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Cablegate: Daily Summary of Japanese Press 08/20/07

DE RUEHKO #3830/01 2320816
P 200816Z AUG 07





E.O. 12958: N/A


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(1) Post-election poll

(2) Viewpoint - The Issue of Extending the Special Anti-terrorism
Measures Law

(3) Reform council to take up agriculture, forestry and fisheries
industries in final report due out at year's end

(4) DPJ think-tank stepping up presence in party by compiling own
pension plan

(5) Editorial: Prime Minister Abe must use caution in discussing
late Judge Pal

(6) Political Funds - Female employee in Shiozaki's office embezzles
funds for personal overseas trip and other purposes



(9) Prime Minister's schedule, August 19


(1) Post-election poll

YOMIURI (Page 11) (Full)
August 11, 2007

Questions & Answers
(Figures shown in percentage)

Q: Do you support the Abe cabinet?

Yes 27.2
No 63.7
Other answers (O/A) 3.1
No answer (N/A) 5.9

Q: Which political party do you support now? Pick only one.

Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) 25.8
Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ or Minshuto) 26.9
New Komeito (NK) 3.6
Japanese Communist Party (JCP) 2.2
Social Democratic Party (SDP or Shaminto) 1.0
People's New Party (PNP or Kokumin Shinto) 0.2
New Party Nippon (NPN or Shinto Nippon) 0.4
Other political parties 0.1
None 38.7
N/A 1.1

Q: (Only for those who answered "none" to the foregoing question)
Why? Pick only one from among those listed below.

Because I don't want to support any political parties 7.8
Because I don't have any particular political parties that I want to
support for now 69.2
Because I'm not interested in politics 16.1

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Other answers (O/A) 3.8
N/A 3.2

Q: Do you support the government's steps to deal with its pension
record-keeping flaws?

Support very much 7.7
Support somewhat 29.5
Don't support very much 31.9
Don't support at all 27.5
N/A 3.4

Q: In the July 29 election for the House of Councillors, the LDP and
its coalition partner, New Komeito, suffered a crushing defeat. As a
result, the DPJ and other opposition parties have more than half of
the seats. Do you think this outcome is favorable on the whole?

Yes 33.9
Yes to a certain degree 27.2
No to a certain degree 19.2
No 12.3
N/A 7.4

Q: When do you think it would be better to dissolve the House of
Representatives for the next general election? Pick only one from
among those listed below.

As soon as possible 31.8
By the end of this year 21.4
In the spring of next year after the budget for next fiscal year
clears the Diet 10.3
By the end of next year 12.6
By the end of the prime minister's term of office as LDP president
in September 2009 16.2
N/A 7.7

Q: Which political party between the LDP and the DPJ would you like
to see win in the next election for the House of Representatives?

LDP 31.6
DPJ 36.4
Can't say which 30.5
N/A 1.5

Q: Which political parties would you like to form a coalition
government? Pick only one from among those listed below.

The current coalition of the LDP and New Komeito 21.1
LDP's single-party government 9.9
DPJ-led coalition of opposition parties 27.3
DPJ's single-party government 8.1
Reorganize the ruling and opposition parties to create a new
framework of coalition government 20.5
O/A 0.9
N/A 12.3

Q: Do you think politics in Japan will change for the better, or do
you otherwise think it will change for the worse?

Change for the better 14.1
Change for the better to a certain degree 39.4
Change for the worse to a certain degree 26.6

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Change for the worse 7.8
N/A 12.2

Q: In the election this time for the House of Councillors, the
finalized turnout of voters was 58%, and there seem to be many
people who did not go to the polls. Did you go to the polls?

Yes 79.3
No 20.5
N/A 0.3

Q: (Only for those who answered "yes" to the foregoing question)
Why? Pick only one from among those listed below.

Because there was a candidate I wanted to vote for 15.6
Because there was a political party I wanted to vote for 26.1
Because there was an issue on which I wanted to express my will with
my vote 23.0
Because I didn't want to abstain from voting 28.9
Because I was inclined to vote 4.2
O/A 1.5
N/A 0.8

Q: (Only for those who answered "yes" to the foregoing question)
What time did you go to the polls?

In the morning 50.0
Between 12 noon and 6 p.m. 29.2
After 6 p.m. 9.4
Voted earlier 11.1
N/A 0.3

Q: (Only for those who answered "yes" to the foregoing question)
Which political party's candidate did you vote for in your electoral
district? Pick only one from among those listed below.

