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Scoop Top 30 Daily Ratings


Yesterday’s top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: U.S.'s Missing $Trillions Make Mainstream At Last

Scoop readers will be well aware of the tale of the missing trillions of dollars from the US Department of Defense. The story of the missing trillions that the world's biggest military organisation has been unable to properly account for has till now ...


2: $300,000 Raised For Breast Cancer Research Trust

The Glassons Breast Cancer Research Trust t-shirt campaign has now topped the $300,000 mark.


3: War On Terror, USA's Unfair Trade Pratices...

Background On New Zealand Contribution To War On Terror, The United States' Record Of Unfair Trade Practices & America's Proposed Bilateral Trade Deals No Substitute For Doha Round
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4: Lagos Humiliates Chile Over Iraq Vote

· By crucifying his UN ambassador, Juan Gabriel Valdés, Chilean President Lagos impales the legendary Chilean diplomat on a Cross of Free Trade


5: Big News: Steve Maharey Misleads Parliament

Social Services Minister Steve Maharey is either “bullshitting” again or is ignorant of aspects of his portfolio, especially regarding the increase in the number of sickness and invalids beneficiaries. I’m sure John Tamihere is not surprised.


6: Top 10 Reasons Helen Sent Trevor to Saudi Arabia

1. Heather Simpson couldn't find Pete Hodgson in the power-crisis darkened corridors of the Beehive. 2. Given it's a desert country, there's little chance Mallard could 'sink' another $34 million into another stupid yacht race.


7: PNAC Primer: How We Got Into This Imperial Pickle

Recently, I was the guest on a radio talk-show hosted by a thoroughly decent far-right Republician. I got verbally battered, but returned fire and, I think, held my own.


8: Unreality & Sustainable Development

Finnish academic Janne Hukkinen puts it this way: in order to live with themselves, resource managers must learn to deny reality.


9: NZers Move To Put MPs On Employment Contracts

1.Media Release 2.Copy of letter sent to MPs (that accompanied M-Pact employment contract) 3.Copy of letter sent to election candidates (that accompanied M-Pact employment contract) 4.Logo (attached logo.tiff).


10: Doco - USA's Afghan Massacre: The Convoy of Death

This film provides eyewitness testimony that U.S. troops massacred of thousands of Taliban prisoners during the Afghan War. It's an account of thousands of prisoners who surrendered to the U.S., were herded into trucks and suffocated...


11: New Zealand Sovereignty Not Negotiable

“New Zealand's sovereignty is not negotiable, nor is it available to be traded away in order to keep other governments happy”, says Progressive leader Jim Anderton.


12: New Zealand must stand up to the bullies

The Greens are defending New Zealand's right to conduct its foreign policy without threat or interference from other states.


13: Statement Regarding US-NZ FTA

There has been much comment in the press regarding the prospects for a free trade agreement between the United States and New Zealand and about recent comments made by U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick.


14: Anderton Should Shut Up Says Peters

New Zealand First has told the Government to stop its “crass” diplomacy with the United States because it is placing New Zealand’s trade and security interests in jeopardy.


15: Time to Drop Anderton

CT Leader Richard Prebble said Mr Anderton's foray into foreign policy demonstrates that it is time the Government dropped him from the administration.


16: Virus Pretends To Come From support@microsoft.com

W32.Sobig.B@mm is a mass-mailing worm that sends itself to all the email addresses, purporting to have been sent by Microsoft (support@microsoft.com).


17: Anderton's comments damage relationship with U.S.

Jim Anderton's comments defending the Prime Minister's criticism of the United States will only deteriorate the already strained relationship between New Zealand and the United States, says National Foreign Affairs Spokesperson Dr Wayne Mapp.


18: Kidd Millennium: Mo-Trix Reloaded

Cartoon by http://www.kiddmillennium.com …


19: Did The USA Use Tactical Nukes In Afghanistan?

A small sample of Afghan civilians have shown "astonishing" levels of uranium in their urine, an independent scientist says. Other researchers suggest new types of radioactive weapons may have been used by the USA in Afghanistan...


20: Dennis Hans: What If Jayson Blair Were Black?

It’s the one question I haven’t seen raised in the many analyses I’ve read on what went wrong in the case of the young New York Times reporter with the vivid imagination and shaky grasp of ethics.


21: Israel Doesn't Determine Our Foreign Policy

"News today that some within the Israeli government are boycotting a meeting with New Zealand's Foreign Minister is absolutely extraordinary,” said Progressive deputy leader Matt Robson.


22: Thefts from cars plague central city

Thefts from cars plague central city Wellington Police are warning motorists to lock their vehicles and take valuables with them as thefts from cars continues to plague the city.


23: Why No Suppression for 'Bunker Kidnap' Victim?

The Wellington family of `Mr X' are victims - not only of the crime attempted on him, but also of Labour's legislated lies in the Victims' Rights Act passed last year. ACT always supports open justice and media freedom, and so we accept today's ...


24: Hard News 26/05/03 - All Good

I was so happy after the whistle went. I felt dizzy - I think I was hyperventilating from shouting at the top of my lungs. Then I felt a bit emotional. I hugged my friends...


25: Bumbling diplomacy further damages NZ interests

The Labour-led Government has now abandoned any pretence of pursuing the best interests of New Zealand and New Zealanders, says National Party Leader Bill English.


26: Greens nominated for their own Cold Shower Award

United Future energy spokesman, Gordon Copeland, announced today the Green Party had been nominated as a front runner for the Greens' 'name and shame' Cold Shower Award intended to highlight big companies the Greens claim are wasting electricity.


27: Slanging matches no way to improve US/NZ relations

United Future leader, Peter Dunne, today called for an end to public slanging matches by both the left and the right of the political spectrum if the relationship between New Zealand and the United States is to be greatly improved.


28: Oped Faceoff on DoD: Sec. Rumsfeld Vs Rep. Skelton

The following two Op-ed opinion pieces appeared in recent days in the Washington Post Newspaper. They relate to Rumsfeld's push for a $400 billion appropriation for the Department of Defense in which he also pushes to largely eliminate Congressional ...


29: 4 Disarm Ship in New York City During Fleet Week

On Sunday, May 25, at about 4 pm, four Catholic Workers, calling themselves the Riverside Ploughshares, went aboard the USS PhilippineSea during the 16th Annual Fleet Week hosted by the Intrepid Museum in New York City.


30: Howard's End: ACC And Miscarriages Of Justice

The Transport & Industrial Relations Select-Committee of Parliament decided last week not to hold an inquiry into ACC and so the most outrageous miscarriage of justice continues unabated. Maree Howard writes.


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