Scoop wraps up coverage of Campaign '99...
Scoop Images: And The Band Played On -
Scoop Images: Suits And Protestors At ACT Rally -
Greens Hit six per cent in Polls
- See Thursday night's polls... TV1 [1] and TV3 [2] in the Headlines wire.
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Fridays Herald Poll
- Let us not be accused of bringing you all the info! Today's Herald DigiPoll puts Labour up two per cent to 39.8 per cent, National up .8 to 29.9, ACT down 1.5 to 8.5 per cent, Alliance down .9 to 7.7 per cent, Greens up .2 to 5.4 per cent and NZ First down 1.2 to 3.6 per cent. The Waikato Election Study Poll remains stalled on November 19 and is not able to be updated today. However Scoop has been told the results are close to the Herald and TV One polls with a slightly larger gap between national and Labour.
Bring It On!
– Good Day Mediaphiles ... well, we're nearly there. I had intended to deliver a high-minded meditation on the need for change. Indeed, I will. But before that perhaps we ought to look at the campaign - and at ourselves. See... HARD NEWS 26/11/99 - Bring it On! [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Will A New Chapter In History Be Worth Reading?
- On the eve of this our last election before the new millennium, I am reminded of the words of Martin Luther King who said "I have a dream." In the spirit of those words and from my heart, I hope tomorrow as we vote, we think about realising a dream for our country. John Howard writes. See... Will The New Chapter in History Be Worth Reading? [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Is Cullen A Clone? And What About Helen?
- Having been out of the country for a while Sally has romped back to catch the dying days of the century. Believe me, compared to some other parts of the world, NZ is pretty groovy. In fact I would go as far to say, that apart from a terminal attraction ... See... Is Cullen A Clone? And What About Helen? [1] in the Headlines wire.
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West Coast Logging Advocate Under Fire From Own
- An executive member of West Coast pro-logging group, Coast Action Network, is under fire for criticising newspaper adverts placed by his own lobby group. John Howard reports. See... Coast Logging Advocate Under Fire From Own Members [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Latest From Timor
- In amongst the burned out rubble-strewn streets of Dili, a team of local labourers - men and women - slowly, but diligently clear up the mess. A World Vision food for work scheme feeds a family and cleans a city. See... James Addis Reports On Dili, East Timor [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Watson Gets Extended Non Parole Jail Sentence
- In the Wellington High Court this morning Justice Heron agreed with the Crown that double murderer Scott Watson should have his minimum non-parole period extended to 17 years. See... Watson Gets Extended Non Parole Sentence [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Target: The Voyeur and Shame In Us All
– Earlier in the year TV3 screened a heavily promoted episode of its high rating show, Target. The show contained a segment that revealed a plumber doing something inappropriate into a pair of womans panties. Barbara Sumner writes. See... The Sumner Scene - Target For Voyeurs: Shame On Us [1] in the Headlines wire.
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Clark’s Last Plea: Labour for the party vote
- Labour Leader Helen Clark today spent the last day of the election campaign reminding voters of the crucial importance of voting Labour on the party vote to ensure a change of government. See... Clark: Labour for the party vote [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Jenny Shipley Sports Hall Of Fame Speech
- It's always a pleasure to be surrounded by people who represent excellence, who have reached the highest levels of achievement for themselves and for New Zealand. We celebrate them this evening. See... Jenny Shipley Sports Hall Of Fame Speech [1] in the Parliament wire.
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ACT Final Plea For Party Vote
- Less than 24 hours from the opening of the polls, young people have been told that if they want a government that works for them they should give their party vote to ACT. See... Vote ACT For Positive Change [1] in the Politics wire.
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Wind Up Election Campaign
- The Green Party are the first party to wind up their election campaign. Both co-leaders gave speeches to conclude and the feeling in the party is that they will win the Coromandel seat and break the five per cent threshold. See the speeches here... Jeanette Fitzsimons - In Our First 100 Days. See... Jeanette Fitzsimon's Closing Campaign Speech [1] and Rod Donald Speech – Wrapping Up Green Campaign. See... Rod Donald Speech - Wrapping Up Green Campaign [2] . Both in the Parliament wire.
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Lindsay Perigo's Election Editorial
- So, sheeple, you're about to elect an even bossier shepherd, with even more ferocious dogs. Well, sheeple, you are pathetic, dumb, gormless non-entities, mindlessly baaaaaa-ing & braying & begging for the shepherd's commands & the dogs' snarling & biting, surrendering ... See... Lindsay Perigo's Election Editorial [1] in the Politics wire.
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Cannabis Party ‘To Share balance of Power’
- “The key to any centre-left spending spree is a new green industry,” said Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party analysts today, on the eve of the Millennium Election. See... Election 1999: Hemp for Victory, say legalisers [1] in the Politics wire.
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Role Of Censorship Changing in NZ
- The Office of Film and Literature Classification's 1998/99 Annual Report was released today. The report shows a 50% increase in the number of publications submitted for classification by Courts and enforcement agencies in the last financial year. See... Role Of Censorship In New Zealand Changing [1] in the General wire.
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Bendon + trade deficit = free trade failure
- The closure of the Te Aroha Bendon factory today and yesterday's $2.274 billion trade deficit for the year ended October reinforces the failure of National's free trade policies, says the Green Party. See... Bendon + trade deficit = free trade failure [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Asylum Seekers Well Cared For
- Acting Immigration Minister Wyatt Creech has re-iterated that a group of asylum seekers are receiving good care and attention while they are detained in Mt Eden Prison. See... Asylum Seekers Well Cared For [1] in the Parliament wire.
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Co-Ordinator Appointed To Solve Flooding Problems
- The Government has appointed a co-ordinator to find solutions to flooding problems along the Clutha River, in response to requests from Central Otago communities, Prime Minister Jenny Shipley said. See... Co-Ordinator Appointed To Solve Flooding Problems [1] in the Parliament wire.
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NZ Shouldn’t Increase tax as Oz Drops
- “Yet another country is cutting taxes,” Employers' Federation CEO, Steve Marshall said today. “At the same time, some politicians in New Zealand want to raise taxes.” See... NZ Not Smart To Raise Tax As Oz Drops [1] in the Politics wire.
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Illegal GE Ingredients Could Be In Our Food
- There is no monitoring or enforcement of any of the genetically engineered ingredients in our food supply, the Green Party has revealed. See... Illegal GE ingredients could be in our food [1] in the Politics wire.
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