Green Party celebrate passing of oil and gas bill
Green Party celebrate passing of bill to end offshore oil and gas drilling
The Green Party is celebrating the passing of the Crown Minerals Amendment Bill, ensuring we are act meaningfully to address climate change in Aotearoa.
“This is a significant day for our transformation away from fossil fuels, and towards a clean, green, low carbon future”, Green Co-leader James Shaw said today.
“This Bill is an essential first step in winding down offshore exploration for new sources of fossil fuels. We are in Government together to do this work, to create the change our people and our planet need to flourish.
“The Green Party recognises the interdependence of people and planet, and the need to ensure that all economic activity is within the carrying capacity of our environment. The burning of fossil fuels is inherently unsustainable.
“We are responding to the challenge of climate change and ensuring we are a stronger, fairer, and more sustainable country”.