Shortlisted Strategic Takapuna Development Site
October 10, 2002
Option for shortlisted strategic Takapuna development site
A public car park combined with offices and apartments is North Shore City Council's favoured option for a significant undeveloped site in central Takapuna.
The 6059 square metre site, bordered by Huron, Northcroft and Auburn Streets, is commonly referred to as the "gasometer" site because of its earlier use for gas storage.
Since 1960, the site has been in council ownership and designated for car park development.
The council is now consulting with the business and local community to get feedback on its preferred option, with a leaflet going out to Takapuna Business Association members, local newspaper advertising and a display in Takapuna Library opening this week.
The council considered five major development options with some variations on each before its strategy and finance committee indicated in August, that it favoured the option which includes: * 756 public car parks * 78 private car parks * 26 apartments * 900 square metres of office space on Huron Street.
Committee chairperson, Tony Holman, says this
mixed-use option best meets the criteria applied, namely:
* To supply 750 public car parks, given that it has
always been designated for this purpose and both Takapuna
Business Association and Takapuna Community Board have
called for 750 more public car park spaces
* Aligns with
the city's strategic plan and blueprint objectives to
support local centres and provide quality street
* Minimal risk to ratepayers' funds
Must be attractive to commercial developers.
Councillor Holman says four other options and some variations on them did not meet the guidelines as well as this option.
He says council officers briefed executive members of the Takapuna Business Association this week, who expressed support for the selected scheme.
"This was an encouraging response. We were also advised of their wish for council to retain ownership of the land in whatever deal we might strike with a developer," he says.
Councillor Holman said an experienced team evaluated the preferred design, including urban designers, architects, engineers and quantity surveyors.
"This makes good use of design in creating a functional car park, concealed by more attractive yet functional apartments and office space.
Interest from developers has been strong with 19 companies and individuals already expressing interest in meeting with council to discuss the matter.
The council has made the feasibility report on the development options available for public comment until November 1. At its November 12 meeting the strategy and finance committee will consider public responses to the consultation process before making a final recommendation to the council. "We would like to hear people's views on our preferred option and if they agree with our choice, and any other feedback on the other options we looked at," he says.
Copies of the full report are available for $80 from the council, or copies of the report are available for reading at the Takapuna Library until 5pm on November 1. Submission forms can also be completed at the library on the development options, for the council to consider.
Copies of the consultation leaflet and submission forms are also available by calling Actionline on 486 8600 or by visiting the council's website at