Police Acknowledge IPCA Report On Whanganui Incident
Police acknowledge an Independent Police Conduct Authority (IPCA) report released today that found the search and subsequent charging of a woman in Whanganui was justified.
In September 2020 the woman was taken to Whanganui Police Station where she was searched and, due to concerns for her mental health, was asked to put on a tear-proof gown.
The woman failed to comply and was assisted by Police.
A complaint was made about her treatment in custody, including the way she was searched, the removal of her clothing, and the decision to charge her.
The IPCA found Police followed all relevant policy and there was sufficient evidence to file a charge of committing an indecent act with intent to insult.
However, it also found the shift supervisor — identified as “Officer D” — failed to review information included in the charging document and made a judgement error when cutting the woman’s undergarment straps.
“Police are confronted with challenging people and situations on a daily basis. When issues arise, it’s important we review our actions and, if necessary, make changes to ensure our staff are best placed to provide the service New Zealanders expect and deserve,” Whanganui Area Commander Inspector Nigel Allan says.
As an investigation into this matter is ongoing, Police are not in a position to comment further.