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Scoop: Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Scoop Images: The Last Iraq War Looked Like This

A few days after the end of the Gulf ground war, an American soldier inspects the carbonized bodies of Iraqi soldiers killed when their convoy of vehicles was bombed and strafed by Allied aircraft as the convoy attempted to retreat from Kuwait back ...


2: Real Deal: A Conversation About The Popsicle Index

When I was a kid, the way our neighborhood would figure things out is by sitting on the stoops in front of our homes and having a conversation. Some conversations lasted an evening, some conversations went on all summer and some --- like who was ...


3: John Kaminski: The Real Terrorist Is George Bush

America is frightening the world. The vaunted beacon of freedom has turned into a Ku Klux Klan bonfire.
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4: Sludge Report #146: A Tip-Off From Langley

In This Edition: War within days or war within weeks? - How Reliable A Guide To The Future Is Colin Powell - Would Powell Lie? - A Tip-Off From Langley – Where To Look For The Trigger! - What To Make Of All This?


5: Tupperware Parties On in Australia & New Zealand

Tupperware Australia and New Zealand have no plans to follow recent restructuring moves by the UK to terminate the traditional party plan system


6: Would someone please pick up the phone?

Why is everyone in authority continuing to ignore the plight of a Kawerau family who are living beside a woman convicted of manslaughter of one of their family members?


7: Don't do it, Richard!

Act risks losing all credibility if it uses the Electoral Integrity Act to expel Donna Awatere Huata from Parliament, says Green Co-Leader Rod Donald.


8: UQ Wire: 911 Commission - Forgedda Boudit

A cruel sham is being perpetrated on the American public and especially on the families of the victims of the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center towers and the Pentagon


9: Media Release - Kenneth Wang

In response to intense media interest, ACT New Zealand is circulating the following media statement on behalf of Kenneth Wang, tenth on the Party List.


10: Marc Ash: Standing On The Dead

In October of 1942, under the Trading With the Enemy Act, the U.S. government halted operations at New York's Union Banking Corporation. A bank official was charged with ''Running Nazi front groups in the United States.'' His name: Prescott Bush.


11: Rumsfeld’s Good Advice On Leaders’ Lies

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld is deeply concerned that the American people may be taken in by smooth-talking Saddam Hussein, and he wants the news media to take pre-emptive action. On the January 19 edition of the ABC News show “This Week,” ...


12: ACT New Zealand Board Meeting - Awatere-Huata

The Board of Trustees of ACT New Zealand met today. Included in the meeting was a discussion on the serious allegations made against ACT MP Donna Awatere Huata by The Dominion Post and other related matters.


13: Jason Leopold: Bush Turns To Propaganda

President Bush said the Iraq conflict is like watching a “rerun of a bad movie.” But clearly, the only bad movie Americans are being forced to watch all over again are the Nixon-like qualities - the paranoia, the secrecy and lies - that Bush recycled ...


14: Weather: A Big Chill Blows Through Washington D.C.

The above image is a recent NASA MODIS satellite image of the Mid-Northern US State of Wisconsin and includes some of Canada and the great lakes area. The white stuff is ice and snow. Below is the latest Weather.com readout of current US temperatures.


15: Freedom Of Choice Better Than Cash

Instead of giving cash bonuses to schools that reduce student suspensions, the Government should simply give choice to parents, ACT New Zealand Associate Education Spokesman Deborah Coddington said today.


16: UQ Wire: John le Carré - USA Has Gone Mad

America has entered one of its periods of historical madness, but this is the worst I can remember: worse than McCarthyism, worse than the Bay of Pigs and in the long term potentially more disastrous than the Vietnam War.


17: Lantern Festival magic to light up Auckland

Auckland's magical annual Lantern Festival is on again soon. Albert Park will light up with hundreds of spectacular lanterns, including brand new designs from China, as Chinese New Year celebrations come to a glowing finale at Asia 2000's fourth Lantern ...


18: Our Immigrant Nation

Speech by Dr Muriel Newman, ACT New Zealand Member of Parliament, to the AGM of the Chinese Chamber of Commerce.


19: Australia Must Not Cheat East Timor Out of Oil

On Australia Day, U.S. Rights Group Demands that Australian Government Stop Bullying East Timor - Australian Government Must Not Cheat World¹s Newest Country Out of Billions of Dollars in Oil and Gas Revenues


20: Fatima No. 9 – We Will Remember Your Death

She was young. She was beautiful. She prayed for peace and she dreamt of freedom. And now she is dead. Her name was Fatima and she was the ninth person to die from the cruelty of detention.


21: Praise, Not Prosecute, Knife Defender -

It is outrageous that police are even considering charging the Rotorua teenager who stabbed her ex-boyfriend as he kidnapped and assaulted her, ACT Justice Spokesman Stephen Franks said today.


22: Firas Al-Atraqchi: Who Leaked The WMD Declaration?

In recent weeks, much has been made of the Iraqi weapons declaration, which Iraqi officials have claimed is final and comprehensive.


23: John Kaminski: Random Ideas For A New Society

I live in Florida but the e-mails I got this week came from Michigan, Arizona, Denmark, the UAE, Texas, British Columbia, Hungary, South Africa, Hawaii, the Bronx, Australia, Delmarva, England, Sweden, Vermont, Arkansas, and Venezuela, to name just a few places. ...


24: Surge In Us Tourists Proof Positive Of Power Of

Air New Zealand’s The Lord of the Rings motion picture themed aircraft are taking Middle-earth tourism promotion to new heights around the globe as The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers fever continues to grow.


25: Bush Is Racking Up "Frequent Liar Miles"

Lyndon Johnson is remembered for lying about Vietnam, Richard Nixon for lying about Watergate, Bill Clinton for lying about adultery. George W. Bush is known as a straight shooter. What’s wrong with that picture?


26: United Future Six Months On – Peter Dunne

Proving that the MMP electoral system can provide stable government has been highlighted by United Future New Zealand leader, Peter Dunne, as a major achievement by the party in the six months since the voters put eight United MP's into Parliament at the last ...


27: Role Reversal: Bush Wants War, Pentagon Caution

Senior Pentagon officials are quietly urging President George W. Bush to slow down his headlong rush to war with Iraq, complaining the administration’s course of action represents too much of a shift of America’s longstanding “no first strike” policy ...


28: CF loses A Great Advocate in Dame Susan Devoy

The Cystic Fibrosis foundation has lost a great advocate in Dame Susan Devoy. Cystic fibrosis and the pain it causes mothers with children who suffer from the disease is terrible but has nothing to do with the GE debate.


29: Clark acting in concert with US and Australia

The Prime Minister needs to say where the New Zealand government stands in relation to Iraq, says National Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Dr Wayne Mapp.


30: Scoop Images: Helms Deep Press Conference (1)

The following pictures show film director Peter Jackson with members of the cast and crew of the Lord of the Rings trilogy of films, the filming of which is now drawing to a close in the Wellington region.


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