Sri Lanka News Bulletin 29 June - 12 July 2001
Sri Lanka News Bulletin 29 June - 12 July 2001
Crisis in government
2. Norway's efforts
3. Aerial
4. Testimony against Janaka Perera
5. Human
6. Other news
A news bulletin on Sri Lanka
produced by Australian and New Zealand activists working for
peace in Sri Lanka.
Australia - Willie
Zealand - Malathy
1. Crisis in government
Having lost its
majority in parliament as a result of defection,
government was facing a defeat of the no-confidence
motion filed by the
opposition. In a bid to avert this
the President used two provisions in
the much criticised
constitution that give her powers to suspend
and to call for referendum. On July 10, President
Parliament until September and called for a
referendum. An official
statement issued late Tuesday
said the legislature was "prorogued with
effect from
midnight July 10 until September 7". The statement said
the President would call a referendum on August 21
to ask the people
whether they needed a new constitution
and election system to solve the
national crisis. Each
provision had been used just once since the
came into force in 1978, each time as a means to cling
power with disastrous consequences.
The crisis in
government was precipitated when Hakeem from Sri
Musil Party (SLMC), who was a cabinet minister in
the coalition
government, was sacked. He walked out of
the coalition with six other
Muslim MPs thus ending the
majority the government had in parliament.
Ferial Ashraf
wife of the late SLMC leader and three other Muslim
stayed with the coalition.
The country was facing
a parliamentary voting on Fri 6 July on the
extension of the emergency regulation (ER) under which
country has been ruled for 18 years. ER gives the
security forces the
additional powers of arrest and
detention. According to the government
the ban on the
LTTE was also imposed through provisions under ER.
All the
Tamil parties in opposition have been voting against
extension of ER. However no other parties opposed the
extension of ER
until now. With the loss of its majority
in parliament government needed
some votes from the
opposition to extend ER. Both UNP and JVP the two
opposition parties declared that they will vote against
extension of ER.
President choose to avoid the
defeat on ER in parliament and instead
used her power as
the President to proclaim Public Security Ordinance
banned the LTTE under it. Legal experts claimed that the
call on
security forces to maintain public order
following the end of ER
still requires parliamentary
On June 27 President suddenly left the country
after appointing the
Prime minister as the acting
President. This is the first time the
President appointed
an acting President while she is away from the
an indication of the seriousness of the crisis faced by
government. (President was in fact attending the
graduation ceremony of
her daughter in London). During
this time the Acting President announced
that parliament
will debate the no confidence motion on July 16 and
Reports suggested that some leaders from the two main
parties, SLFP and
UNP discussed the prospect of forming a
united Sinhala party. There was
even speculation that the
President and the opposition UNP leader met to
the formation of a national unity government and that the
have failed. The current position is that the
combined opposition has
115 MPs, as against the
government's 109. There were a few reports of
crossing from one side to the other thus changing the
balance with
each such move. Reports suggest attempts
continues to be made to bring a
working arrangement
between the two parties. S B Dissanayake, Minister
Samurdhi Affairs and Deputy Minister for Finance continued
advocate a national government as being vital.
the meantime, the two left parties in the government
coalition, the
Lanka Samasamaja Party (LSSP) and the
Communist Party (CP) said they
will resign from the
government, if the government joins with the main
United National Party to form a government of "National
Observers believe that there is little chance of
this occurring in the
near future. However, due to the
declining popularity of both the
SLFP and the UNP as well
as the smaller parties and the parties of the
coming to the foreground, the argument for
consolidation will strengthen in due course.
July 4, the government changed its mind and refused to
debate the
motion in July and agreed to consider a date
in August. Opposition UNP
was demanding a date in July.
Party leaders were to meet on July 12th to
fix date for
no confidence motion but the President has since
2. Norway's
The peace process in Sri Lanka has
been put on the hold as the
government faced ER extension
and the no confidence motion. The
Norway's effort was
further damaged when Erik Solheim's role was down
by Norwegian Foreign Minister Thorbjoern Jagland on request
the Sri Lankan government.
"Norway Post" reported
that the Sri Lankan foreign ministry has
announced that a
four-member team led by Norway's Deputy Foreign
Raymond Johannsen will revive the stalled peace bid between
Sri Lankan government and the LTTE. According to the
announcement the
Norwegian team consist of the Deputy
Minister of Foreign Affairs of
Norway Raymond Johanssen,
Norway's ambassador in Sri Lanka Jon
Westborg, Erik
Solheim and Ms. Kjersti Tromsdal, executive
Norwegian ministry of foreign affairs.
John Paul also called for Sri Lanka's government and rebel
to pursue negotiations to put an end nearly two
decades of ethnic
3. Aerial
Sri Lanka's air force carried out
extensive aerial bombing in northern
Sri Lanka and it
claimed this is to thwart a potential LTTE attack
recapture Jaffna. Both India and US expressed concern
over the air
attacks asserting that this is not an
alternative to the peace process.
LTTE also issued a
statement that the air attacks have made
damage to the peace process.
Sri Lanka
responded to Indian and US concerns by saying that
comments are unacceptable. Sri Lankan Foreign
Minister said: "These
decisions are never easy to make.
In making them the government must
not be deterred by
what political opponents and others,including
governments, might say. Each sovereign state is the
best judge, the
sole judge, of the dangers to its
territorial integrity." The government
also issued an
unusually strong statement that the only way to end
Tamil separatist insurgency is full-scale war.