LDP 34.4
DPJ 47.8
NK 3.9
JCP 4.2
SDP 1.6
PNP 0.8
Independent 3.6
N/A 3.5

Q: (Only for those who answered "yes" to the foregoing question)
Which political party's candidate or political party did you vote
for in your proportional representation bloc? Pick only one from
among those listed below.

LDP 31.3
DPJ 46.7
NK 8.0
JCP 4.0
SDP 3.0
PNP 1.4
NPN 1.1
Shimpu (New Breeze) ---
9-jo net 0.2
Kyoseishinto 0.1
Joseito (Women's Party) 0.7
N/A 3.5

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Q: (Only for those who answered "LDP") Why did you vote for the LDP
or its candidate in your proportional representation bloc? Pick as
many reasons as you like from among those listed below.

Because I supported the LDP's policies 19.2
Because I supported the Abe cabinet's performance 5.4
Because I had expectations for Prime Minister Abe 27.6
Because I thought the opposition parties were incompetent 30.1
Because I wanted political stability 24.7
Because I always voted for the LDP 30.3
Because there was an attractive candidate 9.0
O/A 2.7
N/A 1.4

Q: (Only for those who answered "DPJ") Why did you vote for the DPJ
or its candidate in your proportional representation bloc? Pick as
many reasons as you like from among those listed below.

Because I supported the DPJ's policies 17.1
Because I was disappointed at the Abe cabinet's political stance
Because I had expectations for DPJ President Ozawa 20.2
Because I didn't want the LDP to win 31.8
Because I wanted to see change in politics 43.8
Because I always voted for the DPJ 5.5
Because there was an attractive candidate 5.5
O/A 1.1
N/A 0.6

Q: What did you consider to be important when you chose a candidate
or a political party for proportional representation? Pick as many
as you like from among those listed below, if any.

Their policies 29.3
Their willingness to reform 29.2
Their nature or management 13.0
Each candidate's personal character or competence 18.6
Each political party head's competence 8.0
Party I always vote for 18.2
Governing party 6.6
Critical stance toward the current coalition government 18.6
O/A + nothing in particular (NIP) + N/A 8.2

Q: When did you finally choose a candidate or a political party to
vote for? Pick only one from among those listed below.

Before the election was announced 47.0
Around the July 12 announcement of the election 6.9
In the early stage of campaigning 12.4
In the latter stage of campaigning 18.9
The day before the election 7.4
On the July 29 election day 5.6
N/A 1.8

Q: (Only for those who did not go to the polls) Why? Pick as many
reasons as you like from among those listed below.

Because I was fed up with the present state of politics 14.8
Because there was no candidate or political party I wanted to vote
for 21.9
Because the point of contention in the election was vague and I was

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not interested 9.0
Because there was no difference between political parties and I
thought to myself that the results would be the same whichever party
I vote for 13.2
Because I thought to myself that the outcome of the election would
not be affected if I vote or if I don't 14.5
Because I couldn't go to the polls though I wanted to do so 37.8
Because I'm not interested in politics 17.8
O/A 3.3
N/A 4.1

Q: What did you consider to be important in the election this time?
Pick as many as you like from among those listed below.

Economy, employment 42.7
Fiscal reconstruction 20.4
Tax reform, consumption tax 26.8
Social security, including pensions 61.3
Low birthrate countermeasures, including childcare support 17.3
Education reform 14.7
Administrative reform, including public service personnel 15.4
Politics-and-money issues 32.4
Social divide, including income gaps 23.9
North Korea 12.3
Foreign, security policies 8.8
Constitutional revision 9.2
Crisis management, including disaster prevention 6.2
Public security, crime prevention 8.9
Environmental protection 10.0
Food safety 14.7
Agricultural policy 5.8
O/A+NIP+N/A 8.9

Q: What do you think was called into question in the election this
time for the House of Councillors? Pick as many as you like from
among those listed below.

What the Abe cabinet has actually done 27.0
Whether or not to let the Abe cabinet stay on 38.1
Prime Minister Abe's political stance 36.8
Solution to the pension issue 58.4
Solution to social divide 20.3
Whether or not to revise the Constitution 9.2
What to do about the House of Councillors 8.7
O/A+NIP+N/A 1.9

Q: What was helpful in particular when you chose a candidate or a
political party to vote for in the election this time? Pick up to
two from among those listed below.

