New Review Process For Kura Kaupapa Maori
13 August 2001
Associate Minister of Education, the Hon Parekura Horomia, today announced a new process and criteria to be used for reviewing Kura Kaupapa Mäori operating in accordance with Te Aho Matua.
“The Government recognises that, under Te Aho Matua, Kura Kaupapa Mäori have their own principles and tikanga to follow in the interests of the children they are educating,” Mr Horomia said.
Starting in September, the Education Review Office (ERO) will review Kura that operate under the principles of Te Aho Matua using specially developed evaluation criteria.
The criteria were developed by a special Working Party set up by Hon Trevor Mallard last year. Te Rünanga Nui o Ngä Kura Kaupapa Mäori, the Ministry of Education and the Education Review Office were represented on the Working Party.
The new review process is aimed at providing constructive and meaningful ERO reports for use by the board of trustees, tumuaki and whänau.
The first review using
the new methodology will be undertaken at Te Kura Kaupapa
Mäori o Te Marae o Hoani Waititi early next month.
Ministry of Education will assist whänau and staff with a
new self-review process, which will contribute to the ERO
Te Rünanga Nui and ERO have agreed that until 30 June 2002 a representative chosen by the Runanga Nui will act as a kaitiaki and join each review of a Kura Kaupapa Mäori that operates in accordance with Te Aho Matua. The Kaitiaki will represent the Rünanga and the principles of Te Aho Matua. When kura are notified of a review date they will be able to choose their own Kaitiaki from the list provided by Te Rünanga Nui.
Kura kaupapa Maori who do not operate in accordance with Te Aho Matua will be reviewed using the standard ERO procedures.
The criteria are available in te reo Mäori and in English on ERO’s website: