Sue Kedgley Highlights the Safety of Trucking
Green Sue Kedgley Highlights the Safety of Trucking
Tuesday, September 25 2001 Penny Webster Press Releases -- Transport
Green MP Sue Kedgley
accidentally highlighted the safety of trucks today by
stating that seventeen trucking companies are having safety
reviews by the Land Transport Safety Authority, ACT
Transport Spokesman MP Penny Webster said.
"Ms Kedgley claims to be 'alarmed' that seventeen trucking companies are being investigated by the LTSA.
"The facts should quickly put her mind at rest.
"Last year's statistics show there are 5,109 trucking firms in New Zealand. Less than half of one percent of them are being investigated. The industry obviously welcomes the investigation and elimination of the tiny minority of companies that flout the rules.
"Ms Kedgley's pet project is eliminating trucks from New Zealand roads. She is happy to resort to scaremongering and spin to achieve her purpose.
"Trucks are vital for export, trade and industry. Trucking companies directly employ more than 20,000 people. They give work to thousands of other people in support industries.
"And they are safe, as Ms Kedgley accidentally proved today," Ms Webster said today.
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