Campaign broadcast 16.9
Election bulletin 15.1
Newspaper advertisement 14.0
Political parties' TV commercial messages 10.2
Street campaign 6.6
Each political party's campaign pledge or manifesto 15.6
Flier, handout, poster 8.2
Newspaper or TV reporting on election campaign 42.3
Political party website, Internet advertisement 2.4
O/A+NIP+N/A 20.0

Q: The media reported that the ruling coalition could lose its

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majority in the House of Councillors and that the DPJ would likely
become the largest party in the House of Councillors. How did those
media reports affect your voting behavior? Pick only one from among
those listed below.

I thought to vote for a ruling party or its candidate, and I did so
I thought to vote for a ruling party or its candidate, but I changed
my mind to vote for an opposition party 2.4
I thought to vote for an opposition party or its candidate, and I
did so 17.9
I thought to vote for an opposition party or its candidate, but I
changed my mind to vote for a ruling party 0.8
I was not affected in particular 53.3
I didn't see or hear anything like such media reporting 4.4
N/A 5.5

Q: At the time of the last House of Representatives election that
was held in September 2005 with the then Koizumi cabinet's postal
privatization initiative, which political party did you vote for in
your proportional representation bloc? Pick only one from among
those listed below.

LDP 48.3
DPJ 20.6
NK 4.7
JCP 2.8
SDP 1.9
PNP 0.6
NPN 0.1
New Party Daichi (NPD or Shinto Daichi) 0.1
Abstained from voting 8.9
Forgot + yet to reach voting age + N/A 12.0

Polling methodology
Date of survey: Aug. 4-5.
Subjects of survey: 3,000 persons chosen from among all eligible
voters throughout the country (at 250 locations on a stratified
two-stage random-sampling basis).
Method of implementation: Door-to-door visits for face-to-face
Number of valid respondents: 1,784 persons (59.5%)
Breakdown of respondents: Male-45%, female-55%; persons in their
20s-10%, 30s-13%, 40s-17%, 50s-24%, 60s-21%, 70 and over-15%; big
cities (Tokyo's 23 wards and government-designated cities)-20% ,
major cities (with a population of more than 300,000)-19%,
medium-size cities (with a population of more than 100,000)-25%,
small cities (with a population of less than 100,000)-24, towns and

(2) Viewpoint - The Issue of Extending the Special Anti-terrorism
Measures Law

August 20, 2007

Overall Review Needed for "War on Terrorism"

By editorial writer Hiroshi Fuse

When the terrorist attacks took place on September 11, 2001, I was

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stationed in Washington D.C. When the US military launched an
attack on Afghanistan about a month later, my honest impression was,
"It finally started." When I visited the ruins of the World Trade
Center, I was filled with resentment against the perpetrators of the
terrorist attacks. And when I heard a loud noise, I could feel my
body harden, thinking that it may be another terrorist attack. That
was how I reacted although I am a foreigner. Thus, it is no wonder
that US citizens eagerly waited for the US military offensive.

On the day after the 9.11 attacks, the UN Security Council (UNSC)
adopted Resolution 1368, which expressed readiness to "take every
necessary action." On the 20th of the same month, US President
George W. Bush ordered the Taliban administration of Afghanistan to
extradite Usama bin Ladin, who is suspected to have masterminded the
terrorist attacks. On September 28, the UNSC adopted Resolution
1373. The Resolution reconfirmed the individual and collective
right to self-defense based on the UN Charter. It also included
measures for international cooperation to contain the flow of
terrorist funding.

It was after these developments that the offensive in Afghanistan
occurred on October 7. Thus, I believe that the United States
strove to build consensus in the international community, although
the offensive was executed as an exercise of the right to individual
collective self-defense. Ichiro Ozawa, president of the Democratic
Party of Japan, is opposed to extending the Special Anti-terrorism
Measures Law, claiming that the US offensive was not based on clear
approval by the international community (or a UN resolution).
However, I believe that it will be impossible for him to persist in
his logic.

On the other hand, I cannot agree with people who seem as if they
were instinctively and unconditionally in support of the law's
extension, praising a refueling mission in the Indian Ocean as "a
symbol of the Japan-US alliance." The "pro-US DNA" in these people
may not necessarily lead Japan in the right direction.

