Storing up trouble in Wiri
Storing up trouble in Wiri
The Government is storing up trouble by allowing another prison to be built in the Auckland suburb of Wiri, the Green Party said today.
“Building another prison demonstrates that the Government has no better ideas of how to reduce crime than locking up low-level offenders,” Green Party Corrections spokesperson David Clendon said.
“The $370 million cost to the tax payer for the prison is equal to 11 years of what the Government is currently spending on drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs.
“We know that most offending in New Zealand is related to drug and alcohol problems. We need to treat addiction.” Mr Clendon said that the prison would just store up trouble in Wiri rather than helping people turn their lives around.
“It is disingenuous to suggest that locating another prison in South Auckland will facilitate post-release employment or that ex-inmates will find accommodation.
“A private prison in Wiri means more crime and more violent crime and it means weaker communities.”