Small town community stands up
Meka Whaitiri
Primary Industries
25 September 2015
Small town community stands up
Maori businesses engaged with corporate giant Talley’s should make a stand and withdraw their support, says Labour’s Primary Industries spokesperson Meka Whaitiri.
“Wairoa workers who refuse to sign individual contracts with the company have been locked out putting enormous pressure on whanau.
“Wairoa families are now standing up for their rights, seeking a collective agreement and wondering will they have enough in the kitty to cover the basics.
“For many of the Maori families WINZ payments are now the only source of income that supplements food and financial donations.
“Talley's is behaving like a corporate bully who, like this National Government, are completely out of touch with real people like whanau from Wairoa.
“Iwi Leaders have stepped in to broker another deal and are due to report back by October 16, says Meka Whaitiri.