CommSoft Allocation Advice To Shareholders
Media Release
For Immediate Release
Shareholders Sent CommSoft Allocation Advice
AUCKLAND – Thursday 14 September – Strathmore Group Limited (NZSE: SMR) today announced that shareholders participating in its buyback offer would be sent notices of their allocation of CommSoft shares today.
Strathmore said CommSoft yesterday received conditional approval for admission to the Australian Stock Exchange and would trade in both Australia and New Zealand under the code CSG.
Trading in CommSoft shares will begin early next week on a date to be advised by the ASX.
About Strathmore
Group Limited
Strathmore Group Limited is a technology
investment company with approximately $NZ19 million of
shareholders’ funds. It targets Internet, e-Commerce and
information technology companies with potential to deliver
accelerated growth in shareholder value by competing in
global markets. It provides strategic advice, capital
support, operational assistance, industry expertise and a
network of relationships to assist technology companies to
migrate internally.
For further information, please
Phil Norman, Executive Chairman, Strathmore Group
Tel +64 21 667 210, E-mail:
Michael Bartrom, Botica
Conroy & Associates
Tel +64 9 303 3862, E-mail:
021 403