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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings

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Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

Dates: 20/May/2003

1: 18 UN agencies and NGOs protest Gaza closure

United Nations Relief and Works Agency - The undersigned UN and other international and non-governmental organisations protest in the strongest terms Israel's imposition of this unprecedented measure, which is in direct contravention of int. law.


2: Caption Writers Send Us Your Gems

Continuing on with the Scoop Kooky Caption Contest, here is the latest image release courtesy of the White House.


3: Of Blair, Hussein, And Genocide

Britain's Prime Minister Blair has now claimed that the war in Iraq was justified by the discovery of mass graves. The ugly truth is that mass graves have become pretty common things since the beginning of the twentieth century, although many of the ...
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4: "Hush, hush on coalition deaths"

When U.S. forces first rolled into the outskirts of Baghdad on April 6th, the number of coalition fatalities stood at 126 -- 96 U.S. and 30 British. In the month following the "liberation" of Baghdad, the eradication of Saddam's Baath party, and ...


5: Active citizenship: Interview With Scott Ritter

Scott Ritter, a former UN Chief Weapons Inspector in Iraq from 1991 to 1998, is much in the news. Although a Republican he is also a vociferous critic of the Bush administration. Invited to the Netherlands by the Dutch Socialist Party, he gave a series of lectures ...


6: Rumsfeld's Amateurs In Iraq

The study of war covers much more than examination and analysis of the application of force - or should do if undertaken properly. The Principles of War, as ameliorated by commonsense and strategic imperatives, with a well-considered approach to cooperative ...


7: Political foes unite on depleted uranium munitions

An amazing thing happened in Tulsa during the shooting part of the invasion of Iraq. Bitter political enemies representing the right and left wings of American politics agreed about the American forces' use of depleted uranium (DU) munitions in Iraq ...


8: Putin’s State of the Nation Address

Now we have to make the next step. And all our decisions, all our actions we must aim at securing Russia a place among strong, economically developed and influential countries in the very near future.


9: Salvation Through Consumption?

Silly me! Here I was thinking that now, more than ever, we need to organise, mobilise, take to the streets, and voice our dissent - collectively. Then I went to a couple of supermarkets in the USA, and was left speechless by the sheer number of product ...


10: Pseudo-Science on Vehicle Emissions is Bull

Aucklanders should be very suspicious of the pseudo-science being spouted by their Regional Council and Judith Tizard regarding motor vehicle emissions, ACT New Zealand Transport spokesman Deborah Coddington said today.


11: What Worries New Zealanders?

What Worries New Zealanders? The qualitative research stage of the survey involved interviewing three groups:


12: Back to School in Iraq - but what a mess!

After suffering bombing raids and the deprivations of war, Mustafa returned to school only to find it looted and vandalised.


13: Helping to Make Iraq More Safe and Secure

Coalition forces are helping to develop "a safer and more secure environment" in Iraq, the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) said in a report on recent activity May 18.


14: Indonesia on the Brink: Again

The imposition of martial law in the rebellious province of Aceh comes at a dangerous time for Indonesia. The country is still dealing with the repercussions of the Bali bombing that not only devastated its vital tourism industry but lent weight to the ...


15: Electricity Paths: Fossil Fuels for Fossil Fools

The Environment and Conservation Organisations of NZ (ECO) today issued a package of proposals for a sustainable electricity future and called on the Cabinet today not to be "fossil fools" by hanging their electricity strategy on coal ...


16: Electricity Commission will deliver security

A new Electricity Commission will secure reserve generation to ensure New Zealand's electricity needs can be met even in very dry years without power savings campaigns.


17: Discussion Paper: Reserve Generation

This statement sets out the government’s preferred approach to improving New Zealand’s security of electricity supply. It should be read in the context of the government’s announcements on electricity made on 20 May 2003.


18: Electricity supply security for NZ

Today I am announcing the Government's plans for the future of the electricity sector.


19: Queen’s Counsel appointed

Maureen Southwick, Grant Illingworth, Philip Morgan and David Goddard have been appointed as Queen’s Counsel.


20: Tony Baldwin: The Electricity ‘Crisis’

It is has been quite a media fest. Supposed experts, business leaders, lobby groups and politicians going hammer and tongs. “It is your fault!” “No, it’s yours!” Punch and jab. Duck and dive.


21: Govt tells consumers: Stop Saving Energy!

Green Party Co-Leader Jeanette Fitzsimons has cautiously welcomed the introduction of a Crown Electricity Commission and measures to ensure security of supply, but warned they would only solve half the problem.


22: Howard’s End: ACC A World Leader?

The Accident Compensation Corporation is publicly claiming to be "a world leader in personal injury insurance" while some of the largest accident and disability insurance companies in America are now receiving multi-million dollar damages awards and fines ...


23: Greens urge Government to listen to Tribunal

The Green Party is calling on the Government to accept and honour recommendations from the Waitangi Tribunal, regardless of how electorally unpalatable it may find them.


24: Just Juice 40 Hour Famine Golf Day

Around 70 guests will today take over the Pakuranga Country Club for 18 holes of fundraising fun in the fourth annual Frucor charity golf day.


25: Full Page Ad. For Independent Media In Wash. Post

From The Wilderness today ran a full-page ad in the front section of The Washington Post intended to educate the American people, support heroic leaders and promote a number of independent media outlets (Including Scoop.co.nz) which have made important ...


26: Deadly Medicine - Balancing the Picture

The following article was originally commissioned for publication in Organic NZ magazine’s July edition. However, the scale of reaction to deficiencies at Pan Pharmaceuticals has generated so much confusion and unease over the safety of commonly available ...


27: Demographic Change In New Zealand

New Zealand's population and demographic changes and its impact of property will be the subject of one of the keynote speaker sessions at the up coming New Zealand Property Institute's conference being held at the Hyatt Hotel, Auckland, on Thursday ...


28: Panic paves the way to power price hikes

"The Labour Government will be remembered for its mishandling of the electricity crisis, and householders will be reminded every time they get a power bill," says National Party leader Bill English.


29: Q&As Electricity supply security

The current electricity market does not appear to provide enough incentive for generators to provide for adequate supply security in very dry years. Reserve generation for use in very dry years will not be used often enough to make an adequate return on ...


30: Richard Prebble’s The Letter

After cabinet the Government will announce its plans to regulate the electricity industry by levying each generator to provide dry winter capacity. All regulation produces unintended consequences. This regulation will remove the possibility of ...


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