October Newspaper Ad of the Month Winner
October Newspaper Ad of the Month Winner

1 November 2006
October Newspaper Ad of the Month Winner
Y&R’s “Flipper” ad for Watersafe Auckland is the Newspaper Advertising Bureau’s October Newspaper Ad of Month.
Judges agreed the idea made use of the newspaper medium in a clever way to convey the water safe message. October judges included Jason Bruckner (Blue Hat Advertising), Mickey Pillay (RBR), Debbie Hyde (Brand New World) and Wendy Lorne (Y&R – who abstained from voting).
Judges also gave special mention to Pak N Save’s newspaper campaign, which uses topical, single-minded headlines to deliver their retail message.
The winning ad will be sponsored into 2007 Axis Awards, and the winning creative team from Y&R will receive $250 cash.
The ad will also appear in the “What’s New” section of November AdMedia, and is now in the running for the overall Newspaper Ad of the Year and $10,000 cash prize.
The NAB Newspaper Ad of the Year award exemplifies the NAB’s commitment to excellence in the craft of print advertising. Great creative newspaper ads are an effective way of reaching the right audience quickly.
For further information and the full terms and conditions, please visit www.nabs.co.nz.