Landmark case paves way for pay equity
Women’s Affairs Spokesperson
23 August 2013
Landmark case paves way for pay equity
An historic Employment Court decision yesterday paves the way for pay equity for all caregivers and other low-paid workers, Labour’s Women’s Affairs spokesperson Sue Moroney says.
"Labour congratulates Kristine Bartlett and the Service and Food Workers Union for taking on this complex court case. Women workers everywhere owe a lot to them.
“This victory sends a strong signal to the National Government that change is long overdue. There is massive pay inequity in the aged care sector,” Sue Moroney says.
“For too long ‘women's work’ like that done by Kristine has been undervalued and not respected for the contribution it makes.
“While this is just the first step, we expect to see thousands of equal pay cases launched by other carers especially in the aged care sector, which is directly funded by the Government.
“Women’s Affairs Minister Jo Goodhew told Parliament just a few weeks ago she hadn’t been briefed on this case. It is now vital she gets up to speed with this issue.”