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Scoop: Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Bernard Weiner: Ten Cracks in the Bush Facade

Through a Glass Lightly: 10 Hopeful Cracks in the Bush Facade By Bernard Weiner The Crisis Papers

2: Scoop Cartoon: Saddam Is Not A Bit Out Of Place

Cartoon by John Chuckman...

3: Venezuelans Take to Streets, Coup Plotters Hide

As in Eastern Europe 13 years ago, the final defeat of dictatorial power in Venezuela came last night at the doors of its “control rooms” – the TV stations.

4: Questions For Oral Answer - 11 December 2002

1. Hon BILL ENGLISH to the Prime Minister: Has she met with the Local Government Forum to discuss their concerns that the Local Government Bill is "clearly negative for growth", as they requested on 22 October 2002; if not, why not?
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5: Upton-on-line - Edition 11 December 2002

The briefest of reflections on the talibanic outpourings of Race Relations Conciliator Joris de Bres, a note (by way of contrast) on the carefully considered conclusions of Judges McGechan and Goddard in the Bleakley case and some cultural and end-of-year ...

6: Our Nation’s Story - Heritage Or Vandalism?

Reading the available documents, in full, certainly helps. I wonder how many of the people who reacted so furiously to the speech by the Race Relations Commissioner to mark the International Day of Cultural Heritage have actually read the full text ...

7: Questions Of The Day Transcript -- 10 December

1. Hon. PETER DUNNE (Leader--United Future) to the Associate Minister of Transport: What role does the "no blame" policy, which allows people to freely report aircraft safety incidents and accidents without fear of prosecution, play in the ...

8: Helen Clark Award: Spending Other People's Money

The Prime Minister's latest confetti toss of taxpayers' money is a blatant attempt to purchase more votes from the arty-farty literati, ACT New Zealand economic development spokesman Deborah Coddington said today.

9: Britain - Here We Come!

New Zealand First Leader Rt Hon Winston Peters has warned that the Somali problems in Christchurch shows that New Zealand is heading down a dangerous path towards the ethnic strife experienced by Britain.

10: Blowing Up The Bamiyan Buddhas – de Bres Speech

Blowing Up The Bamiyan Buddhas: It Makes You Think Address at the Dawn Ceremony on the United Nations Day of Cultural Heritage 4 December 2002, Civic Square, Wellington. by Joris de Bres, Race Relations Commissioner

11: UQ Wire: INS Deporting Rudi Dekkers

"The I.N.S. is acting to place the prime suspect in a wider-ranging 9/11 conspiracy investigation out of the reach of the Independent Investigation."

12: ACT Defeats Labour's PC Language Commissars

ACT New Zealand has this week saved the military from the Labour Government's strident PC brigade, Deputy Leader Ken Shirley said today.

13: Shades Of Nixon In Cheney GAO Disclosure Decision

The dismissal of the General Accounting Office lawsuit against Vice President Dick Cheney is just another example of the veil of secrecy that permeates within the Bush administration and is a grim reminder of the dark days of former President Richard ...

14: Clampdown On Illegal Street Racing

More streets are to be restricted to non-residential traffic on weekends and public holidays in order to tackle the scourge of illegal street racing in Manukau. This will include a large stretch of Te Irirangi Drive between Dawson Road in Otara and ...

15: Two Towers Premiere In Paris Theatre

It's now official, the premiere of Peter Jackson's The Two Towers will take place in Le Grand Rex Theater on 10 December 2002.

16: Trials and Tribulations: Supporting Our Comrades

Last month, in the Opera House in the small Vermont town of Plainfield, I attended a fundraising evening of drama and music for the legal costs of Institute For Social Ecology alumnus Camilo Viveiros. It was one of a number of fundraisers held to raise ...

17: Navy Carrier Named In Honor Of President Bush I

Secretary of the Navy Gordon R. England will name the Navy's tenth Nimitz class aircraft carrier in honor of World War II Naval Aviator and former President of the United States George Herbert Walker Bush during a ceremony today at 3 p.m. EDT in the Pentagon ...

18: Stateside With Rosalea: Off with her head!

December 8 marked the third anniversary of me and my luggage spilling on to the footpath outside one of the most expensive hotels in San Francisco. The Amtrak bus, which had come across the Bay from the Coast Starlight LA-Oakland train, was supposed to ...

19: Coastal paradise saved from developers

An untouched slice of Northland's coast has been saved from developers and preserved as a new scenic reserve, Conservation Minister Chris Carter announced today.

20: John Chuckman: Fumbling For A Case For War

Well, the evidence just keeps accumulating. I think it is a remarkable testimonial to President Bush's restraint that he has waited this long. After reading Tony Blair's dossier on torture in Iraq, the impulse to launch everything the Pentagon has must ...

21: UQ Wire: 911 - They Let It Happen On Purpose!

Imagine you wake up from a coma and you learn that 11 months ago, an "Attack on America" destroyed some significant buildings, killed 3,000 people and forced a war against terrorism. You switch on the news and see pictures of Afghanistan, Iraq, Israel, ...

22: Howard’s End – Claimants Don't Share Confidence

On the eve of a decision from the Transport and Industrial Relations Select-Committee about whether to hold an inquiry into ACC, claimants are not sharing the confidence of ACC Minister, Hon Ruth Dyson, that the office of the complaints investigator has ...

23: Scoop Images: Henry Kissinger Digs Deep

The photographs of Kissinger [taken by Adriana Lorete], seen pondering affairs at a trade conference in Brazil, originally appeared on the front page of Jornal do Brasil, a major Rio de Janeiro daily, on November 13, 1992.

24: Debate AirNZ Report On Propose Qantas/Air NZ Deal

The case for more deliberation, consultation and public say in the decision on whether Qantas should be allowed to acquire a shareholding in Air New Zealand

25: Disarming Iraq - UNMOVIC Statements 8,9,10 Dec.

An UNMOVIC Biological team carried out inspection at two sites, National Project for Controlling Brucellosis and Tuberculosis (NPCBT); and Saddam Center for Biotechnology (SCB). The NPCBT was declared and monitored before 1998. The site inspection was ...

26: Firas Al-Atraqchi: Jerry Falwell, Agent of Israel

A live broadcast of the Donahue show (MSNBC - Monday, December 9) examining the current push towards an invasion of Iraq revealed a few things about its guest speakers.

27: UQ Wire: The Kissinger Bombshell

Our lord and emperor George W. Bush has just tied together the entire ball of 9/11 lies and related wax, stuck a wick in it, and handed us the match. He has done so by appointing Henry Kissinger chairman of the long-awaited "independent" ...

28: New ACC code toothless and empty

National has labelled the Government’s new Code of ACC Claimants’ Rights as “toothless” and says it doesn’t address the serious practical issues, such as those facing long-term claimants.

29: Rule Of The Pirates: The $200 Billion Payday

The figure had been bouncing around think tanks and Capitol Hill for months, and on December 1 made the front page of the Washington Post: Bush's invasion and occupation of Iraq will cost the American taxpayer between $100 and $200 billion.

30: Tranz Metro Wellington

Tranz Rail announced today that the joint venture party between Wellington Regional Council and Stagecoach has ruled itself out as a purchaser of Tranz Rail’s Wellington Metro operations through failure to conform with the required sales process.

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