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Cablegate: Afghan Heroin Precursor Chemicals -- Instruction For


DE RUEHC #0219 1562042
O 042031Z JUN 08



E.O. 12958: N/A

1. The Department requests that USUN welcome the French
draft resolution on chemical precursors of heroin in
Afghanistan and express our appreciation to the French for
their efforts to address this problem. USUN should
support the text of the draft resolution provided by the
French, as copied in paragraph 3, with minor edits to clarify
that the resolution deals with chemical precursors of heroin,
not chemical precursors writ large.

2. USUN should refer any subsequent substantive changes
to the Department for guidance, and recall the
Department's initial red lines, which the French have
already taken into account, in considering the text at the
expert level and in the Council:

-- the resolution should call on further cooperation
within the framework of existing UN drug control
conventions and the International Narcotics Control Board,
as reflected in OPs 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, and 12;

-- any actions by the Secretary General to appoint
additional experts to examine the issue should be done
within existing resources, as reflected in OP 12.

-- the Afghan government should support the resolution, as
it has indicated in its support for the current draft.

3. Begin text:

The Security Council,

1. Recalling its previous resolutions on Afghanistan, in
particular its resolutions 1659 (2006), 1776 (2007) and
1806 (2008), and the Statement of its President on 17 June
2003 (S/PRST/2003f7),

2. Reaffirming its resolutions 1267 (1999),1373 (2001) and
1735 (2006), and reiterating its support for international
efforts to combat terrorism in accordance with
international law, including the Charter of the United

3. Reaffirming its strong commitment to the sovereignty,
independence, territorial integrity and national unity of

4. Reaffirming its continued support for the Government
and people of Afghanistan as they rebuild their country,
strengthen the foundations of sustainable peace and
constitutional democracy and assume their rightful place
in the community of nations,

5. Noting with concern the close connection between
international terrorism and transnational organized crime,
money laundering, trafficking in illicit drugs and illegal
arms, and in this regard emphasizing the need to enhance
coordination of efforts on national, subregional, regional
and international levels in order to strengthen a global
response to this serious challenge and threat to
international security,

6. Reiterating its concern about the security situation in
Afghanistan, in particular the continued violent and
terrorist activities by the Taliban, Al-Qaida, illegal
armed groups, criminals and those involved in the
narcotics trade, and the links between illicit drugs
trafficking and the insurgency,

7. Stressing once again the serious harm that the high
level of opium cultivation, production and trafficking
causes to the security, development and governance of
Afghanistan as well as to the region and internationally,

8. Recognizing the efforts of neighboring countries to
address the impact on the region of the production of
illicit drugs in Afghanistan, including through
interdiction activities,

9. Reiterating its support for the fight against illicit
trafficking of drugs from and chemical precursors of heroin to
Afghanistan, in neighboring countries and countries along
trafficking routes, encouraging increased cooperation
between those countries to strengthen anti-narcotics
controls to curb the drug flow, including through border
management cooperation, and expressing its support for the
Paris Pact Initiative aimed at combating Afghan opiates
trafficking, for the outcome of the Second Ministerial
Conference organized in Moscow in June 2006, and for the
meeting organized in Kabul in October 2007 in the
framework of the Paris Pact Initiative,

10. Expressing its support to the Afghan National Drug
Control Strategy and calling on the Afghan Government,
with the assistance of the international community, to
accelerate its implementation, as discussed at the seventh
meeting of the Joint Coordinating and Monitoring Board
(JCMB) held in Tokyo in February 2008,

11. Recalling that achieving a sustained and significant
reduction in the production and trafficking of narcotics
with a view to eliminating the narcotics industry has been
identified as a cross-cutting priority by the "Afghanistan
Compact" adopted in London in 2006, which provides the
framework for the partnership between the Afghan
Government and the international community, as well as the
Government of Afghanistan's National Drug Control

12. Urging States that have not done so to consider
ratifying or acceding to, and State parties to implement
fully the multilateral treaties whose aim is to fight
against the illicit trafficking of narcotic drugs, notably
the United Nations Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs,
1961, as amended by the Protocol of 25 March 1972 and the
United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in
Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances, 1988 (the 1988
Convention), and underlining the importance for all States
parties to these treaties to implement them fully in order
to promote international stability,

13. Expressing utmost concern at the increase of illegal
smuggling to and within Afghanistan of chemical precursors
needed to produce heroin, in particular acetic anhydride,
noting that most of the opium produced in Afghanistan is
now processed in the country, and stressing the need to
better implement the system of monitoring and notification
of the international trade in chemical precursors of heroin
established by the 1988 Convention so as to prevent the
diversion from licit channels to illicit traffic of

14. Recalling the Political Declaration adopted by the
General Assembly at its twentieth special session, In
which Member States decided to establish the year 2008 as
a target date for States to eliminate or significantly
reduce, inter alia, the diversion of precursors of heroin,

15. Acknowledging the role of the Commission on Narcotic
Drugs of the Economic and Social Council as the global
coordinating body in international drug control, and
welcoming its intention to consider the issue of
precursors of heroin control as one of the central
questions to be discussed during the high-level segment
of the fifty-second session of the Commission on Narcotic

