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Scoop Top 30 Ratings - June 16 2005


Yesterday's top 30 rating items on Scoop were...

1: Stephen Franks - Fighting back is all that's left

When Kenneth Wang brought Mr Manchao Li’s letter to me I was working on my law amendments to restore New Zealanders’ rights of self defense. These rights were removed by National government law changes starting just over 20 years ago.


2: The World In The Palm Of Their Hands (Part 2)

June 7, 2005—Because of the near total blackout of this year's Bilderberg conference in the mass media, knowledge of what transpired behind the heavy guarded walls of Dorint Sofitel Seehotel Überfahrt in Rottach-Egern, Bavaria, Munich, Germany, May ...


3: The World In The Palm Of Their Hands (Part 1)

May 24, 2005—The annual secret meeting of the Bilderberg group determines many of the headlines and news developments you will read about in the coming months. But the Establishment media completely black it out. With the exception of half-a-dozen ...
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4: Mr Kelly’s Canadian Senate Gaff – Full Transcript

Former Labour MP Graham Kelly, now New Zealand's High Commissioner to Canada, caused something of a stir with his attempts at humour whilst giving evidence at a Canadian Senate committee studying fisheries. Mr Kelly has unreservedly apologised for his ...


5: Minister Misleads Kim Hill and Public

"The Minister of Health has mislead the public by claiming on Kim Hill's TV programme last night that making the MeNZB(tm) vaccine was akin to making the flu vaccine; the claim is another example of junk science used to undergird a mass medical experiment," ...


6: MeNZB Debate: Unethical antiscience scaremongering

A media statement issued this week by Ron Law and Barbara Sumner Burstyn claims that results of international trials on meningococcal B vaccines shows an increase in meningococcal risk in pre-schoolers.


7: Climate change challenge increases for New Zealand

The latest government forecast of net greenhouse gas emissions for 2008-12 shows New Zealand will miss its Kyoto target by 36.2Mt CO2e unless further action is taken.


8: Stop Press!! MoH Seeks MeNZB(tm) Endorsements

Stop Press!! MoH Seek MeNZB Vaccine Endorsements Ron Law & Barbara Sumner Burstyn Urgent Press Release


9: Smithsonian Embroiled in God v Darwin Dispute

Scientists protest against controversial documentary in the US National Museum - Creationists regard “Evolutionism” as reason for criminality, drug abuse and wars.


10: 3 News TNS Poll - Opinion Poll Results

“TNS used to be called NFO/CM Research, and is still New Zealand’s leading consultative market research and intelligence company”


11: Christina Rocca U.S. policy towards South Asia

Christina Rocca, Assistant Secretary for South Asian Affairs Statement before the House International Relations Subcommittee for Asia and the Pacific Washington, DC June 14, 2005


12: Will Rivers Pitt: Nail It to the White House Door

Almost five hundred years ago, Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door of the Wittenberg Church, initiating a sequence of events which forever altered the geometry of global religion, politics and power. Luther's Theses began with the ...


13: Time And Place Fixed For Downing St. Memo Rally

On Thursday June 16, 2005, Rep. John Conyers, Jr., Ranking Member of the House Judiciary Committee, and other Congress Members will hold a hearing on the Downing Street Minutes and related evidence of efforts to cook the books on pre-war intelligence. (Time ...


14: Carolyn Baker: America As The Jackson Jury

As I watch the puerile, middle-aged miscreant walk away unscathed from one of the most media-hyped trials in the history of the nation, a particular word reverberates in my mind: collusion. The word which literally means co-illusion implies the sharing ...


15: Dame Silvia Cartwright to replace Graham Kelly

Dame Silvia Cartwright will replace Graham Kelly, New Zealand’s High Commissioner in Canada, when her term at Government House finishes next April, according to political newsletter Trans-Tasman.


16: Increased Vaccine Risk in Pre-Schoolers - Explain

Last week IMAC called for more science and less opinion in the MeNZB(tm) vaccination debate: We agree, and now call on IMAC to explain the increased risk of meningococcal disease in pre-schoolers apparent in its evidence used to support the MeNZB(tm) campaign.


17: Evelyn Pringle: TeenScreen - The Law Suits Begin

The scheme concocted by the pharmaceutical industry and pushed forward by the Bush administration to screen the entire nation's public school population for mental illness and treat them with controversial drugs was already setting off alarms among ...


18: Reaction To Kelly Comments PC Gone Mad

Rt Hon Winston Peters told an Ashburton audience today that the reaction to New Zealand High Commissioner to Canada Graham Kelly’s recent comments was PC gone mad and one more sign that some New Zealanders simply can’t handle the truth.


19: Zorks, corks, screwcaps roadshow with a difference

Discovering the relative attributes of various wine bottle closures will be among the highlights of an innovative roadshow to be mounted in late August by one of New Zealand’s major wine distributors.


20: When the going gets tough National prepare to quit

While the rest of the world is facing up to the threat of climate change, Nick Smith and the National party are having a panic attack and are actively considering snubbing the international community by abandoning Kyoto.


21: Truth hurts as Hodgson lashes out

National’s Forestry spokesman, Brian Connell, says Pete Hodgson’s embarrassing concession over Kyoto liabilities should serve as a lesson to him that honesty is always the best policy.


22: Another Downing St Memo – Wrongfooting Saddam

SCOOP EDITOR'S NOTE: The following is a transcript of another document leaked to the media concerning the build up to the Iraq war. It concerns a discussion in early 2002 between the UK Ambassador to the US and then Deputy Defence Secretary Paul Wolfowitz.


23: The Downing Street Memo Comes To Washington

We speak with Rep. John Conyers (D-MI) who is convening a public hearing tomorrow in Washington on the so-called Downing Street Memo and other newly released documents that he says show the Bush administration's "efforts to cook the books on pre-war ...


24: Bolivia's Poor Indigenous Population Rises Up

Bolivia's Poor Indigenous Population Rises Up to Demand Nationalization of their Nation's Energy Resources - Interview with Jim Schultz, executive director of the Democracy Center, conducted by Scott Harris on June 6, 2005


25: William Fisher: This Just In... GITMO-By-The-Sea

Oppressed Christians: Looking for a five-star holiday? Have we got a deal for you! GITMO-By-The-Sea.


26: Govt's climate change response in tatters

Climate Change Minister Pete Hodgson has confirmed to Parliament’s Environment and Local Government Select Committee that his Government’s latest projection on carbon balances show a deficit for the first Kyoto reporting period 2008/12, ACT Energy ...


27: New Zealand Trade And Enterprise Export Awards

16 June 2005 - Twenty-one outstanding companies across the industry spectrum and ranging from enterprises earning more than $200 million annually in exports to small, entrepreneurial software developers have today been named as finalists in the 2005 ...


28: Hodgson must resign over billion-dollar cock-up

National's Environment spokesman, Nick Smith, says Pete Hodgson must accept responsibility and resign over the billion-dollar error made in calculating New Zealand's carbon credit balance.


29: Judgment: James Bryson V Three Foot Six Ltd

James Bryson V Three Foot Six Limited (SC CIV 24/2004) [2005 NZSC 34] PRESS SUMMARY


30: Goff names new Ambassador to WTO

New Zealand's next Ambassador to the World Trade Organisation will be career diplomat Crawford Falconer, Foreign Minister Phil Goff announced today.



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