Organics Plant temporary smell
20 November 2009 Organics Plant temporary smell
The Organics Plant in Bromley has been giving off a spicy vinegary odour following a trial mixing the odour free compost produced from kerbside green bin waste and other material brought in from an external source.
Living Earth and Christchurch City Council are working to reduce the odour as quickly as possible.
Mark Christison, Christchurch City Council City Water and Waste Unit Manager says: "Living Earth are undertaking a number of measures to resolve the odour issue. The Council and Living Earth are very disappointed with the creation of this odour. The contractor will be doing everything possible to rectify the situation as soon as possible".
George Fietje, Living Earth General Manager says, "The Organics Plant was specifically designed using state- of- art oven technology to reduce all odours. This temporary odour is very unusual and we're treating it very seriously".
"To reduce the odour we placed material with no odour over the piles of compost that smell".
"We are also using deodorising sprays on the windrows, and are installing a neutraliser system on the south-western boundary of the plant within the next few days that will remove any odour from the predominant air flow we experience at this time of year".
"Living Earth are taking every step to rectify this situation", says Mr Fietje.