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Cablegate: Embassy Tripoli Nominations: Mepi Student Leaders Program

DE RUEHTRO #0164/01 0541157
R 231157Z FEB 10




E.O. 12958: N/A


1. (U) Embassy Tripoli's Public Affairs Section submits seven
nominations for the summer 2010 MEPI Student Leaders Program.
The candidates are, in rank order by Embassy preference: 1) Mr.
Ahmed A A Albibas, 2) Ms. Aram A M Ellafi, 3) Mr. Ataher A Naas,
4) Ms. Mawada M B Elkilani, 5) Mr. Abdalla S Albayoudi, 6) Saleh
S A Saad, and 7) Hana M ElBurki.


2. (U) Candidate biodata follows:
a. Albibas
b. Ahmed
c. Alarifi Alagili
d. 12/05/1987
e. Tripoli
f. Libya
g. Libya
h. Libya
i. Male
j. Suliman Kater Street, Janzour
k. +2180214893753
m. None
n. Al-Fateh University
o. Mechanical Engineering
p. Ice Cream Factory employee; Salesman (family telephone
shop); Engine Maintenance, car mechanic
q. Qaddafi Foundation 2009 Award for Charity and community
r. Shabab alQemma Charity Group
s. Bee Keeping
t. Soccer, chess, athletics
u. None
v. Telephonic interview
w. Plans to become a professor of engineering
x. Nominee has demonstrated a commitment to community service
and social activism. In a country where students rarely work,
the nominee has held multiple part time jobs to assist his
family while maintaining strong grades throughout high school.
He is from a town outside the capital that has not been
developed by the Government as thoroughly as Tripoli.
a. As the candidate plans to become a university lecturer, he
would benefit tremendously from seeing the U.S. model of
education in which students and faculty have a much closer
relationship and in which the student is empowered to design his
or her own career plans, engage in his or her own social
interests and be political and socially active.
b. As a natural leader, he will benefit tremendously from
meeting like-minded peers from both within his country and in
the region. He will gain confidence in his ability to work for
the changes he recognizes the country needs. During the
interview, the candidate stated that one of the greatest social
problems that he sees is the lack of national pride among his
youth peers. He sees dissatisfaction with the government and
its effect on national morale as a real impediment to the social
development of Libyan students and leaders. He stated that
change of this order will originate on the college and
university campuses of Libya.
c. The nominee has stated his interest in long-term
investment in a U.S. education - Post Public Affairs Office
would like to maintain close ties with a young leader like Mr.
AlBibas to 'track' his educational development and, ideally,
enroll him in further U.S. study programs.
y. Jared Caplan, Cultural Affairs Officer, +218912203672,

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a. Ellafi
b. Aram
c. Ali M
d. 12/06/1987
e. Tripoli
f. Libya
g. Libya
h. Libya
i. Female
j. Tripoli
k. +218913808700; +218213605247
m. None
n. Al-Fateh University/Economic faculty
o. Electronic commerce Department
p. None
q. completed the Ernst & Young Internship Program in the
Business Advisory Services;
r. None
s. Drawing and Swimming
t. Plays the guitar

