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This past week has seen the coalition of chaos in fully dysfunctional mode. In the last six days, ACT and NZF have had two strikingly different responses to two strikingly similar problems in two key sectors of the economy: supermarkets and energy companies.
Successive Govts have failed to regulate NZ’s worst freshwater polluter - the intensive dairy industry, who pollute lakes, rivers and drinking water with contaminants like E coli and nitrate. And now, Luxon’s govt is removing the only effective freshwater protections New Zealand ever had.
Often described as 'ocean sentinels,' Hoiho are highly sensitive to changes in marine ecosystems, making them key indicators of ocean health. However, the cumulative effect of multiple threats has made them increasingly vulnerable.
The Waitangi Tribunal is recommending the Crown step down in its efforts to amend the Takutai Moana Act and make a genuine effort to engage with Māori before it causes irreparable damage.
Former National cabinet minister, businessman and New Zealand’s first America’s Cup campaign director “Aussie” Malcolm has died in Whangarei after a short illness, in his 84th year, surrounded by family and friends.
Everyone should be enabled to live their best lives and be their best selves. Today is a step towards turning this ambition into a reality for more New Zealanders with ADHD.
Peter Boshier has announced investigations of Auckland Transport and Wellington Water along with the Wellington City Council, Queenstown Lakes District Council and Marlborough District Council.