Cablegate: A/S Holmes Visit to Drc
This record is a partial extract of the original cable. The full text of the original cable is not available.
E.O. 12958: N/A
1. (U) Summary: During A/S Holmes visit to the DRC Oct 23-28,
SRSG Swing and staff explained the situation in the DRC and
MONUC's accomplishments and challenges. At a luncheon hosted
by the Ambassador, A/S Holmes learned about preparations for
DRC elections and disarmament in discussions with DRC's
electoral commission president and DDR coordinator. SRSG
Swing accompanied A/S Holmes and delegation to visit MONUC
operation in Bunia and Goma and to a meeting with the
Governor of North Kivu. A/S Holmes later visited MONUC
operations in Bukavu and Kindu, and met with the Governor of
South Kivu. A/S Holmes reiterated USG interest in improving
MONUC's effectiveness, and support for the DRC's transition
in the DRC, at a meeting of CIAT--the International Committee
to Support of the Transition. End Summary
2. (U) On Oct. 24, William L. Swing, UN Special
Representative of the Secretary General in the DRC, chaired a
briefing at MONUC HQ for IO A/S Holmes, Ambassador, DCM and
Poloffs. MONUC Force Commander Samaila Iliya participated,
along with MONUC officers from civilian police, political,
DDR, external affairs, humanitarian, human rights, and
administrative affairs sections. A/S Holmes was briefed on
plans to bolster MONUC,s capacity in the east, with a new
divisional HQ in Kisangani and more deployments in the Kivus.
The SRSG and staff also briefed on plans for a new Deputy
SRSG, the arms embargo, MONUC,s support for DRC efforts to
normalize relations with neighboring states, security sector
reform, and elections. After the headquarters briefing, A/S
Holmes visited the studios of Radio Okapi and learned about
MONUC public affairs operations in a meeting with MONUC,s
Public Information Director and staff. Among other issues,
the briefing covered Radio Okapi,s media support for DDRRR
3. (U) At a luncheon Oct. 24 hosted by the Ambassador, A/S
Holmes discussed DRC election preparations with Appolinaire
Malu Malu, president of the DRC independent electoral
commission, and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration
with DRC Disarmament Commission coordinator Daniel Kawata.
Both Malu Malu and Kawata stressed the importance of MONUC's
role in their respective areas of responsibility.
4. (U) On Oct. 25, SRSG Swing, DCM, and PolCouns accompanied
A/S Holmes and delegation to Bunia, Ituri District, Orientale
Province. Dominique McAdams, Director of MONUC Bunia Field
Office and her staff briefed A/S Holmes on stabilization,
MONUC deployments, and major challenges in Ituri, including
political and humanitarian affairs. The briefing in Bunia
also covered issues related to allegations of MONUC sexual
abuse. Following the briefing, A/S Holmes visited the town
of Bunia and a camp for internally displaced persons near
Bunia airfield.
5. (U) On Oct. 26, M,hand Ladjouzi, head of MONUC Goma
(North Kivu Province) Field Office, and staff briefed A/S
Holmes on operations. A/S Holmes spoke briefly with radio
reporters in Goma, and later visited the Indian Air Force
compound facilities, and the South African Task Force One
compound near Lake Kivu. Bad weather precluded MONUC
aircraft from landing at Beni for a scheduled visit at the
MONUC sub office. Later, Eugene Serufuli, Governor of North
Kivu, hosted A/S Holmes, SRSG Swing and delegation for
dinner. Governor Serufuli spoke, among other issues, about
his interest in attracting new U.S. investment in North Kivu.
On Oct. 27, before departing Goma, A/S Holmes viewed the
Indian Aviation Contingent helicopters at Goma airfield.
6. (U) On Oct. 27, the Indian Aviation Contingent flew A/S
Holmes and delegation to Bukavu, South Kivu Province. The
Vice Governor of South Kivu and MONUC Bukavu Head of Office
Alpha Sow met A/S Holmes on arrival. Mr. Sow and Kivu
Brigade Commander Jan Isberg and staff briefed A/S Holmes on
the political and security situation in South Kivu. A/S
Holmes and delegation visited briefly the town of Bukavu and
met with Augustin Bulaimu, the Governor of South Kivu and his
two Vice Governors. A/S Holmes spoke briefly with radio
reporters following this meeting and participated in a radio
interview with Radio Okapi in Bukavu. Separately, at a
dinner with the delegation on Oct. 27, A/S Holmes discussed
problems related to child welfare in the DRC, and
identification of child combatants with Murhabazi Namegabe,
program director for a Congolese child welfare and health
7. (U) On Oct. 28, the Head of the Kindu Office (Maniema
Province) Marie-France Heliere briefed A/S Holmes on the
local situation, including DDR, support for the transition
and humanitarian operations. A/S Holmes then visited the
MONUC Uruguayan Riverine Contingent compound on the Lualaba
River in Kindu.
8. (U) Later on Oct. 28 SRSG Swing hosted a meeting of the
International Committee for the Support of the Transition
(CIAT) to discuss the November 2004 mission of the UNSC to
Central Africa. A/S Holmes, accompanied by the Ambassador,
briefed the members of the committee on his visit to the DRC,
the USG,s interest in improving MONUC,s effectiveness, and
support for the transition.
IO Assistant Secretary Holmes clears the cable.