TRIPOLI 00000164 002 OF 005

u. course completion Certificate (Swandean School of English)
Wimbledon, Britain from 06/04/2002 to 09/04/2002.
v. Telephonic interview & test score
w. Plans to become a business woman
x. Ms. Ellafi provided a very strong short essay in which she
identified the recently expanded drug crisis in Libya as being a
matter of growing concern and a phenomenon that is
disproportionately affecting the student population. She
proposed a plan to have students on college campuses work to
raise awareness of the problem and form peer support groups, a
concept familiar to Americans but unheard of on Libyan campuses.
She has proven herself to be a leader and a great candidate for
the MEPI leadership workshop.
a. The candidate has decided that upon graduating with a
degree in economics from Al-Fateh University, she will enter the
private sector to establish herself as a businesswoman. In a
country where women are largely underrepresented in the business
community, strong leaders like Ms. Ellafi are sorely needed.
b. Ms. Ellafi stands to gain considerably from her
participation in the MEPI program. As a woman with strong
interests and clearly defined career goals, the self-confidence
that comes from independent travel across the world will benefit
her tremendously.
c. Ms. Ellafi is an ideal candidate for the Fulbright Program
upon completion of her undergraduate degree in Economics.
Public Affairs Section Tripoli plans to "market" its exchange
programs to alumni of the MEPI program to foster a lifelong
appreciation of education and U.S. study.
y. Jared Caplan, Cultural Affairs Officer, +218912203672,
a. Naas
b. Ataher
c. Ahmed
d. 12/21/1985
e. Tripoli
f. Libya
g. Libya
h. Libya
i. Male;
j. Tripoli/Sarraj Area nearby Afriqia High school
k. +218926617708; +218217284687
m. None
n. Al-Fateh University
o. Medical faculty
p. IT Customer Support at Gold Adler Computer Services
Company and IT Customer Support at the Diamond Computer Services
q. None
r. None
s. Sports
t. Football
u. None
v. Telephonic interview & test score
w. Plans to become a physician with a view to advancing
long-term healthcare reform in the country
x. Mr. Naas has written a strong essay in which he identifies
how his career plans of becoming a physician will benefit his
society. He intends to work with patients directly, but to set
a national agenda of health care reform. He rightly identified
during a telephone interview that Libya has an advantaged
situation of having abundant resources and is largely improving
its human capital but suffers from popular apathy toward public
health programs. His plans of working to advance health care
reform are worthy of fostering.
a. Libya has recently begun to improve its capacity to train
qualified doctors. Most, however, focus their sights on
establishing private practices or joining the Ministry of Health
payroll as doctors in public health facilities. Of the many
medical students that Post has seen in various programs, only
Mr. Naas has identified changing public attitudes toward health
and reforming national health care administration as a long time
personal goal. He will undoubtedly make great contributions to
the local dialogue on health care and is someone that the U.S.
Government should begin investing in early to see that he is
empowered with a solid education and training.
b. This applicant is in a considerable position: his father
is the Chief Prosecutor of the Libyan Supreme Court which
largely gives him the right to speak frankly on matters where
others would fear to let their voice be heard in a country where
information is closely monitored and tightly controlled.
c. Because of his clear vision for his career prospects and
social agenda, Post believes that Mr. Naas would be a strong
candidate for a Fulbright program focusing on health care
administration or public administration.
y. Jared Caplan, Cultural Affairs Officer, +218912203672,

a. Elkilani
b. Mawada
c. M. Bushnaf
d. 02/16/1990

TRIPOLI 00000164 003 OF 005

e. Benghazi
f. Libya
g. Libya
h. Libya
i. Female
j. Tripoli
k. +218913685008; +218927270523
m. None
n. Garyounis University
o. Faculty of Information Technology
p. Part time work at the RIHAM photographer Benghazi
q. Golden Medal for sports in primary school in Vienna;
Silver Medal in self defense martial arts in 2001 in Slovakia;
Honor certificate for a short film Childhood Hazard, certificate
awarded for Social Affairs Benghazi 2007; First Award for a
symbolic sketch in reply to the Danish sketch against the
Prophet Mohammed in 2006; Recognition Certificate for
participating in film making "Enough Ignoring Us" concerning
disabled women in Libyan society as a participation in the first
North African conference of disabled women in Tripoli;
certificate of recognition in the competition of the "young
Engineer" in the faculty of IT using the programming languages
r. Participation in Establishing the Culture Club at the
Al-Fateh Center Benghazi 2006; Supervising the Al-Fateh Center
annual children fashion show 2006
s. General reading; watching horror films; keeping pets.
Ice-skating, cycling, swimming and beginners, self defense;
acting, participated in the horror film "Drops of Horror";
Designing and making clothes and embroidery
t. Writing stories, fiction novels and detective stories;
Writing scenario and the plot for a horror film "Drops of
Horror" produced by a group of students at the Al-Fatih Center
for Gifted Students; Symbolic Drawing and sketching.
u. Primary: Arabic school-Vienna Austria; Preparatory school:
Arabic school-Bratislava Slovakia; Secondary school: El-Fateh
Center for Gifted students- Benghazi-Libya
v. Telephonic interview & test score
w. None
x. Ms. Elkilani is an exceptional candidate for the MEPI
Leaders Program. She is from Benghazi, far from the more
developed and opportunity-abundant capital city of the country.
Although she spent much of her childhood in Europe, where her
father was posted as a Libyan diplomat, she is now back "home"
in Libya for the first time. She moved back to Libya with
confidence and independence--she has leveraged these traits and
qualities on the campus of Garyounis University. She
participates in campus and private social activities including
community service and social activism programs across the city.
a. The candidate has very definite career goals: she plans to
enter the (largely) men-only industry of Information Technology
in Libya. This program will help her to identify likeminded Arab
women who will join her in breaking glass ceilings and becoming
leaders in their industry.
b. Ms. Elkilani would be an active participant in on-campus
discussions during the MEPI program. She stands to benefit
tremendously from exposure to the United States and the messages
of women empowerment and entrepreneurialism that the Middle East
Partnership present.
c. Embassy Tripoli prioritizes recruitment of women from
across the Libyan Jamahiriya in its programming, particularly
those from outside the Tripoli Capital Area.
y. Jared Caplan, Cultural Affairs Officer, +218912203672,

