Rethink welcomed
David Shearer
MP for Mt Albert
Foreign Affairs Spokesperson
6 October 2016
Rethink welcomed
The Labour Party is pleased that Craig Foss is reconsidering the return of New Zealand soldiers buried in Malaysia, says Labour’s Foreign Affairs spokesperson David Shearer.
“For the families of those who lie there, this will a welcome move. The place where these soldiers are buried makes it difficult for relatives to reach. Others killed in the same conflict were brought home for burial.
“Australia has already removed its soldier’s remains. It is clear New Zealand should do the same.
“The highly moving appearance of families at the Select Committee last month was decisive in Foss changing his mind. Members of the Committee felt that this case was a unique situation and bringing their loved ones home was the right thing to do.
“The families cause had been brought to the Committee’s attention by Phil Goff who had pushed strongly on behalf of the families for some time.
“The decision by Craig Foss to conduct a review into the soldiers when the situation and the merits of the case are without doubt is unnecessary. He has flip-flopped for too long. It’s time to just get on with the job and bring these soldiers back,” says David Shearer.