There is time for us to think. For those people who agonize over
whether the law "should be extended or not" in view of the Japan-US
relationship, I would like to ask that they look at past
developments and the overall picture of the "war on terrorism." As
the second stage of the anti-terrorism war, the United States rushed
headlong into the Iraq War, although Usama bin Ladin had not been
captured. This created discord in joint international efforts
against terrorism and continues to seriously fetter the efforts.

The reality is that many countries shelved doubts about the Iraq
War, making the distinction that "Afghanistan and Iraq are
different," and are striving to reconstruct Afghanistan and improve
its security. Yet, the United States has not been able to allocate
its resources to Afghanistan because it has been reducing strength
in Iraq, whereas the US military's prolonged stationing in Iraq is
energizing anti-US forces in Afghanistan. Unless this paradoxical
situation is improved, it will be impossible to make good use of
Japan's support.

The issue of extending the law is linked with the North Korean issue
as well. Behind the dispatch of Ground Self-Defense Force troops
was an ulterior motive to "make the United States owe one to Japan,
so that Japan can provide against problems that may emerge
concerning North Korea" (in the words of a senior Foreign Ministry
official). However, what actually happened was that North Korea

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began to pose a greater threat with its missile launches and the
nuclear test while the United States was occupied with Iraq. In
view of this, a former high-ranking US official who is familiar with
Japanese affairs indicated that Japan is a "victim" of the Iraq

It is troublesome if cooperation for the United States produces
concern over Japan's security. We should take time to calmly
consider "what Japan's national interests are."

(3) Reform council to take up agriculture, forestry and fisheries
industries in final report due out at year's end

NIHON KEIZAI (Page 2) (Full)
August 20, 2007

The government's Council for Regulatory Reform (chaired by Japan
Post Chairman Takao Kusakari) has decided to take up the reforms of
the agriculture, forestry, and fisheries industries as one of the
main features in its final report due out at the end of the year.
The panel plans to discuss measures to promote farmland liquidity,
increase people engaged in the forest industry, and to protect
fishing resources. It will be the first time for the panel to take
up regulatory reforms in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries
industries as a package. The aim is to underscore the posture of
prioritizing local industries, instead of the policy of focusing
only on market mechanism.

The Council for Regulatory Reform intends to resume debate in
mid-September, after the cabinet is reorganized. In its first report
released in late May, the panel proposed reforms in 15 areas, such
as the review of independent administrative corporations and
assistance for second-chance programs. But the report stopped short
of reforming areas that involve vested interests, such as farmland.
Some critics labeled the first report as insufficient as a reform
In the agricultural area, panel members will work out measures to
promote farmland liquidity. Although the panel has reiterated the
need to promote the entry of joint-stock companies into the
agricultural industry, strict regulations on farmland acquisition
stand in the way of such efforts. Given this, the panel intends to
set forth measures to promote farmland liquidation also by means of
leasing land, in addition to transactions. Although preferential
inheritance-tax treatment is applied to land transactions, the
report will looking into also applying this favorable measures to
leasing. In addition, the panel expects to discuss establishing an
agent for leasing farmland.

Given the sharp decrease in the number of those engaged in the
forestry industry, the panel plans to hammer out measures to
expedite newcomers' access. Local governments and forestry
cooperatives are stepping up efforts to train up successors, but
many see little progress made to cope with the situation. The panel
intends to come up with a comprehensive reform plan for the forestry
industry, including the review of its cooperative system.

The panel has hardly discussed reforming the fisheries area so far.
Against the backdrop of fishing resources drying up as a result of
over-fishing, some are calling for reviewing the current system to
manage fishing resources. The panel will discuss such measures as
introducing an allocation system, using overseas cases as

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Calls are growing for revitalizing the agriculture, forestry, and
fisheries industries by such means as boosting new entrees into the
industry. On the other hands, farmers and farm industrial groups who
may lose their vested interests through reform are reluctant about
reform of the industry. If the discussion body tries to carry out
reform in hurry, the Liberal Democratic Party's farm and forestry
policy cliques in the Diet might stiffen their resistance.