Yet, the air strikes were halted in what may be a
response to strong
criticism from the United States and
4. Testimony against Janaka
Asian Human Rights Commission (AHRC)
issued a media release and a
testimony of a victim who
was tortured under the command of Janaka
Perera, the
current Sri Lankan High Commissioner to Australia.
victim in his testimony said that during the 1980's
there was extreme
physical and psychological torture,
overcrowding and hundreds of
extrajudicial killings at an illegal military
camp in Wehera in Kurunegala district, which
was under the command of
Janaka Perera. Tim Gill,
spokesperson for AHRC, said, "We are releasing
harrowing account of the eyewitness not to encourage a
witch-hunt of
the appointed High Commissioner, but to
show the scale of the atrocities
committed in Sri Lanka
between 1988 and 1992, and to call for those
to be brought to justice."
5. Human
The Investigation Officer of the
Human Rights Commission, Mr. S.
Sritharan, visited Boossa
camp recently and recorded evidence from four
persons who
were detained and tortured. The prisoners claimed that
torturer urinated into their mouth, smashed their
fingers, and poured
boiling water down their
Wed July 4 issue of Lakmiba reported that in a
human rights violation
petition filed at the Supreme
court against the officers of the
Terrorist Investigation
Unit, a Hindu priest said the police arrested
him while
he was conducting pooja and the police took off all
clothes and assaulted him and burnt his penis with a
Following the rape of a Tamil woman by three
policemen in Jaffna,
Tamil opposition parties in Sri
Lanka called for a day of protest
against what they say
are the increasing number of gang rapes of
minority Tamil
women by the security forces. The Tamil and
parties say nine-tenths of rape cases go
unreported for fear of
reprisals and social stigma. The
parties want the government to change
the law to deny
bail to alleged rapists and introduce the death
for gang rape. Heeding to this call shops,
offices and schools in
northern and eastern Sri Lanka
closed on July 6. Sri Lankan military
denied that
government soldiers were involved in the rape alleging
the Tiger rebel infiltrators camouflaged in army
uniforms were
Amnesty International issued
a statement calling for the government of
Sri Lanka to
probe the disappearances of a number of individuals
Vavuniya. The human rights organization alleges that
other Tamil
militant group working with the security
forces caused many of the
disappearances. AI has faulted
the government for harbouring these
paramilitary forces
who are allowed to carry out extrajudicial
without any accountability.
6. Other
War casualties according to government
sources: On June 30. Government
troops shot dead five
Tamil Tiger rebels in sporadic confrontations
and rebels
killed one civilian. On July 1, 9 LTTE members
killed on the Trincomalee Coast. On July 5, Sri
Lankan troops attacked a
Tamil rebel camp killing at
least 12 rebels. On July 9, nine LTTE cadre
were killed
in two separate incidents. LTTE's firing squad executed
civilians in public for allegedly spying for
government forces.
According to LTTE sources, the security
forces penetrated an area in
their control and killed a
senior rebel leader and his body guard on
July 1. On July
8 in a similar incident in Vakarai, four civilians
wounded when the tractor in which they were
travelling was hit by
claymore mine triggered by a Sri
Lanka Army. A fisherman was killed and
three others were
wounded when Sri Lanka Army soldiers shelled the seas
Gurunagar on July 2.
The commander of the US Pacific fleet
Admiral Dennis P. Blair is on a
three day visit to Sri
Lanka for talks with President Chandrika
Kumaratunga and
military leaders. He is the Commander in-chief of US
for the pacific region, that covers an area of 169 sq. kms
and 43
countries. He will be the first Commander in-chief
of the Pacific
fleet to visit Sri Lanka. Blair in a press
conference is reported to
have said that USA is against
separatism and is willing to even give
military aid to
Sri Lanka to defeat terrorism.
Full report on the
Bindunuwewa investigations was submitted to the
courts. There were 83 accusations against 43 persons and
report request that the case be heard in front of
three judges.
The hospital in Jaffna in northern Sri Lanka
is suffering from a chronic
shortage of life-saving
drugs. The director of the hospital says they
have had
stop doing X-rays because the authorities have prevented
from bringing in fresh supplies of the solution used
to develop the
films. All supplies of medicine and
equipment to the hospital, which
serves nearly
half-a-million people in an area badly affected by
war, require Ministry of Defense clearance.
Lankan Army arrested Mr. Thivyan Krishnasamy, secretary of
student union of Jaffna University. The Jaffna
University students
protested the arrest by walking out
of the classes. The students
alleged that the arrested
student was tortured. The students continued
their walk
out and picketed for seven days. The military has
that the University be closed in a bid to end
protests against the
security forces. Vice chancellor
told more than 4,000 students at
the University to stay
at home until further notice. Student union has
upon the Jaffna people to help obtain the release of the
A team from the Indian Central Bureau
of Investigation (CBI) was in New
Zealand and Australia
recently to find out the whereabouts of KP, the
mysterious financier of LTTE, who allegedly financed the
of former Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi. The
Indian investigators have
interrogated three Indian men
living in New Zealand, the Herald news
paper in New
Zealand reported.
Sophisticated weapons worth Rs 15
million were seized from a
suspected LTTE bunker by the
Sri Lankan police in Jaffna district,
police said. Some
of the weapons, unearthed with the help of private
informants bore the Indian Army crest and other Indian
markings, police
LTTE may be using Papua New
Guinea and Solomon Islands as routes into
Australia. Four
suspected rebels were caught recently trying to
through P-N-G on forged Canadian and Malaysian
The Director of the planned census in Sri
Lanka(the first in 20 years)
said that it may not show
Lanka's actual Tamil population because
rebels will not
allow enumerators into certain parts of the country.