Ngāpuhi Rūnanga announces $1.95M surplus at AGM
Monday 19 November
It was a ‘full house’ at the Tikipunga Baptist Church on Saturday for the 2018 Ngāpuhi Rūnanga AGM. With over 150 people in attendance, Rūnanga Board Chair, Rāniera Tau presented a positive financial result of $1.95M across the Ngāpuhi Rūnanga Group, following a $1.85M net surplus last year.
These financial results represent the Ngāpuhi Rūnanga Group (the Group), which includes Te Rūnanga-Ā-Iwi O Ngāpuhi, Ngāpuhi Iwi Social Services, Te Hau Ora O Ngāpuhi and Ngāpuhi Asset Holding Company Ltd.
“The Group worked hard to achieve this positive result for Ngāpuhi” says Mr Tau. “The balance sheets provide a fiscal view of organisational performance across the Group, but it is the increased ability of the Rūnanga to invest in education scholarships, hapū and marae development initiatives, cultural events, youth, health and wellbeing and economic growth partnerships that I am particularly pleased about. This has been achieved for all Ngāpuhi.”
The Group also received their 18th consecutive unqualified auditor’s report for the 2018-19 financial year.
Other highlights
and achievements announced at today’s meeting,
• Increase in Group net assets to $57.9m,
compared to $55.9m in 2017
• 70 tertiary education
scholarships were awarded including two PhD and eight
Masters students
• $40,000 was distributed to support
Marae and Māori Trust development
• Lorraine Toki
appointed as the new Tumuhere – CEO
• Mere Mangu -
trustee for Te Roopu Takiwā o Mangakāhia appointed as
Deputy Board Chair
• More than 15,000 people attended
Ngāpuhi Festival at Toll Stadium in Whangārei
Attendees also heard from two past Ngāpuhi PhD scholarship recipients Dr Ricky Bell who presented his research on Obesity in indigenous populations, and Dr Hinekura Smith who presented her research on Whatuora, and the roles of Māori women raising children to live as Māori.
Dr Smith said after her presentation "I’m very grateful for the opportunity to share my research today. I’m motivated to continue to give back and support Ngāpuhi in meaningful ways – he aha taku koha ki a tātou o Ngāpuhi?"
The proposed changes to the Rūnanga Trust Deed did not achieve the threshold of 75% to be accepted and ratified. This was confirmed by Chapman Tripp, the independent Returning Officer appointed by the Rūnanga.