Row Brewing Over Plan To Tax Charities
The gloves are off as charities prepare to battle with the Government over proposals to tax charitable organisations, National's Revenue spokesperson Annabel Young said today.
"The Government's discussion document 'Tax and Charities' has resulted in the Inland Revenue Department being flooded with submissions. At the end of July, 499 had been lodged, despite the closing date being 31 August.
"Charities won't take this lying down. They're determined to fight for their tax-free status and they're taking the matter up personally with the Finance Minister and with Labour MP's in their home electorates.
"I'm know that many charities are still finalising submissions, so the Government can expect a further wave of anger in the next few days.
"These charities are defending their right to do charitable work without the Government taxing their efforts.
"Dr Cullen obviously thought that attacking charities was an easy way to grab more tax, but he has seriously misunderstood how determined these charities are to keep these tax proposals at bay," Annabel Young said.