GM – Public Risk, Private Benefit
GM – Public Risk, Private Benefit
The recent rash of editorial and
reactionary response to the advocacy of the use of GM
technologies in agriculture in Aotearoa/New Zealand by Du
Pont and Monsanto senior management deserves some sober and
rational attention. At a recent International Agricultural
Biotechnology conference sponsored by the Federation of
Maori Authorities, a GM Panel claimed that NZ “could miss
(the) bus” and be left behind, raise several interesting
questions. If they meant the agribusiness bus, then perhaps
that bus is well worth missing given that the agribusiness
bus has driven rural NZ to a current debt of about $48
billion with the environmental impact cost of NZ business in
2010 averaged at $0.41 of every $1 revenue earned?
of the role of GM technology in agriculture was a part of
the Federation of Maori Authorities members commitment to
understanding the wider potential of the application of
biotechnologies “to global issues such as climate change,
sustainability, health, nutrition, and how to feed nine
billion people in 2050”. It is disappointing that little
else was reported from the conference except the
commercially driven claims of the GM heavyweights. The
responses these claims invoke create a smokescreen obscuring
critical questions and drawing attention away from advances
in farm practice, research, and technology, potentially of
much greater benefit to NZ agriculture than the original
sledge-hammer techniques that produced a range of glyphosate
resistant plants.
Recent research at AgResearch
Grasslands on the whakapapa of white clover opens up
exciting ways of copying nature and creating new varieties
potentially with better drought and saline tolerance and
vital in a world of growing climate instability and water
at the Bio-Protection Research Centre at Lincoln University
are a key part of an international effort to understand and
apply startling research that plant-root symbiotic fungi
“create” healthy more productive plants by inducing
systemic resistance to diseases and improving plant growth
by up-regulating plant genes. Fungi, without the help of
Monsanto, or Du Pont have been quietly working together with
plants for millions of years to accomplish what your
brightest genetic engineer would never imagine in their
wildest dreams. More importantly, scientists from the
Bio-Protection Centre are already working with farmers to
find the best ways of using this research to reduce input
costs, improve quality, and benefit the environment.
is ill-served by the pursuit of short term gains from
commodity products by farm expansion and intensification. GM
glyphosate-resistance technology is part of this same failed
and environmentally damaging mindset.
Export gains
result from farmers working with scientists to change and
fine tune farming practices and processors working with
technologists to adapt new technologies to meet specific
industry requirements. NZ’s infrastructure has been built
on the tax take from the primary producers and associated
manufacturing and processing businesses that have benefited
from this collaborative work. Shutting NZ entrepreneurs off
from the free-flow of ideas and the intellectual property
resulting from tax-payer investment in science and
technology has set this country back some 20 years.
Alfred Harris has a first class honours degree in genetics, with experience as a scientist in public good research and as a share-holder and owner of biocarbon technology and research companies. He is currently involved in a range of research including practical methods for reducing the impact of intensive dairy farming on water quality.