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TOP: Maori Seats Only Bottom Line

The Opportunities Party Makes Maori Seats
Its Only Bottom Line

In a speech at Turangawaewae Marae in Ngaruawhahia today, Opportunities Party Leader Dr Gareth Morgan has made the retention of the Maori seats the party’s only bottom line for negotiations after the general election.

Dr Morgan promised TOP’s full support, in or out of parliament, in resisting any moves to diminish or disestablish the Maori seats, by referendum, or any other means.

“Let us be very clear,” says Mr Morgan, “We will not support any government which has on its agenda any policies to reduce or remove current Maori representation in Parliament.”

TOP also announced it will not contest the Maori electorates as it does not believe any party without Maori interests at the core of its kaupapa can justifiably do so.

“History has shown us that when mainstream parties have Maori Electorate MPs, they are at best, neutralised as effective advocates for Maori, or at worst, manipulated to serve the self-interest of established political groups,” says Dr Morgan. “We have several Maori candidates who will contest general electorates, and campaign hard for party votes from those on the Maori roll.”

Amongst its policies TOP plans a democracy reset which includes a clear written constitution and permanent recognition of the principles of The Treaty of Waitangi.

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