour broadcasting spokesperson Marian Hobbs said. See... Local content future more stable under Labour [1] in the Parliament wire. The NZ On Air [2] press release that describes the allocation of funds as a "juggling act" is in the general wire.
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On Genetic Engineering Expected This Evening
- An announcement is expected some time this evening on labelling of genetically engineered foods. Health Minister Wyatt Creech is currently in Australia attending a crucial ANZFA meeting which is expected to decide which foods and ingredients will require labelling and which will not. Scoop will keep you posted.
Human Waste To Boost
- Scientists at Rotorua and Christchurch are looking at how human waste can be spread in plantations as a means of disposal and as a way of boosting forest production. See... Human Waste May Boost Forest Production [1] in the Science wire.
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Sadness At Last Conservation Week Of Millennium
- Alliance MP Sandra Lee today said the last Conservation Week of this millennium was tinged with sadness after seeing DOC and Maori at loggerheads over the last few years. It doesn't have to be this way. It shouldn't be this way," she said. See... 'Conservation Week' - a time to reassess prioritie [1] s in the Parliament wire.
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Mallard Challenges Fire Service Head - 'Put Up Or Shut
- Labour's internal affairs spokesperson Trevor Mallard has expressed his sorrow at the approach used by the chair of the Fire Service Commission Dame Margaret Bazley. See... Put up or shut up - Dame Margaret [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Country Women Reject Genetic Engineering
- The New Zealand Country Women's Institute passed motions at last weeks annual general meeting calling for compulsory labelling of all genetically engineered food ingredients and a ban on imports of engineered seeds and produce. See... Country Women Reject Genetic Engineering [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Tax Not An Election Issue For Labour... But Is For Everyone
- In a speech on Monday to KPMG, Labour Finance Spokesperson Michael Cullen articulated Labour's tax policy and says tax has not emerged as one of the two or three leading issues of the 1999 election. See... Labour and Tax [1] in the Parliament wire. However National certainly disagree. List MP Annabel Young says Labour has mis-read the mood of the country on tax and are running scared from the issue. See... Cullen Wrong On Tax, Again - Young [2] in the Parliament wire. ACTs Rodney Hide says Cullen's statement show his level of desperation on the issue. See... More Desperate Defence From Cullen on Tax - ACT [3] , also in the Parliament wire.
Quick Summary Of The News From Auckland -
Dominion Road: Chairperson of the council's Transport
and Roading Committee, Catherine Harland, says the decision
to remove a road-widening designation confirms Dominion
Road's future as a public transport route, rather than a
multi-laned thoroughfare for cars. See... Dominion Road to Stay 'As Is' [1] .
- RMA Amendments: Auckland City's Planning and
Regulatory Committee has expressed 'considerable dismay' at
proposed changes to the Resource Management Act being
considered by Parliament. See... 'Dismay' at Proposed RMA Changes [2] .
- America's Cup Village Update: More challenger teams
are arriving at the Cup Village in preparation for the
America's Cup challenger series. See... Americas Cup Village Update [3] . -
One Tree Hill: Proposals to upgr
ade access and
facilities in the lower section of One Tree Hill Domain - in
the area of the observatory - are outlined in a new
landscape development plan presented to Auckland City's
Parks and Recreation Committee. See... One Tree Hill Landscape Development Plan
[4] . All and more in the Auckland wire.
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Kids Missing Crucial Meal
- An alarming third of New Zealand teenagers are going to school without the most important meal of the day with the worst offenders being girls. See... 1/3 Of Teenagers Skip Breakfast [1] in the General wire.
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Winston Complicates Electricity Reforms - Again
The future of electricity amendments remains a murky issue
following yesterday's New Zealand First party leader's press
conference in Tauranga. "I was dismayed to learn last Friday
afternoon that Mr Bradford was going to progress the bill in
the House regardless of our support or otherwise. Such an
approach simply represents a breach of good faith." Winston
Peters back to what he does best - confusing things. Peters
appears to be saying that he conditionally supports the
proposed legislation, however in many respects his statement
comes across more like a challenge. See... Power Price Negotiations Presser - Winston
Peters [1] in the Parliament wire. Also in the
Parliament wire ACT's Rodney Hide says yesterdays
developments show Peters still cannot be trusted. See... Winston Proves Again He Can't Be Trusted -
ACT [2] . And, not surpris
ingly, Max Bradford agrees
wholeheartedly. See... Bradford Dismayed At Peters' Wearisome
Tactics [3] in the Parliament wire. Mr Bradford
says as for the legislation itself, its future has yet to be decided. [4]
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