Brown Warns Of Transport Promise
4 November 2008
Brown Warns Of Transport
New Zealand First transport spokesperson Peter Brown has warned that the National Party’s $100 million commitment to building the Tauranga central corridor is more an ‘anti Winston Peters’ move than a pledge to improve roading in the area.
“NZ First has always proposed that all the monies taken from the petrol motorist should go directly into upgrading and building more roads, which the Land Transport Management Act put in place and which the National Party voted against.
“Tauranga voters should be wary. The funding promise for the Tauranga central corridor is only being made because of Winston Peters, or more accurately, the threat of him.
“When it comes to roading in this region, Winston’s record is remarkable. He negotiated a toll-free harbour bridge with Labour and now National has followed his lead and committed $100 million for further essential Tauranga roading. He has achieved all this without being the MP.
“Tauranga voters should take note, ask themselves what he would further achieve as their MP and vote accordingly,” concluded Mr Brown.