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Scoop: Weekend Ratings


The Weekend’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Hard News 07/06/02: Wanna Fight?

GOOD DAY MEDIAPHILES ... I won't revisit the Greens and GE at great length this week. It makes my head hurt. But it was gratifying that none of the emails I got after last week's bulletin were hysterical - a couple of people with Green connections ...


2: Scoop Images: Bill English's Fight For Life

Images of Opposition Leader Bill English's boxing bout tonight in TV3's Fight For Life, all in the aid of fundraising for the Yellow Ribbon anti youth suicide campaign.


3: NZIS Involved In Cover Up

New Zealand First leader Winston Peters has called for heads to roll at the New Zealand Immigration Service after its admission that it is investigating cases of repeat marriages of convenience at $20,000 a pop.


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4: What Congress Does Not Know about Enron and 9/11

A captured Al Qaida document reveals that US energy companies were secretly negotiating with the Taliban to build a pipeline. The document was obtained by the FBI but was not allowed to be shared with other agencies in order to protect Enron.


5: Aucklanders Wise Up On Transport

A 23 percent increase in Aucklanders being EnergyWise about their choice of transport by catching a bus to work has great spin offs for energy efficiency says John Boyd, Communications Manager for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Authority (EECA).


6: The Enron Pipeline Connection To 9/11

A highly reliable confidential client source who wishes to remain anonymous has promised to send me an FBI copy of a high-level Al Qaida report dating back to the embassy bombings in Africa several years ago. The email report was captured in Africa from ...


7: INVESTIGATION: Sept 11th - Unanswered Questions

Within a few months, the events of Sept. 11th, 2001 became but an echo of the events that followed. War in Afghanistan, anthrax, unprecedented powers of detention: the public mind moves from one shock to another, appearing to accept the government’s ...


8: Howard's End: The Squeeze On Gold

The price of gold and gold stocks is sky-rocketing with Central banks across the world coming in for severe criticism for the way they have sold official gold reserves, although in a disguised form. Maree Howard writes.


9: Obituary For Becky Fox

Becky Fox Plunket's General Manager Maori Health Born Waipiro Bay, near Ruatoria on 15 August 1949 Tribal affiliations Ngati-Porou and Ngati-Kahungunu Died Hamilton, 29 May 2002


10: Quest Opinion: The Bush 9/11 Scandal for Dummies

Don't know about you, but all this who-knew-what-when pre-9/11 stuff is mighty confusing. So once again, I head to that all-purpose reference series for some comprehensible answers.


11: Australian Social Trends 2002 - NZers in Australia

New Zealand-born residents in Australia represented 8% of all overseas-born residents in 2000. They were mainly of working age, 62% being aged between 20 and 49 years.


12: Radio NZ Piggy-Backs On NBR-HP Invent Poll

Radio New Zealand has piggy-backed on the NBR-HP Invent public opinion poll with its story about four out of 10 National voters preferring Labour so it would not have to depend on the Greens in a coalition.


13: PM welcomes Greek President to NZ

Prime Minister Helen Clark today announced that the President of Greece, Constantinos Stephanopoulos, will arrive in New Zealand on Sunday for a three day visit.


14: The Other Israel - The Thirty-Five Years War

June 5, 2002, 7:18 AM - thirty-five years to the day (almost to the hour) since the outbreak of the war in which Israel's armed forces seized the West Bank and Gaza Strip. The ongoing occupation of these territories keeps occupier and occupied strangled ...


15: Another Ramone Down - Dee Dee's Dead

Dee Dee Ramone (50), a founding member of the pioneer punk band the Ramones, was found dead by his wife of a likely drug overdose on the couch in his Hollywood home.


16: Leaked memo spells disaster for secondary ed.

Secondary schools will be in chaos if Education Minister, Trevor Mallard, carries out his threats as outlined in a leaked email sent to school principals, says National Education spokesperson Nick Smith.


17: Margaret Wilson Fails The Reality Test Yet Again

“The report of the Attorney General, Margaret Wilson released today which says the rights of boy racers and street hoons to continue their reign of terror and criminal behaviour should be preserved, and that they should not have their cars impounded, ...


18: The Real Deal: Stealing Enron

The rich are not getting richer. The rich are stealing. And the people doing the stealing for them have names and addresses.


19: Guest Opinion: Let It Loose ?

COMMENT: WAIT UNTIL GENETICALLY MODIFIED CROPS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY STUDIED Most Kiwis favour the status quo on genetic manipulation First Published National Business Review June 7 2002 p 17 By Robert Mann*


20: Labour must not be alone

Labour must have a coalition partner after the next election says Lincoln University Students’ Association President, Greg Henderson.


21: Response to Nick Smith release

In response to the allegations contained in Nick Smith’s media release, Education Minister Trevor Mallard said that he has never engaged in negotiations with the PPTA, as that is the Ministry of Education’s role.


22: Guest Opinion: Don't Let Them Fool You, Folks

They might have been surprised by the ferocity of the attacks, but the highest-ranking members of the George W. Bush administration knew before Sept. 11 that something terrible was going to happen soon.


23: The Treaty of Waitangi: Government and Trusteeship

More than 80 laws passed by Parliament refer to the 'principles of the Treaty of Waitangi'. No law, however, lists these principles, nor have our lawmakers issued any definitive statement as to what the principles are. Nigel Kearney offers his ...


24: Not Important? Think Again - 4 June 2002

EDITOR’S NOTE: Chris Sanders of Sanders Research , a London based investment advisory service has kindly granted Scoop permission to reprint his series of occasional news bulletins. Each edition of "Not Important? Think Again" highlights news ...


25: Franks a Strong Candidate for Wellington Central

ACT leader Richard Prebble says he is delighted that Stephen Franks is standing for ACT in Wellington Central.


26: Farms Not Jails: Citizens Say No To More Dog Cages

Yesterday June 4, 2002 at Ngawha near Kaikohe concerned citizens from Wellington, Rotorua, Hamilton, and Auckland joined local residents of Kaikohe and other parts of Northland to protest the construction of a new prison at Ngawha. The decision ...


27: Comments on NZCCSS poverty indicators report

Child Poverty Action Group is a non aligned independent body seeking better policies for children. It is clear from the statistics in this report that far too many NZ families do not have enough money to adequately feed their children. For too long ...


28: NORML president plans Cannabis Cafe in New Zealand

HAARLEM, NETHERLANDS - New Zealand NORML’s president, Chris Fowlie, has this week legally sold marijuana, been on Irish Television and passed the Coffeeshop College training course held in the Netherlands with the highest score yet.


29: Guest Opinion: Gold Mines Exposed

--WHY gold will go parabolic --HOW good gold news will be fatally bad news for many (most?) mines--as the price rises. --"Hedges" is wrong word. They aren’t hedges! A pity.

30: Prebble's Letter from Wellington - Special Edition

Lower taxes than Australia Better business environment than Australia Fast track back to first world status Lower taxes for every worker



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