(4) DPJ think-tank stepping up presence in party by compiling own
pension plan

SANKEI (Page 5) (Full)
August 20, 2007

The public policy platform (Plato), a think-tank of Minshuto
(Democratic Party of Japan or DPJ), is heightening its presence in
the party. The think-tank has been supporting the party to come up
with its policies, including giving substance to the party's
manifesto (set of campaign pledges) for the July House of
Councillors election. It also worked out its own pension-system
plan. When it was founded, it received cool treatment, with one
saying, "It's a waste of money." Its playing field will likely
expand as a number of bills sponsored by lawmakers are expected to
be submitted to the Upper House, which the DPJ now controls.

Plato was set up in 2005 in order to help the DPJ produce policy
measures without relying on bureaucrats. Two DPJ staff members
coming from financial circles hold full-time positions in the office
located in Nishi-Shinbashi, Minato Ward. They have looked into
individual policy issues, including foreign and security policy and
decentralization, while consulting academics and experts in various

The party leadership directed the think-tank this spring to come up
with a pension system to cover the minimum pension benefits by tax
money. The Plato moved ahead with a simulation, taking advantage of
a large private-sector think-thank, and in early July, it presented
a report to senior party members.

President Ichiro Ozawa, referring to this date, stated at a debate
with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on July 11 that those who receive an
annual income of around 6 million yen would get full pension
benefits. Those who get more than 6 million yen annually would find
pension benefits reduced. He specifically said: "I want those who
earn more than 12 million yen not to receive any benefits."

The DPJ's new pension plan has come under attack by the ruling
Liberal Democratic Party (LDP), which questions where the fiscal
resources will come from, and the amount of the benefits. However,
the new pension plan created an opportunity to bring about Diet
debate on the pension system from that only on the pension records
mismanagement issue. The party executive has determined that the new
pension plan gave the party an edge on the debate.

Plato was established at a time when the DPJ was on a tight budget
because party subsidies had been slashed as much as 1.3 billion yen
due to a significant decrease in the number of lawmakers in the
Lower House election, in which the appropriateness of postal
privatization was the campaign issue. When the DPJ included 120
million yen in the 2006 budget, objections were raised from within
the party that more money should be spent for the labor costs of

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party staffers.

A senior DPJ member said: "The possibility of political change is on
the horizon." He indicated that the party intended to take advantage
of Plato's resources. The DPJ will ask bureaucrats, who have shied
away from it out of fear that of being influenced by the party, to
attend study sessions. It reportedly also eyes to discover future
political appointee staffers from among Plato collaborators.

(5) Editorial: Prime Minister Abe must use caution in discussing
late Judge Pal

ASAHI (Page 3) (Full)
August 18, 2007

During his overseas trip from August 19 that will take him to India,
Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is scheduled to meet with the son of the
late Radhabinod Pal, who served as a judge at the Tokyo War Crimes
Tribunal (International Military Tribunal for the Far East).

Pal was the only judge at the tribunal that took the dissenting view
that all of Japan's 25 Class-A war criminals, including former Prime
Minister Hideki Tojo, were not guilty.

Pal's question about the legitimacy of the Allied trials stuck a
chord with the Japanese people, who were crushed by a sense of
defeat. He has been idolized by some as the only judge who found
Japan not guilty.

After the war, Pal was often invited to visit Japan. Tokyo decorated
him with the Grand Cordon of the Order during his last visit to
Japan, which was made possible by then Prime Minister Nobusuke
Kishi, the grandfather of Prime Minister Abe.

About his planned meeting with the son of the late Judge Pal, Abe
said: "Judge Pal was closely associated with Japan. I am looking
forward to seeing his son to learn about his father." The story is
not that simple.

The international community has been gazing coldly at Japan because
of the former Imperial Japanese Army's involvement with the
comfort-women issue, as well as prime ministerial visits to Yasukuni
Shrine. Abe's meeting might end up sending out a message of
rejecting the results of the international tribunal and Japan's
wartime responsibility.

The sense of distrust in Abe comes from his reluctance to accept the
results of the tribunal. Soon after assuming office, Prime Minister
Abe used diplomatic language at the Diet, saying: "In terms of
country-to-country relations, I am not in a position to object to
the result of the tribunal."

Views are still split over the results of the tribunal. Such
concepts as a "crime against peace" and a "crime against humanity"
were established after the war's end, and the United States, a
victor of the war, was not tried for dropping atomic bomb on Japan.
At the same time, massacres and conspiracies by the Imperial
Japanese Army came to light for the first time. The tribunal also
served as a milestone for establishing international law on war.

