Exciting Development To Karori Town Centre
The redevelopment of Karori’s vacant St John's Church site has taken a major step forward with Wellington City Council announcing Voxell Architecture & Faisandier Group as development partners.
The development is planned to include approximately 40 one and two-bedroom apartments, with retail and commercial opportunities on the lower levels.
“This announcement is an important stage for this project. The proposed development will bring additional life and vibrancy to Karori Town Centre,” says Mayor Andy Foster.
“Smaller housing units right in our town centres on major public transport routes is precisely what we need. Voxell Architecture & Faisandier Group has a reputation for quality. I think the design looks great and will be an entry landmark for Karori Town Centre.
“This development will build on Council’s previous investments into upgrading the town centre, and create new opportunities for retail, hospitality or businesses, notably the library, and community and recreation centres.
“This development will
provide much-needed, low-maintenance, quality living options
for people wishing to downsize or buy their first home,
which is a priority for our capital. This development will
bring much-needed housing and commercial spaces and
contribute to Karori’s ongoing economic
“There is a growing demand for smaller homes within walking distance of important services like public transport, shopping, and libraries. The new development will attract singles, couples, as well as people wishing to downsize while remaining a part of their great community.
“This will also free up larger homes coming to the market for the next generation,” says Mayor Foster.
Zak Kljakovic, Managing Director of Voxell Architecture, sees the collaboration as an opportunity to improve the vibrancy and vitality of Karori’s Town Centre, “We are looking forward to playing our part in strengthening the local Karori community by creating the homes and commercial spaces that really serve them.”
The St John’s site in Karori was purchased by the Wellington City Council in 2000 as part of the Karori Town Centre redevelopment project. The Council then purchased an adjoining property (6 Campbell Street) in 2017 to make the development offer more attractive, and consulted with residents on how they wanted the space to be used. A commercial development at least on the ground floor was decided on as the best way to invigorate the area.
In late 2019 the Council went to market through a second Request for Proposal (RFP) process to select a development partner for the site. As a joint venture partnership, Voxell Architecture & Faisandier Group was selected as the successful candidate. The next step will be for Voxell to create a detailed design for the resource consent application process. More information will be shared with the community at key stages throughout the project.