Parents Smacking Down Prime Minister
15 September 2014
Parents Smacking Down
Prime Minister
"John Keys failure to deliver on his promise to change the anti-smacking law is costing National votes, and helping the Conservative Party," says Colin Craig.
“Parents are smacking down John Key, and this stupid law.”
"The Conservative Party is constantly receiving messages of support, with people referencing the anti-smacking law as a primary reason for changing their vote."
"The Conservative Party has consistently campaigned against this damaging law."
“The evidence is in and the anti-smacking law is a colossal failure. Bradford’s campaign against decent parents has already harmed enough families and children, as resources have been misdirected.”
“All the law has done is misdirect valuable police and CYFs resources to target good parents. General child abuse has risen 32% since the law but worse, violent assaults on children are up 83%. It’s a shocking failure compared to the Australian approach which allows a light smack for correction, and where child abuse has been successfully targeted, reducing the incidence by 11%.
“This election a party vote for the Conservatives will put a party into parliament that will challenge the politicians who have so arrogantly ignored the wish of the people.”
“When 87.5% of referendum voters said “change the law” they were right. This election the Conservatives offer voters a chance to make a difference by establishing the right of citizens to force the governments hand through referendum.”