16. Acknowledging the leading role played by the
International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) in the
implementation of the United Nations international drug
control conventions and the international control of
precursors of heroin,

17. Stressing the central role played by the United
Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in assisting
Member States in the fight against illicit drugs,

1. Calls upon all Member States to increase international
and regional cooperation in order to strengthen the
monitoring of the international trade in chemical
precursors of heroin, notably acetic anhydride, and to prevent
attempts to divert the substances from licit international
trade for illicit use in Afghanistan,

2. Urges all Member States, in particular Afghanistan,
neighboring countries, all countries on the trafficking
routes and producing countries to increase their
cooperation with the INCB, notably by fully complying with
the provisions of Article 12 of the 1986 Convention, in
order to eliminate loopholes utilized by criminal
organizations to divert acetic anhydride and other
precursors of heroin from licit international trade; Strongly
encourages Member States to regularly provide the INCB
with estimates of their domestic, legitimate requirements
for chemical precursors of heroin, in accordance with Resolution
49/3 from the Commission on Narcotic Drugs,

3. Urges all Member States to request, through the
Secretary General, the systematic notification by
exporters of all exports to their territories of chemical
precursors of heroin, notably acetic anhydride, in accordance
with provisions of Articfe 12, paragraph 10, of the 1988
Convention; also urges the Governments of all importing
and exporting countries that have not yet done so to
register with and utilize the online system for the
exchange of pre-export notifications (PEN Online),

4. Calls upon all Member States, in particular producing
countries, Afghanistan, neighbouring countries and all
countries on the trafficking routes to adopt adequate
national legislation, consistent With the requirements of
relevant international conventions to which they are
parties, where it has not yet been done, and to strengthen
their national capacities in the areas of (i) regulation
and monitoring of manufacture and trade of chemical
precursors of heroin, with a view to controlling the final
destination of such chemicals and (ii) specialized
enforcement operations against the diversion of precursors
of heroin, including for their detection and disposal in
Afghanistan and the region, and for strengthening border

5. Invites the international community to provide
technical assistance and support in building national
capacity in the fields referred to in Paragraph 4, to
Afghanistan and, where appropriate, neighboring countries,
including through voluntary contributions to the INCB and
UNODC; stresses in particular the importance of training
and equipping law enforcement agencies, including border
police and custom officers, so as to allow them to deal
efficiently with such tasks as detection, stockpiling,
transportation and destruction of chemical precursors of
heroin; and encourages Afghanistan and its neighbors to make
full use of such assistance,

6. Reiterates its support for the Paris Pact Initiative
aimed at facilitating counter narcotics cooperation and
coordination amongst countries seriously affected by
Afghan opiates trafficking, for the outcome of the Second
Ministerial Conference on Drug Trafficking Routes from
Afghanistan organized in Moscow in June 2006
(8//2006/598), and for other international and/or regional
relevant initiatives, such as Project Cohesion.

7. Welcomes the launch, under the guidance of UNODC and
the Project Cohesion Task Force, of the Targeted
Anti-Trafficking Regional Communication, Expertise and
Training (TARCET) initiative, targeting precursors used in
the manufacture of heroin in Afghanistan,

8. Recognizes the legitimate need of industry to have
access to precursors and its important role In preventing
the diversion of precursors, and encourages all Member
States, in particular Afghanistan's neighbors to develop
partnerships With the private sector so as to prevent the
diversion of precursors of heroin,

9. Looks forward to the outcome of the international
conference in support of Afghanistan, which will be held
in Paris on 12 June 2008, and encourages the participants
to the Conference to makes concrete proposals on the ways
to address the problem of diversion of chemical precursors of
heroin for illicit use, in the wider framework of the
discussions on the strengthening of counter-narcotics activities
in the Afghanistan National Development Strategy and National
Drug Control Strategy,

10. Encourages Member States to submit to the Committee
established pursuant to resolution 1267 (1999) for
inclusion on the Consolidated List names of individuals
and entities participating in the financing or support of
acts or activities of Al-Qaida, Osama bin Laden and the
Taliban, and other individual, groups, undertakings and
entities associated with them, using proceeds derived from
the illicit cultivation, production, and trafficking of
narcotic drugs produced in Afghanistan and their

11. Requests the Secretary General to report to the
Security Council, no later than nine months from the date
of adoption of this resolution, on the implementation of
this resolution and to include in his report further
recommendations on ways to strengthen regional and
international cooperation to prevent the diversion and
smuggling of chemical precursors of heroin to and within
Afghanistan, and on further opportunities for Member
States to support the Afghan Government in developing
capacities to tackle precursors and trafficking,

12. Encourages the Secretary General to closely cooperate
with UNODC, INCB in the preparation of the report
requested in paragraph 10 of this resolution; also
requests the Secretary General to appoint, within existing
resources and in consultation with the aforementioned
entities and the Security Council, a group of up to five
independent experts mandated with providing assistance for
the preparation of such report,

13. Expresses its intention to monitor closely the
implementation of this resolution and to take further
actions which may be required to this end,

14. Decides to remain seized of the matter.

End Text

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