NZ First Announces ‘Buddy’ Support for Rural Police
Rt Hon Winston Peters
New Zealand First Leader
Member of
Parliament for Northland
14 OCTOBER 2016
NZ First Announces ‘Buddy’ Support for Rural Police
To combat crime in under-resourced rural parts of the country, New Zealand First will roll out and trial Rural Police Support (RPs), says party leader and Northland Member of Parliament, Rt Hon Winston Peters.
“In the 2016 Police Workplace Survey it was found the morale of police working in rural areas is lower than their colleagues in the cities.
“Many of the rural police are in sole charge positions and they have to deal with increased crime.
“New Zealand First’s plan to have 1800 extra police will have an impact but it will not solve the issue in our provincial areas,” Mr Peters told the Police Association conference in Wellington.
“To help our rural areas we will establish Rural Police Support.
“The RPs would come from all walks of like, similar to the rural volunteer fire service, and would have to meet the recruitment requirements as set by the NZ Police.
“Other requirements would be undergoing training and volunteering for a minimum of 16 hours a month.
“They would man police stations in the absence of fulltime officers, go on patrols and take part in crime prevention initiatives.
“They may also be involved in policing major incidents and providing operational support to regular officers.
“At no time will they replace fulltime police – but they will act in a supportive ‘buddy’ capacity,” Mr Peters says.