1. KIWI HOSTAGE FREED: Russian security forces have freed a NZ Aid worker Geraldo Cruise, 58, held hostage in Chechnya for several months. He has now arrived back in Geneva.
2. WTO: Jobshare compromise solution looks likely to be approved in the WTO dispute over who will be the next Director General. Moore would take the job first. A "least worst" solution say WTO members.
3. WINZ: WINZ CEO Christine Rankin is defending her expenditure on conferences and training. She says she was misled by a staff-member over the cost of the conference and plane chartering.
4. UPPER HUTT YOUTH OFFENDERS: Group of Upper Hutt residents are unhappy about the placement of four young offenders in a community facility in their neighbourhood - they want an assurance the offenders are not sex offenders.
5. JFK JUNIOR: Bad weather off Martha's vineyard has cleared and searchers have 15 sites to inspect in their hunt for JFK Junior's plane.
6. GANG FENCES: Police are planning to knock down more gang HQ fences after dozing Highway 61's fence in Christchurch yesterday. Meanwhile the gang has started building a new fence.
7. NORTHERN IRELAND: US peace negotiator George Mitchell is to review the Northern Ireland peace process.
8. HILLARY BIRTHDAY: Hillary celebrates 80th birthday at Government House - "I believe I epitomise the average NZer" - says Hillary.
Springbok coach Nick Mallett accuses All Blacks of cheating
and says his boys aren't good enough at it while Jeff Wilson
and Josh Kronfeld and very