Aucklanders March in Solidarity with Refugees
Aucklanders March in Solidarity with Refugees
Today Aucklanders will gather to support an increased refugee quota. While the refugee crisis may have fallen out of the limelight in New Zealand the crisis has certainly not been resolved. Currently over 15 million refugees are fleeing from war and persecution, unable to return to their homes. New Zealand’s quota is a meager 750, one of the lowest per capita in the developed world and there are many who believe we should be doing more.
Kiwis from all walks of life recognize that we as a nation need to play our part in the global community. Today’s march brings together speakers from diverse groups such as the Pacific Island community, several Unions, and a variety of refugee and former refugee communities, the Auckland Refugee Council, and many others. Gathering at 2pm outside Britomart we will hear from an array of local musicians followed by speakers.
This event follows the Welcome 10,000 event held in Aotea Square last month, which brought attention to the issue and raised funds for the Auckland Refugee Council, who provide practical support and advocacy for asylum seekers. Organizers hope for today’s event to be a show of solidarity with refugees around the world and to encourage New Zealand to take a more meaningful role in solving the current refugee crisis.
Sirpa Gunn
Treasurer of the Auckland Refugee
Council and co-organiser of the