Essilor applies for two clearances
12 October 2005
Essilor applies for two clearances
The Commerce Commission has received two applications from Essilor New Zealand Limited. Essilor is seeking clearance to acquire all shares of Prolab (Wellington) Limited, and up to 100% of shares of Optical Laboratories NZ Limited.
Essilor has a variety of activities in New Zealand including the supply of finished and unfinished lenses, and lens processing, in particular the edging and fitting of lenses.
Prolab is a Wellington based optical laboratory lens processor. In addition to edging and fitting lenses, Problab also carries out grinding and coating.
Optical is a Christchurch based lens processing company that grinds, coats, tints and edges lenses. Optical also sells stock lenses.
In considering the application, the Commission's role is to determine whether the acquisition has the effect of substantially lessening competition in a market.
public version of the application will shortly be available
on the Commission's website