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Cablegate: Foreign Ministry Communique On U.S. "Offer to Mediate"

DE RUEHCV #1495/01 3242305
R 202305Z NOV 09



E.O. 12958: N/A
SUBJECT: Foreign Ministry Communique on U.S. "Offer to Mediate"
Venezuela-Colombia Crisis

1. On November 17, 2009, the Foreign Ministry released the
communiquC) contained in para 3 below. An informal English version
is contained in para 2 below. This communiquC) was apparently in
response to the remarks of the Department Spokesman on November 13,
in which he said in answering a question about a possible U.S. role
in fostering dialogue between Colombia and Venezuela: "We, of
course, believe it is in the interests of every country in the
hemisphere to promote dialogue and to promote a peaceful resolution
to any kind of conflicts. . . . It is something for the two
countries to work out, of course. But the United States, of course,
is interested in promoting stability and promoting dialogue."

2. Begin text of informal English translation:

CommuniquC) on the Offer of the United States of America to Mediate
the Colombian-Venezuelan Crisis

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The Ministry of Popular Power for Foreign Affairs of the Bolivarian
Republic of Venezuela, in regards to the recent statements from
officials of the Government of the United States about its
"interest in promoting stability and dialog" between Colombia and
Venezuela, wishes to recall that the installation of military bases
under the unrestricted control of the United States in Colombia
constitutes the origin of a situation of instability and regional

The disproportionate U.S. military deployment on Colombian soil
tries to justify the Government of Colombia as a bilateral force
for the fight against drug trafficking and terrorism.

These arguments are false and do not diminish the doubts and
concerns that the countries in the South American region have
regarding these military bases, which are perceived in threatening
terms due to the magnitude of the program that will implemented
with the installation of equipment for electronic war,
intelligence, military personnel as well as personnel from security

The strengthening of the U.S. military presence is aimed at
projecting its global power to deter, under the threat of military
intervention, countries that, like the Bolivarian Republic of
Venezuela, maintain a critical view in relation to its imperialist

In this strategy, the Palanquero Base will have an important
strategic role as it could serve as a stopover for missions outside
Colombian territory. Venezuela wants to emphasize that even if the
text of the "Complementary Agreement for Cooperation and Technical
Assistance in Defense and Security" does not provide for operations
in third countries, it also does not explicitly prohibit them.

Venezuela's concern in considering the presence of these bases in
Colombian territory under the unrestricted control of the United
States as a grave threat has solid foundations in the most recent
violations of International Law executed by Colombia and by the
United States.

In the case of the Government of Alvaro Uribe, when it illegally
attacked the territory of the Republic of Ecuador in March 2008, it
violated Article 2 (4) of the United Nations Charter pursuant to
which States, in their international relations, shall refrain from
resorting to the threat or the use of force against the territorial
integrity or the political independence of any State, or in any
other manner incompatible with the purposes of the United Nations.

For its part, the United States, with the Iraq war, violated

CARACAS 00001495 002 OF 004

Resolution 1441 (2002) of the Security Council. This resolution
established a strict inspection regime that strengthened the
authority of the United Nations Monitoring, Verification and
Inspection Commission (UNMOVIC) and the International Atomic Energy
Agency (IAEA).

The resolution did not authorize the use of force in the event of
violation by Iraq. The United States violated the United

Nations Charter when it launched a military action without the
approval of the Security Council.

These illegal actions against the letter and the spirit of the
United Nations Charter and the norms that prohibit the use of

force in international relations, very recently violated by
Colombia and the United States, justify the concern by South
American countries about an exaggerated operational and defensive
capacity and a clear ceding of Colombia's own national authority
to the United States by the administration of President Alvaro

While the administration of President Barack Obama has publicly
stated its commitment to respect International Law and
Multilateralism, Venezuelan concern is strengthened when this
administration continues to repeatedly violate resolution 1373
(2001) of the Security Council that prevents States from offering
refuge to those who commit terrorist acts and prohibits the refusal
for political reasons of extradition requests for terrorists. This
country has not complied with the provisions set forth in the
Extradition Treaty with Venezuela as it has refused, by means of
legal subterfuges, to extradite the well-known international
terrorist Luis Posada Carriles.

In the face of this real situation of threat to the stability of
the region by the government of the United States, the proposal to
mediate has a clear purpose, to divert attention from its primary
responsibility for the crisis, and appears insulting in the eyes of
the knowing peoples of the world.

The Government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela reiterates
its categorical rejection of the installation of the
above-mentioned North American military bases on Colombian soil and
its intention to continue the debate within UNASUR about the
difficult regional situation generated by the governments of
Washington and Bogota with their signing of the "Complementary
Agreement for Cooperation and Technical Assistance in Defense and

Venezuela considers that if the United States has a true interest
in working together to promote dialog and regional stability, then
it must desist from its intention to convert Colombia into the
operations base for its regional strategy of domination and control
over the countries of South America.

End text of informal English translation.

3. Begin text of official communiquC):


El Ministerio del Poder Popular para Relaciones exteriores de la
RepC:blica Bolivariana de Venezuela, en relaciC3n con las recientes
declaraciones de funcionarios del Gobierno de los Estados Unidos
sobre su "interC)s en promover la estabilidad y el diC!logo" entre

CARACAS 00001495 003 OF 004

Colombia y Venezuela, desea recordar que la instalaciC3n de bases
militares bajo el control irrestricto de los Estados Unidos en
Colombia constituye el origen de una situaciC3n de inestabilidad y
de inquietud regional.

