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SCP Ratings: Today's Scoop Top 20

Today's top 20 rating items were...

1: The Shifting Sands Of the GE Debate

Scoop Feature: Scoop's Jonathan Hill looks at the changing positions in the leadup to this weeks labelling decision on genetically engineered foods and the challenges of the immediate future

2: Scoop Today - Top 20

Yesterday's top 20 rating items on Scoop were...

3: Clark and Cullen at odds over economic issues?

Treasurer Bill English questioned today whether Labour leader Helen Clark was at odds with her finance spokesman over economic issues.

4: Who is XXXX? And how much have they cost?

The Alliance has released papers obtained under the Official Information Act that show that the government was seriously considering selling the student loans scheme as late as May this year at the request of financial institutions only referred to ...
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5: Rankin's Thursday Column: Democracy And The Media

A worrying theme is emerging in some recent studies; democracy is much less popular than died-in-the-wool democrats such as myself would wish it to be. Further, democracy seems to be less popular with young than with older New Zealanders

6: Shallow, gimmicky, wrong

"More childish fibs from Bill English. If he was less preoccupied with trying to impress his mates in caucus and more serious about New Zealand, he'd spend less time on these cheap gimmicks and more addressing the structural problems in the economy," ...

7: $1,800 per household to pay for Labour's promises

Treasurer Bill English released figures today that show that every household in New Zealand would have to pay at least $1,800 a year more to meet the spending promises made to date by Labour.

8: National Radio Midday Bulletin

Samoan Assassination - Shooting - Murder - Ansett - Cancer - Floods - Philippines - Sierra Lione - Migration - Armed Robbery - Telecom - Dairy Board - Plants

9: Telecom To Exchange Phonecards

Telecom will exchange magnetic strip cards for special chip PhoneCards for customers with unused value in their magnetic cards.

10: Irradiation - Is it Safe And Do We Need It?

Scoop's Jonathan Hill takes a look at the pros and cons of the decision to allow irradiated foods into New Zealand and asks what it means for our nuclear-free stance.

11: Theme: "The women leaders have lost their way."

We were the first to give women the vote, to pay substantial old age pensions, and to adopt enlightened industrial laws.

12: Where Do F16s Fit Into Our Future Defence Needs?

The Air Force will be trading in a family saloon car for a high performance racing car when it replaces its ageing Skhawks with old model F16 combat aircraft. While the F16 is a fine aircraft and one that will put us on a more equal footing with ...

13: Alternatives To The APEC Agenda Announced

The September Leaders Summit won't be the only conference in Auckland to focus on APEC. The APEC Monitoring Group today announced details of its forum entitled Alternatives To The APEC Agenda to be held from September 10-12 in Auckland.

14: Improving Young Men's Sexual Health

"The Ministry of Youth Affairs will investigate publicising child support payment obligations as a way to make young men sit up and take notice of the safe sex message", Youth Affairs Minister, Tony Ryall, said today.

15: Movement Of Prisoners Reveals Crisis - PSA

The disclosure that 30 North Island prisoners are to be flown to the Christchurch region tomorrow is a revealing and worrying development, the PSA said today.

16: Why Republicans Oppose an Australian Republic

A foretaste of things to come in NZ? Simon Orme writes from Sydney on the question of a republic and how the debate is finally heating up.

17: The Government Is Not Selling Student Loans

Minister for Tertiary Education Max Bradford said today that the Government had no intention of selling student loan accounts to the private sector.

18: Theme: "MMP - cleaning up Government"

Over the past fifteen years New Zealand has been through one of the biggest social and economic upheavals experienced by any Western democracy outside war.

19: Irradiation Another Win For Global Food Giants

The transtasman decision this week to allow irradiated food is another triumph for global food giants at the expense of consumers and farmers.

20: Reject The Reptiles, Says Libertarianz Deputy

Confidence in democratic government has crashed, according to ongoing research by the New Zealand Study of Values. "The electorate is beginning to awaken," said Libertarianz Deputy Leader Dr Richard McGrath yesterday." They are beginning ...

21: APEC SOM III - Related Meetings

List of meetings - Rotorua - 4-13 August 1999

22: Kevin Roberts: Take Tonga to the world

I love the idea of the Kingdom of Tonga. A unique, proud and independent nation, the only Monarchy left in the Pacific. It has never been colonised. It is bound together by an inspiring Christian faith and a strong church. And it produces incredible rugby ...

23: National Radio 8am Bulletin

Samoan Assassination - Another US Shooting - Flash Flood - Ansett Strike - Ebola - Indian Rail Crash - Cricket

24: Injunctions stop Maximus pyramid scheme

The Commerce Commission has obtained interim injunctions stopping the operation of an alleged pyramid scheme, Maximus Intermediaries Limited, and freezing its bank accounts.

25: The Pressure On NZ To Accept Genetic Engineering

With corporations and governments investing billions of dollars into the science of genetic engineering, it is clear to see how international consumer uncertainty regarding this technology has placed investors between a rock and a hard place.

26: New Moves To Protect Communities from Disaster

The Government is moving to improve and update New Zealand's emergency management framework, the Minister of Civil Defence, Jack Elder, announced today. Policy proposals have been approved for legislation to repeal and replace the Civil Defence Act 1983.

27: APEC Third Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM III)

This note outlines the main issues likely to be discussed at the third APEC Senior Officials' Meeting for 1999 (SOM III) in Rotorua 11-13 August.

28: Tax Debate Puts Middle NZ On Horns Of Dilemma

Struggling middle income New Zealanders are genuinely scared a Labour/Alliance government will raise their taxes, says United New Zealand leader, Hon Peter Dunne.

29: Irradiated Food A Two Way Street

Now that the ban on irradiated food is to be lifted there is nothing to stop New Zealand dairy companies irradiating bulk milk, for instance, and exporting it in tankers to be processed into cheese, milk powder or any other dairy product in another ...

30: The New York Times

Bond Buy Back - Israel - Gay Boy Scout Case - Chemical Giants Merge - Timber Wars - Umpire Dispute - Cell Phone Craze - Serbs Purged - Indian Growth - Guns

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