Green MP’s epic trike mission ends in Wgtn today
Green MP’s epic trike mission ends in Wellington
Green MP Mike Ward’s epic cycling mission from Kaitaia to Wellington (via the Bay of Plenty, the Taupo Cycle Challenge and Hawke’s Bay, and following his Bluff to Nelson ride in April) culminates in a mass cycle ride into the capital and a reception at Parliament this afternoon.
Since he set out on his recumbent trike from the Far North on 18 November Mike has been meeting Mayors, schools, waste organisations, regional business associations, local Greens and the public on the issues of waste, community economic development and transport.
The 61-year-old veteran of every Coast-to-Coast race intends to deliver stories to Parliament from the people he has met along the way so as to provide another perspective on what is going on around the country.
What: Reception for
Mike Ward, arriving back from his trike mission
Where: Parliament steps
Who: Speeches from
Mike, Wellington Green MP Sue Kedgley and Jane Dawson from
the Cycle Advocates Network