Although the tribunal had both good and bad aspects, there is no
doubt that Japan was allowed to rejoin the international community

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because it accepted the verdict. That was Japan's way of bringing
the war to closure. Political leaders must always keep that in

It is also noteworthy that some Japanese have taken Pal's view to
serve their own interests. Specifically, some conservatives have
taken it to mean that Japan was free from war responsibility.

Pal's view was that under the international law at the time, Japan
could not be held responsible for the war of aggression. At the same
time, he harshly criticized the Imperial Japanese Army for the
Nanjing Massacre and other incidents. The judge held Japan morally
instead of legally responsible.

Ashis Nandy, an Indian political psychologist and sociologist of
science who knew Pal personally, strongly warned against using Pal
to justify Japanese militarism.

Is Prime Minister Abe aware of Judge Pal's overall view? He must
abstain from partially discussing Pal's views with his son.

(6) Political Funds - Female employee in Shiozaki's office embezzles
funds for personal overseas trip and other purposes

Online Mainichi
By Shinichiro Nishida

It was learned on 20 August that a female employee of the office of
Chief Cabinet Secretary Yasuhisa Shiozaki had misappropriated for
her personal use some political funds of the Liberal Democratic
Party's (LDP) Ehime No. 1 constituency branch. Shiozaki serves as
the branch's representative. To conceal the embezzlement, some
receipts that had already been attached to the 2005 election
campaign funds report were attached again to the branch's political
funds report. The female employee concealed 6.268890 million yen in
funds by attaching the receipts twice. According to Shiozaki's
office, the female employee was dismissed on 19 August as a punitive
measure, after she had admitted her act. Shiozaki's office will
investigate to see if there was other illicit use of funds, and is
considering lodging a criminal complaint against the employee.

Shiozaki's office, on 20 August, made corrections to the branch's
2005 political funds report. The female employee reportedly said
that she had used the misappropriated funds for "overseas trips and
other purposes." Because there have been several issues of unclear
office expenses involving cabinet ministers, the Liberal Democratic
Party instructed its lawmakers after the recent Upper House election
to look into political funds reports up to the last four years. The
misappropriation by the female employee was discovered by an
investigation following this instruction.

Chief Cabinet Secretary Shiozaki commented: "I am very shocked, and
it is regrettable. I know that I have managerial and supervisory
responsibilities and have made deep self-reflection (about the
misappropriation). I would like to make all-out efforts to find out
the facts and to prevent such a recurrence."


Tokyo Electric Power concerned about possibility of drying up excess
supply capacity while Kashiwazaki-Kariwa nuclear power plant

TOKYO 00003830 012 OF 013


Health Ministry gives up plan to reduce hospitals' department names,
in face of opposition from medical community

Past test questions may be reused for annual university entrance

Japanese firms increasingly depending on overseas business for

J League to offer services to increase elderly persons who need no
nursing care, making use of local characteristics

Tokyo Shimbun:
Transport Ministry plans to facilitate a new transport safety
committee to carry out incident investigative activities

JCP Chairman Shii delivers campaign speech for candidate Yoshikawa
for Saitama gubernatorial election


(1) Government-affiliated financial institutions: We expect
appointments for executive posts that will add momentum to reforms
(2) Reconstruction in Afghanistan must be put on track again

(1) Let's map out measures to prevent elderly criminals from being
(2) Overall review of "fight against terrorism" necessary in
considering whether to extend Antiterrorism Law

(1) Ruling, opposition camp must seriously discuss ban on
misappropriation of pension funds, involving no bargaining
(2) Deepen analysis of relations between economic growth and

(1) New rules on ways of working urged for

(1) Further reform college systems
(2) Take coral bleaching as warning from the sea about global

Tokyo Shimbun:
(1) Timing for shift from analogue broadcasting to ground digital
one might be too early in view of costs
(2) Shanghai Cooperation Organization's (SCO) first joint drill
evoking concerns about strengthened military aspect

(1) GSOMIA aimed at hiding information from the public

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(9) Prime Minister's schedule, August 19

NIKKEI (Page 2) (Full)
August 20, 2007

Set out on trip to Indonesia, India, and Malaysia from Handa Airport
on government plane.

Arrived in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Met Japanese living in Jakarta at Hotel Nikko.

Stayed at Hotel Nikko.


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