a. Albayoudi
b. Abdalla
c. S.
d. 06/05/1991
e. Benghazi
f. Libya
g. Libya
h. Libya
i. Male
j. Benghazi
k. +218925762687
m. None
n. Arab Medical University
o. Medicine
p. None
q. None
r. Alahly Benghazi Club, Benghazi sport centre, and Al Sahab
s. Soccer and Tennis;
t. weight lifting;
u. UK.
v. Telephonic interview
w. Plans to become a sports and orthopedic physician
x. Mr. Albayoudi is a strong student at Arab Medical
University in Benghazi. He has excellent grades, speaks strong

TRIPOLI 00000164 004 OF 005

English and is excited to participate in a workshop focusing on
a. As a promising young physician, Mr. Albayoudi would
benefit from hearing from peers about how the role of the
physician can be much broader than treating patients.
b. The candidate is from the city of Benghazi in the East of
the Libyan Jamahiriyya. Although a large city, it lags behind
Tripoli in terms of opportunity and development. The impact of
a program on leadership could be profound as Mr. Albayoudi could
be among the cadre of doctors that establish a lasting and
workable health care system in the East of the country.
c. Post makes great effort to recruit nominees from the
economically disadvantaged communities of Libya.
y. Jared Caplan, Cultural Affairs Officer, +218912203672,

a. Saad
b. Saleh
c. Salem A
d. 2/17/1984
e. Bengwad Agdabia
f. Libya
g. Libya
h. Libya
i. Male
j. Tripoli
k. +218914914162, +218913784187
m. None
n. AlFateh University
o. Chemical engineering
p. Waha Co. as Process engineer shift supervisor
q. None
r. Petroleum Institute football team and literature
s. Reading and watching documentaries
t. Extracurricular activities;
u. None.
v. Telephonic interview & test score
w. Plans to get PHD in the atomic chemistry engineering
x. The applicant has very precise career plans that involve
continuing his education to the doctoral level and then working
in scientific research focusing on water treatment and
electrical generation. The applicant has also indicated his
long term interest in becoming a university professor.
a. Mr. Saad would gain tremendous insight into the U.S.
academic world. He also wrote a compelling essay in which he
identified public corruption and embezzlement of public funds to
be the greatest political and social threat that Libya currently
faces. In his essay, he recommends that students play a role in
raising awareness and demands for increased accountability
within the Libyan system. Participating in a leadership workshop
could help him understand how students can play a responsible
role and interact with governments.
b. As the nominee is interested in continuing his education
toward a PhD, it would be great for him to understand the U.S.
educational system so that he may one day qualify for a
Fulbright Science and Technology Award.
c. A key Mission Strategic Plan agenda item for Mission
Tripoli is encouraging the diversion of sciences in Libya away
from weapons research and into areas of beneficial study to
include water purification, pharmaceuticals manufacturing and
power generation. Our candidate has these interests in mind.
y. Jared Caplan, Cultural Affairs Officer, +218912203672,
a. El Burki
b. Hana
c. M
d. 11/26/1987
e. Benghazi
f. Libya
g. Libya
h. Libya
i. Female
j. Benghazi
k. +218913826577, +218928668553; +218925301009
m. None
n. Arab Medical University
o. Medicine
p. None
q. Trained for one year in a pharmacy to improve her
knowledge in drugs
r. Previously participated in exhibitions in drawing on her
s. Loves learning languages, already speaks Italian and
learning French
t. Swimming, poetry and playing basketball
u. None.
v. Scholastic reports
w. Plans to be a doctor

TRIPOLI 00000164 005 OF 005

x. Ms. Elburki originally applied for a separate program, but
PAS recommends her to be considered as an alternate for the MEPI
student leaders workshops as she has demonstrated strong
leadership, maintained good grades, presents a clear vision for
her professional development and as a female from Benghazi
represents a key target audience for Mission Libya public
diplomacy programming.
a. As a medical student, Post believes that Ms. ElBurki
stands to gain much for her participation in the workshop. Post
hopes that she will learn about additional roles that physicians
can play in shaping the health care environment of their home
b. As a woman from a city that lacks the opportunity and
development of the nation's capital, Ms. Elburki stands to gain
confidence and a sense of independence through her participation
in the program.
c. Mission Libya prioritizes applications from candidates
outside the national capital area and particularly from women.
y. Jared Caplan, Cultural Affairs Officer, +218912203672,

3. (U) Embassy Tripoli's point of contact for this program is
Mr. Jared Caplan, Cultural Affairs Officer, telephone:

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