El desproporcionado despliegue militar estadounidense en suelo
colombiano, intenta justificar el gobierno de Colombia como un
esfuerzo bilateral de lucha contra el narcotrC!fico y el terrorismo.

Estos argumentos son falsos y no disipan las dudas e inquietudes
que tienen los paC-ses de la regiC3n suramericana sobre estas bases
militares, percibidas en tC)rminos de amenaza debido a la magnitud
del programa que se pondrC! en prC!ctica con la instalaciC3n de
equipos para la guerra electrC3nica, labores de inteligencia,
efectivos militares y personal de empresas contratistas de

El fortalecimiento de la presencia militar de los Estados Unidos
estC! orientado a proyectar su poder global para disuadir, bajo la
amenaza de intervenciones militares, a paC-ses que como la RepC:blica
Bolivariana de Venezuela, mantienen una posiciC3n crC-tica en
relaciC3n con su polC-tica imperialista.

En esta estrategia, la base de Palanquero tendrC! un rol de
importancia estratC)gica ya que podrC-a servir de escala para
misiones fuera del territorio colombiano. Venezuela desea llamar la
atenciC3n que si bien el texto del "Acuerdo Complementario para la
CooperaciC3n y Asistencia TC)cnica en Defensa y Seguridad" no
contempla operaciones en terceros paC-ses, tampoco las prohC-be

La preocupaciC3n de Venezuela en considerar como una grave amenaza
la presencia de estas bases en territorio colombiano bajo el manejo
irrestricto de los Estados Unidos, tiene sC3lidos fundamentos en las
mC!s recientes violaciones al Derecho Internacional ejecutadas por
Colombia y Estados Unidos.

En el caso del Gobierno de Clvaro Uribe, al haber atacado
ilegalmente el territorio de la RepC:blica del Ecuador en marzo de
2008, se violC3 el numeral 4 del artC-culo 2 de la Carta de las
Naciones Unidas, segC:n el cual los Estados, en sus relaciones
internacionales, se abstendrC!n de recurrir a la amenaza o al uso de
la fuerza contra la integridad territorial o la independencia
polC-tica de cualquier Estado, o en cualquier otra forma
incompatible con los propC3sitos de las Naciones Unidas.

Por su parte los Estados Unidos, con la guerra en Irak, violC3 la
resoluciC3n 1441 (2002) del Consejo de Seguridad. Esta resoluciC3n
estableciC3 un riguroso rC)gimen de inspecciones que fortaleciC3 la
autoridad de la ComisiC3n de Vigilancia, VerificaciC3n e InspecciC3n
de las Naciones Unidas (UNMOVIC) y el Organismo Internacional de
EnergC-a AtC3mica (OIEA).

La resoluciC3n no autorizaba el uso de la fuerza en caso de
violaciC3n por parte de Irak, Estados Unidos violC3 la Carta de las
Naciones Unidas al lanzar una acciC3n militar sin la aprobaciC3n del
Consejo de Seguridad.

Estas acciones ilegales contrarias a la letra y el espC-ritu de la
Carta de las Naciones Unidas y a las normas que prohC-ben el uso de
la fuerza en las relaciones internacionales, muy recientemente
violadas por parte de Colombia y los Estados Unidos, justifican la
preocupaciC3n de los paC-ses de AmC)rica del Sur por una exagerada
capacidad operativa y defensiva y una clara cesiC3n de competencias
propias del Estado colombiano a los Estados Unidos por parte de la
administraciC3n del Presidente Clvaro Uribe.

CARACAS 00001495 004 OF 004

Si bien la administraciC3n del Presidente Barack Obama ha
manifestado pC:blicamente su compromiso con el respeto al Derecho
Internacional y al Multilateralismo, fortalece la preocupaciC3n
venezolana que esta administraciC3n continC:e violando de forma
reiterada la ResoluciC3n 1373 (2001) del Consejo de Seguridad, que
impide a los Estados ofrecer refugio a quienes cometan actos de
terrorismo y prohC-be la denegaciC3n de las solicitudes de
extradiciC3n de terroristas por razones polC-ticas. Este paC-s ha
incumplido lo establecido en el Tratado de ExtradiciC3n con
Venezuela al negarse, a travC)s de subterfugios legales, a
extraditar al connotado terrorista internacional Luis Posada

Ante esta real situaciC3n de amenaza a la estabilidad de la regiC3n
por parte del gobierno de los Estados Unidos, la propuesta de
mediar tiene un claro propC3sito de desviar la atenciC3n de su
responsabilidad primaria en la crisis y resulta grosera a los ojos
de los pueblos conscientes del mundo.

El Gobierno de la RepC:blica Bolivariana de Venezuela reitera su
rechazo rotundo a la instalaciC3n de las mencionadas bases militares
norteamericanas en suelo colombiano, y su disposiciC3n de continuar
el debate dentro de la UNASUR sobre la difC-cil situaciC3n regional
generada por los gobiernos de Washington y BogotC! al firmar el
"Acuerdo Complementario para la CooperaciC3n y Asistencia TC)cnica en
Defensa y Seguridad".

Venezuela considera que si los Estados Unidos tienen un real
interC)s en colaborar para promover el diC!logo y la estabilidad
regional deben desistir en su intenciC3n de convertir a Colombia en
la base de operaciones de su estrategia regional de dominaciC3n. y
control sobre los paC-ses de AmC)rica del Sur.

Caracas, 17 de Noviembre de 2009

End text of communiquC).

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