Manufacturing Sales Continue to Grow
Manufacturing Sales Continue to Grow
Seasonally adjusted manufacturing sales for the June 2002 quarter increased by 2.9 percent, compared with the March 2002 quarter, according to Statistics New Zealand.
This follows increases of 0.5 percent in the March 2002 quarter, and 0.1 percent in the December 2001 quarter.
Thirteen out of 15 industries recorded increases in seasonally adjusted sales in the June 2002 quarter, compared with the March 2002 quarter. Machinery and equipment manufacturing had the largest increase (up $227 million), followed by wood product manufacturing (up $127 million).
There were two industries showing decreases, the largest of these being basic metal manufacturing (down $12 million).
The value of finished goods stocks increased by 2.8 percent as at 30 June 2002 compared with 30 June 2001, while the value of raw materials stocks increased 4.3 percent over the same period.
Brian Pink Government Statistician